Kogyeol (UP10TION)

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oh look, another one shot because of a writing club prompt

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The last school bell rang, signalling all the students to run out of their classes and escape the school as fast as possible. I found myself slowing packing my bag, not really wanting to be one with the crowd. Just the idea of being stuck inside a crowd of my classmates gave me immense anxiety. The closeness of everyone, feeling arms brushing against your own without know who they belong to. Accidentally getting shoved around by people walking faster than you, people who are just trying to beat the crowd and escape faster than everyone else. Just the thought of not being able to escape, feeling trapped by just the people around you, sent a shiver up my spine. The fear quickly started taking over my mind and sending my brain into an endless spiral of terrible thoughts.

I shook my head as if I was an etch a sketch and shaking my head would act as eraser for all my thoughts. You're fine, you are not in a crowd so there is no need to have these thoughts, I thought to myself. I realized I had already made my way out of the school, standing at the top of the steps. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was already filling up with dark clouds, ready to dump their contents on this small town amd the people inside it.

Mom was right, I should've brought an umbrella with me to school today. Of course I didn't listen, that would make too much sense and make my life too easy. I started walking down the steps, already anticipating to get soaked on the walk home, and started going through about what I had to do over the next couple days.

"So there's that science thing we have due on Monday and there's a science and math test on Thursday." I mumbled, going through the short list in my head. I never think to write this stuff down, one day I'll do that. That's a lie, I could never be that organized.

I felt a raindrop fall on the top of my head and sighed. And so it begins. This is what I get for not listening to mom, I'm never going to hear the end of this.

As the rain started coming down harder, I ran for any cover I could find and ended up running under a nearby bus stop shelter. A few people were already there, some hiding from the rain like me and others actually waiting for the bus to come.

It didn't take long for the bus to come so most of the people who were originally under the shelter had already left. The last two were just picked up in cars so I was the only person left under the shelter and the rain did not seem to be letting up.

Sighing in defeat, I stood up and started to leave the bus stop. I felt a couple drops land on my head and then I felt nothing. I looked up and saw a guy standing to my left, holding an umbrella above my head.

"Need some help?" He grinned down at me and I felt my insides melt under his gaze. I nodded lamely, unable to form words without sound like an idiot. "I'm Go Minsoo by the way."

We started walking together, the rain continuing to fall down hard all around us and I felt some drops hitting my right arm. "Well, I'm Y/n. And thanks for helping me out."

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me, "You know, we have some classes together. I'm surprised we've never talked to each other."

"Really?" I said as I kicked a pebble and watched it skip down the sidewalk, "I guess we've just never had the opportunity to connect then."

When we approached where the pebble had landed, Minsoo kicked it and it flew way down the sidewalk. "Oops, that may have been a little overkill." He chuckled. "I guess the rain was my opportunity to approach you then. I always found you a little intimidating so I just looked at you from afar and I promise I'm not stalking you." He spoke quickly and I laughed, shaking my head.

"You're fine, you only sound a little creepy." I said as I pinched my index finger and thumb together, leaving a small space between them. He huffed a little, "Oh, don't pout. I told you it's fine. That's kind of cute if I'm being honest." Well that was a little too honest, why did I say that?

We both went silent as we continued walking, both too embarrassed to say anything to each other. I found another pebble as we walked and kicked it, sending it flying into the street by accident. "Nice shot." He laughed.

"Shut up, maybe I did that on purpose." We both laughed and I realized we were getting close to my house. "I never told you where I live, how did we end up here?"

"Y/n, we're neighbors." He said, blankly. We stopped walking and I looked up at him, shocked by this information.

"I'm so oblivious, oh my god." I put my hands on my face, laughing. "I'm so sorry, you're really nice and now I feel bad for never talking to you."

We stood on the corner of the sidewalk, waiting for the light to change so we could cross the street. "Don't worry about it. I should've taken a chance earlier to talk to you if I really wanted to get to know you." I looked off to the side as we waited and watched the rain fall.

There were people running to their cars and some were taking their time, clearly enjoying the rain. I was quickly knocked out of my thoughts when Minsoo pulled me behind him as a car sped by, spraying us with water. "You really don't pay attention much, do you?" He laughed, shaking his arm.

I laughed, covering my mouth and pointing at his side, "You're soaked now, I'm so sorry. But thank you for protecting me." I said.

"I just don't want you getting sick. Then I wouldn't be able to see you..." He trailed off with a small smiled. We finally crossed the street and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You're too sweet, I don't deserve to know someone like you." I laughed lightly. We finally were at my house and I stopped to look up at him, "Thank you for today, I really appreciate the help and everything."

He put his hand on my shoulder and I saw he had a big grin on his face, "It's fine. Now you can make it up to me since I saved you twice."

His grin turned more mischievous and I laughed timidly, "How can I make it up to you?"

He dropped his arm from my shoulder, losing most of his confidence from moments before, and rubbed the back of his neck, "I, uh. I kinda have a crush on you. So, would you want to go on a date with me sometime?"

I looked up at him in shock, I would have never guessed that he liked me in that way. He looked so unsure of himself in the moment and his wet hair just added to his demeanor. He looked like a wet puppy that wasn't sure if they were about to be scolded or not. "I could probably make some time for you." I smiled and watched as he instantly perked up. I melted, his smile sending my heart into a small frenzy and made my stomach do small flips.

"You better! You can't ignore me now!" I laughed as he handed me the umbrella, "Take it, I can just run home. I'm already wet, it's fine!" He yelled as he started running off.

"Yah! Go Minsoo! You're gonna get sick!" I yelled as he ran backwards, waving at me with a dumb grin on his face. I shook my head, smiling, and made my way inside my house.

"Well someone's in a good mood today." Mom smiled as I walked into the house, "Where did you get the umbrella?"

I shook the rain off the umbrella as I closed it, standing it up in the doorway, "My friend gave it to me." I said with a shrug.

"Your friend?" Mom asked with a somewhat knowing look in her eyes, a smile forming on her face.

I rolled my eyes and started going up the stairs, "Yes mom, my friend." I laughed, "Friend for now, at least." I mumbled, a soft smile making its way onto my face as I thought about what had just happened.

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hope you enjoyed this, byee

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