Jinhoo (Up10tion)

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Helloooooooooooo, this was for a writing prompt and it was the first thing I finished after a hugeeee writer's block/lack of motivation to do literally anything productive

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A laugh sounded off in the distance as she began to wake up, that laugh echoing around in her head for far too long. She went to rub her eyes to further wake herself up but realized that her hands were handcuffed together and wrapped around a bed frame.

Her mind started racing with what-ifs as she frantically looked around the room for a possible escape.

Where am I? How did I get here? How can I get out of here?

The pounding of feet could be heard down the hall, the sound getting closer and closer every second. She felt herself deflate, her mind instantly jumping to the worst case scenario. Which is obviously death, what else could possibly happen?

The steps continued to grow louder and knocked her out of her anxiety induced thoughts. The psychologist in Veronica finally took over and she started treating her mind the way she would one of her patients.

Deep breaths, Veronica, deep breaths. You don't know what's going to happen, it could be completely fine. There's no need to stress yourself out over the unknown. Just breathe and I promise you'll be fi-

The door banged open and she jumped, yelping both out of fear and pain from pulling on her handcuffed wrists. Clearly, her internal coaching did not prepare her for that to happen. "Veronica, please help me." They locked eyes and that's when she remembered who exactly was in front of her.

She grinned, "Jinwook! I've been wondering when you were going to make your next appointment!" She looked back at her hands and laughed, "Never expected you to go this far to see me though."

His eyes widen as he scrambled to find the keys to the handcuffs, "I'm sorry! It's just a habit..." She nodded, "I couldn't come in because I wasn't sure if I would be allowed there."

Veronica shook her head as her hands were finally freed, "Oh sweetie, you can always come in! We don't mind." She rubbed at her wrists as she looked them over.

"But I'm a super villain..." He sighed, sitting on the bed.

Veronica patted his arm, "But you are a terrible villain Jinwook." She laughed, "We aren't scared of you at the clinic, we all care a lot about you."

Jinwook nodded slowly and stared down at his hands, "I'm sorry for kidnapping you..."

Veronica adjusted herself so now she was sat at the foot of the bed with her legs crossed in front of her. "Clearly you were in need of my help so while this is completely inappropriate and you should never do this again, I'll let it go." Jinwook turned towards her and mirrored her positioning, "Now let's hear what's going on."

Jinwook let out a sigh, organizing his thoughts before speaking. "I just... I don't think I'm enough." He rubbed his eyes, his exhaustion finally displaying across his features. "Even you guys think I'm a bad villain! I'm horrible at this, why do I even bother anymore?"

Veronica hummed, her mind thinking back to their last session. "Have these feelings gotten better or worse since the last time we talked?"

He thought for a moment and sighed, "I think it's gotten worse." He ran his hands over his face before staring into my eyes, "How can I fix myself? Please help me fix myself," He pleaded.

"Let's dive into this issue. If I remember correctly, you don't have a great relationship with your father?" Jinwook nodded, "What happened to ruin your relationship?"

"What didn't happen," He let out a hollow laugh. "He was emotionally abusive, both to me and my mom. He was always yelling at me to be more like him. Which clearly didn't work."

"What was he like? How did he want you to be more like him?" She asked, trying to slowly find the root of his issues.

Jinwook shrugged, "He wanted me to be meaner to people. He wanted me to become a villain like him, become someone that was feared by the masses."

"So you tried to become like him..." She started.

"And clearly I've failed miserably," He finished. He let out a loud sigh, "And it's making me feel inadequate."

Veronica nodded, "So who is Jinwook really?" Jinwook gave her a funny look so she smiled and further explained herself, "If you were not pressured to be like your father, who would you be? What would you be doing, how would you treat people, and how is that person different from you now?"

He nodded and contemplated my questions for a moment before he spoke. "I would be a very kind, gentle person. Someone that helps everyone with everything, you know?" He smiled, "I really enjoy helping people despite being a villain of sorts."

Veronica clapped her hands together, "And what exactly stops you from doing these things?"

Jinwook just stared at her, completely dumbfounded by her question, "I-I don't know? I don't want to disappoint my father I guess..."

"But you've already stated that you don't have a good relationship with him, so it shouldn't matter what he thinks anymore." Veronica shook her head, "He no longer has a place in your life, he can no longer hold these things over your head."

Jinwook felt the tears begin to well up in his eyes, "But I'm scared that I'll make other's unhappy with my choices."

"Jinwook, you are an adult now and you need to put your own happiness before others'." She stated simply, hoping that this all was making sense to him. Hoping that this would be the breakthrough he needed to finally change his life.

He looked up at her with small tears beginning to fall down his cheeks, "But how do I do that?"

Veronica hummed, thinking of what he could do that would make for an easy transition. "You could start by stopping your villain activities. Maybe getting a new job would help you to refocus your mind on what you actually value. Start allowing yourself to be who you want to be, not who others' expect you to be."

Jinwook nodded, slowly absorbing all of this advice. "I guess the first thing I could do is take you back to the clinic." He laughed, wiping away at his tears.

"That would be nice." He nodded and helped her stand up, "I hope I helped you today. We should schedule another session for next week or maybe two. Preferably in the clinic this time," She smiled.

Jinwook laughed, "Of course. And thank you, I really needed this."

Veronica nodded, "I'm glad I could help you, Jinwook."

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i feel like i should try to interact more but like... i don't have anything to say? follow me? like this? comment stuff? i don't know, do what ya want~ one day i'll get better at this

also i wrote this a while ago but like here it is now?

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