Junhoe (iKON)

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Wow someone actually requested this one, I'm actually shocked. I hope you like it!
Requested by kimerinchii17 enjoy~~

"YAH!" I heard as someone gets slammed into the lockers. I continue to walk and realize that the sound came from the hallway I needed to turn down. I sigh and begin making my way down the hall. I look up and lock eyes contact with Chanwoo, a boy in the year under you, who looks positively petrified. In front of him was none other than Junhoe, the school's bad boy. I accidentally made eye contact with him and roll my eyes. I motion my head for Chanwoo to run off because Junhoe is distracted. He gets the message and runs off.

"Erin-ah!" Junhoe yells, but I ignore him and go to my locker. I pull out the books I need for my next class and shut my locker. "Hey I called for you." He says, way too close for comfort.

"And I ignored you. Now if you don't mind I'll be leaving." I say, with a smug smile on my face. It's such a shame, the cute ones are always assholes. I begin walking off when he grabbed my hand. I pull my arm away, "I'm not a toy, you can't just grab me asshole." I quickly walk off and continue on with my day.

The next couple weeks go by mostly normally. However I noticed Junhoe more but not exactly in a good way. It seems that whenever I'm around he's picking a fight with someone, bullying younger kids, or just doing something terrible. It seemed odd because other than what I saw, no one said anything.

I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria when Youngjae sat down next to me. Now this wasn't extremely odd but again something seemed off. "Erin noona, do you know why Junhoe is how he is?" He said. I knew it, something did seem off.

"How the hell would I know? I try my best to ignore him kid." I sighed, "Why ask though? Should I know?" He quickly shook his head.

"Wait so are you not into the whole 'bad boy' thing?" He cocked his head to the side in a questioning manor.

"No, it's stupid why would I be into a guy who is an ass and would probably treat me poorly?" He nodded his head, as if he's taking notes on all of this. He waved to me and quickly ran off. "Just me or was that weird?" I asked my friends.

"Very weird." They all said in unison. I laughed and shook my head. Youngjae was always a weird one, might as well just brush it off.

It was a Wednesday and I happened to be wandering the halls, avoiding history class. It had been about 2 days since I talked to Youngjae and I hadn't heard anything about Junhoe. I walk down the hall to my locker and grabbed a water bottle.

"Erin-ah, can I talk to you?" I hear. I turn around and see Junhoe looking at the floor and rubbing his neck. I slowly shut my locker and turned to him.

"Sure. Speak." I said. He sighed and shifted from foot to foot for a second.

"Look, I'm not really a bad boy, it was just an act. I thought maybe if I acted out I may happen to grab your attention." He finally looked up at me and I think I started to melt.

"You could just talk to me, that would've gotten my attention. Why would you even want to grab my attention though?" I tilted my head and looked up at him.

"Wait, do you not get it? Erin I've had the biggest crush on you since freshman year. I've always been so scared to talk to you, you're so cool and smart and I just couldn't." He sighed. "Listen, I know I'm stupid and I shouldn't have done all of that but can we move past that?" He said. He took my hand in his and I just stared at him.

"So you're not a complete asshole?" I said, slightly confused over everything that just unfolded.

"Oh course not! If that was the case, Youngjae wouldn't be friends with me." He said with a laugh.

"You're cute Junhoe." I said with a smile. "I think we can move past this." I said, finally meeting his eyes. He had one of the biggest, possibly dumbest, smiles on his face and I mimicked it. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"IT WORKED? I TOLD YOU SO! LISTEN TO ME MORE OFTEN!" Youngjae yelled from down the hall.

"Ahh I get it now. You made him talk to me!" I laughed and lightly hit his arm.

"Mhm, just for you babe." He said, causing a little blush to appear on my cheeks.

"Yah..." I said half heartedly as we walked down the hall. I looked up at him and smiled to myself. I think this was a pretty good decision I just made.

Chanwoo is from iKON and Youngjae is from GOT7 because I needed people and they were who I thought of. Okay that's it! Bye~~

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