Kogyeol (Up10tion)

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Some lame, mildly easter themed kogyeol cuteness.

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"And here we have a wild Alice, staring not so subtly at the majestic Kogyeol. What could she possibly be thinking?"

"She's thinking that she needs to make some new friends." I looked at Dana and rolled my eyes, "Let me observe in peace."

"You're no fun," Dana slid into the seat next to me. "What's he doing today?"

I leaned against my hand and let out a soft sigh, "I think he's volunteering for something. Isn't he such a good person?"

Dana hit my arm, "That's perfect!" I looked at her, clearly confused to her displeasure. "You should sign up for whatever it is too!"

"Why would I want to do that?"

Dana let out a loud sigh and facepalmed herself, "So you can finally talk to him, dork."

I shook my head, "I would be a nervous wreck! I can barely manage to say hi to him in passing! Can you imagine how much of a mess I would be if I had to be in close proximity for an extended period of time?" I shook my head again, "I can't do it."

I let my eyes fall back down to the paper in front of me as Kogyeol walked past our table to his. Dana groaned and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up with her. "This is a sign and I'm not letting you ignore it."

We stood in front of the board and looked around to find where he had signed. "Egg decorating?"

"It's with little kids." She tossed her hands up, "Okay, forget everything I said."

I looked at Dana and sighed, "Give me something to write with. If he can be a good person, then I can be a good person too."

"If he can be a good person, then I can be a good person too, " She mocked me as she handed me a pencil. "I hope you end up covered in glitter, he'll definitely notice you then."

"Shut it."

"I pray that those evil little kids make you wish you never signed up."

I looked at her and laughed, "I thought you wanted me to do this?"

"I do, and I truly hope that you too will bond over sticky kids and dyes, but imagining everything going wrong is my specialty."

"Remind me why we're friends again?"

She linked her arm with mine as we walked back to our table, "Because you love me dearly." She paused before continuing, "And you need me to push you to do things like signing up to decorate eggs to talk to your crush."

─── ⋅◈⋅ ───

I should've backed out.

I walked up to the doors, repeating the steps that Dana gave me the other day.

"All you have to remember are these three steps."

I nodded, "Three steps."

"Step one, breathe in. Step two, breathe out." She grinned, "And step three, repeat and try not to make a fool of yourself."

"Easier said than done."

I took in a deep breath and exhaled before opening the door. I was instantly greeted by a woman who was running this event.

"Hi, I'm Alice."

"Alice, welcome! You can follow Kogyeol, he's in your group." I nodded meekly and rushed to catch up to him. I stayed slightly behind him, silently following him. But I guess he knew there was someone behind him.

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