Wei (Up10tion)

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I forgot to post this on halloween but here ya go!

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"Okay, you go ring the doorbell and then we'll all shout trick or treat!" There was already a new group of kids at my door and they were a prepared group. I laughed as I listened to their little plan, it's cute to know they're a very well organized group.

I grabbed my candy bucket a few seconds after the doorbell was rung and opened my door. All the children held out their bags as they yelled out, "Trick or treat!"

I scanned over the group, there were a few kids no older than 6 and some were around 10 or 11. When my eyes glanced over the center of the group, I noticed a rather tall individual. Too tall to be young enough for trick or treating, that is.

But I was never a fan of telling someone they're too old to be trick or treating so I just surveyed the costumes and handed out the candy.

When the tall boy came up and held out his bag, I dropped in the same amount of candy that I gave the other kids and smiled at him. "Are you their leader?"

He nodded and looked at the kids around him, "You are the first person to not say I'm too old for this."

"Well I'm not a fan of being a party pooper is all." He nodded and grinned, "You kids have fun tonight!" I closed the door as the group walked away and sat back down in my spot, waiting for the next cluster of children.

The next couple of kids were all very young, some young to the point I was questioning the motives of the adults. But who am I to judge, I just hand out the candy to those who say trick or treat.

The night began slowing down, as it does every year, and I hear some arguing outside my door. I decide to move closer and try to listen to what was being said.

"Just go talk to her! She was nice, I'm sure she won't bite you." A feminine voice said, sounding very encouraging for someone so young.

"Wei, Halloween is not the night to be a chicken!" Another small but strong voice spoke.

"You're supposed to be cool since you dressed up like Deadpool! Deadpool would not approve of this behavior." I could hear the disapproval in their tone and it made me chuckle.

I heard some shoving and then a sudden knock at my door. I picked up the candy bucket and opened it to find the tall boy from before except this time he was in a Deadpool costume, "Weren't you a pirate like two hours ago?"

He nodded, "We all did a costume change. The kids wanted to be several things this year so we all picked two things."

I looked around him and laughed at the kids, all of them waiting expectantly. "Well, that's cute. Did you come here for more candy?"

He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled, "Not exactly."

I cocked my head to the side, "Well why else would you be here?"

A little girl in a witch costume bounded up the steps and stood beside the tall boy. She tugged on my hand so I squatted down to her level, 'Our friend Wei here thought you were pretty. He a lot older than us, he's 23!" She laughed, "We wanted to make him talk to you again because we all want him to go on a date."

I laughed and stood up to face Wei, "Wow. So, you think I'm pretty?" I smiled, tossing my hair over my shoulder in an exaggerated way.

"Maybe..." He pulled the mask over his face, covering any possible blush on his cheeks.

"You sound flustered. I guess I would be too if a bunch of little kids made me talk to someone I thought was cute." He nodded his head.

"I guess these little kids are braver than me," He mumbled as he looked back at the kids behind him.

I quickly grabbed a pad of paper and scribbled down my name and number. I tore off the paper and stuffed it into the bucket before he turned back around. I fake yawned and looked at my phone, "You guys better get moving if you want to get any more candy. Come closer for a second everyone."

Every kid made another round and I gave out large handfuls to each of them, Wei being the last to come for candy, "Hold open your bag for me please."

He held it out and I proceeded to dump the rest of the bucket in his bag, 'Wait, are you sure?"

I nodded and placed the bucket on the ground, checking to make sure it was completely empty. I smiled and stood on my tiptoes so I could whisper to him, "Share with the rest of the kids and their parents. There's something in there just for you though."

I couldn't see his face but I'm sure it got even redder at that moment. Some of the little kids had to grab his hand to drag him away when I finally shut the door, turning off the front porch light.

Well, that was bold of me.

Not long after, I received a text from who I can only assume as Wei.

"Wow, that was smooth. Hi, you're cute"

"Thanks ^-^ You're also cute"

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well I hope you had a nice halloween if you celebrated it.

small announcement for anyone that cares, I am finally out of drafts! Yay, it was getting annoying for me and I know not many people know up10tion so not a ton of people read these one shots.

So woo, new stuff will be coming... once I write it. The bad thing? I'm currently putting all my focus into nanowrimo and *gasp* it's not fan fiction! I may write other stuff this month but I don't want to creatively push myself since this is already a lot. So if you don't see anything here for the rest of the month, that is why but who knows what will happen. Maybe I'll post some short, stream of thought later.

Anyways, I hope you have a nice November if I don't see you again! Follow me and like this, it makes me happy~ Maybe even leave a comment if your feeling crazy. Byee~

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