Wooshin (Up10tion)

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It's a long one so grab a snack. Or don't, you have free will so do as you please. But I do hope that you enjoy this one~

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I kicked at a pebble and watched it jump across the pavement as I started to cross the street. A vague vision emerged from my mind but it was too foggy to understand what it was trying to say. Without realizing it, I bumped shoulders with a woman passing by and sent her falling. I was fortunate enough to catch her in time, now holding her in my arms as she stared up into my eyes with a dazed look on her face.

"Hi, I'm Maria." She said breathlessly, her eyes filled with an emotion I didn't quite understand.

"Henry," I smiled, pulling her back on to her feet and unintentionally pressing her to my chest.

Maria wrapped her arms around my neck, "Henry... I feel oddly connected to you. It feels like my heart is being pulled to you."

I looked down at her, shocked by her words but surprisingly overjoyed. "I don't know why but I feel the exact same way, Maria." I bent my head downwards as she brought her lips to mine, a fiery passion erupting in my stomach. Everything about what is happening right now is absolutely ridiculous.

And dangerous.

The vision from before came back in full force this time, a clear warning to never meet a certain person. But I couldn't tell who this person was because while we were still trapped in a kiss, a car was speeding right in our direction.

─── ⋅◈⋅ ───

"Lana!" I looked behind me as a girl hurried over to our picnic table, "You're late!"

She sat down on the bench and took in a deep breath, "Sorry about that, Flora. They let us out of class late again."

Both girls turned their attention to me, "Lana, this is my brother's friend Noah. He offered to drive us to the mall today."

I waved lamely, "I am your chauffeur for the day."

"Did you lose a bet or something?" Lana laughed. I just nodded which sent both girls into a fit of laughter, "I am so sorry to hear that."

I shrugged, "It's all good. Should we get going now?" They both nodded and we quickly walked over to my car. "For the full experience, and since your brother really wanted to push the whole chauffeur thing, you both can sit in the back." I opened the back door, "Ladies." I paused, "Someone has to slide because I'm not walking around."

Flora slid into the car first and Lana followed soon after with a laugh, "Do you have a hat too?" I shut the door without answering her, pulling open my own door.

"Sadly, I do not." The girls booed jokingly, "Just because I'm driving you guys around, doesn't mean I will go to where you want me to go."

"Sorry," Both girls mumbled. Lana tapped my shoulder, "Will you take us to the mall, please?"

I sighed, "I guess I can do that."

The drive to the mall was fine, the girls talked to each other and let me pick the music so all was good. They didn't leave till late though, so by the time we were driving back home, it was already dark.

When we were driving back, I talked to the girls for a little bit but Flora seemed to fall asleep pretty quickly. The car grew quiet after that so I guessed that Lana fell asleep soon after. Now the only thing filling the air was the occasional car passing by. When a truck stop came up, I pulled into it so I could finally refill my tank.

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