Kogyeol (UP10TION) pt 3

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this is the last part of this little story~

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"I swear if you ever cut us off again, I'm going to have to beat you." I laughed as Mom pulled me into a tight hug, "But I'm so happy you're safe sweetie."

I squeezed her as the tears started welling up in my eyes again, threatening to fall down my cheeks, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you guys. I was just scared you would be disappointed in me."

Mom put her hands on my shoulders and sighed, "I'm just disappointed you didn't come straight home after everything that happened. That Y/n person told me you've been eating convenience store food this entire time!"

I laughed and nodded, "I couldn't bring myself to get better food. I didn't think I deserved to have better food."

Mom hummed in disapproval and pulled me back into a snug embrace, "Oh my poor stupid child. When you're going through difficult times, food from your mom is the best medicine you could ask for."

I sniffled and nodded into her shoulder, too choked up to say anything more. She brought me into the house and sat me down at the kitchen table so she could finally feed me a proper meal.

"Minsoo!" I looked behind me to see Minah running at me with her arms spread open for a hug, "I've been so worried about you that I came home!" She tackled me in a hug as soon as she reached me and I laughed.

"I'm sorry for making you worried noona, I should've come home sooner." She messed up my hair before she sat down next to me. "How are you? Has everything been fine at work?"

She nodded, "Everything at work is great actually. They were kind enough to let me come back since I told them I had a family issue. And I've been good, it's nice visiting home even if it wasn't for the best reason." She patted my arm and smiled, "But that's okay. Life can't always be perfect."

"I'm sorry noona..." She shook her head, waving off my apology.

"It's okay kid, it was something to bring me here and that is great in and of itself." She smiled at me.

"Okay, here you go!" Mom set down a big bowl loaded with mixed up rice, vegetables, and some other stuff but I didn't care to ask what it was exactly. "Both of you, eat. Your sister hasn't been eating well either, I can't believe how skinny you two are now!" Mom shook her head as she looked at us both in our seats.

I looked over at Minah and laughed when she avoided my eyes by looking away, "I'm glad I'm not the only one getting yelled at by Mom today." Minah whipped her head around and stuck her tongue out at me. She grabbed two spoons off the table and handed one to me before delving into the food herself.

Mom watched us as we both pigged out, a big smile on her face. "I'm happy you two are finally home for once." We both looked up and grinned at her, food puffing up our cheeks. Mom laughed at us, "Eat up you two. Eat everything in the house if you want to. I just want you guys to be happy."

I swallowed my food and looked up at Mom, "Thank you Mom, I love you." I sent her a finger heart as did Minah. Mom caught both of them and placed them on her heart, a gentle laugh escaping her lips as we continued on our small feast.

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I heard a knock on my door before Mom came into my room, a small smile on her face as she looked over at me. I had been home for a week now, Mom was happy to still have me around since Minah had to travel back to where she worked. I hadn't heard anything from Y/n which makes sense since they have my phone but they haven't even sent anything to mom as far as I know.

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