Wonpil (Day6)

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 This was for a monthly prompt, hope ya enjoy

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I pulled open the coffee shop door and made direct eye contact with him. Everything slowed down. Time seemed to stop. Busy mothers and lazy teens all froze. The sound of chirping birds faded. The once heavy smell of coffee in the cool air vanished. Only one single heart, skipping a beat, was heard.

I quickly shifted my eyes away from him and approached the counter to order my typical drink. I could feel his eyes on the back of my head, a blush creeping up on to my cheeks. I was too in my head, thinking of ways to avoid him, and I didn't notice the cashier handing over my change. "Ah, I'm sorry. Thank you." I quickly took the change and moved off to the side. I quietly put away my change in my wallet as I waited for my drink.

I looked around the shop and quickly got lost in my thoughts again. Why did I have to run into him? He makes me so nervous, I can't even think straight around him. My heart feels like it's about to leap out of my chest and run to him. "Here you are."

I looked up and took my drink, "Thank you. Have a nice day." I quickly walked out of the shop, making sure to not look in his direction.

Once I was at a comfortable distance from the shop, I slowed down and started to enjoy my morning, sipping from my drink. I made my way to a park by my college and sat down at a picnic table to people watch and read over my notes. I set my bag on the table and pulled out my notebook, flipping through the pages to find where I left off last night. I began thumbing through my notes and sipping from my drink, occasionally looking up to watch the people passing by. I caught myself staring at a couple who were walking hand in hand and looking very... loving. I sighed and went back to my notes, trying to ignore the subtle jealousy sitting in the pit of my stomach.

I was absorbed in my notes, finally understanding a concept we talked about in class, when I noticed a shadow in front of me. I looked up and felt my heart skip a beat. There he was. He smiled at me and waved at someone behind me. I felt my heart drop and looked down at my notes to hide any emotion in my eyes. He knew me too well, I wouldn't be able to lie to him about this.

"You've met already, right?" Wonpil smiled as his new girlfriend sat next to him, squeezing his arm gently to say hi.

"Yeah! You're in my Psych class, right?" I nodded, plastering on a friendly smile as I felt my heart break bit by bit.

"Yeah, I don't know if we've ever talked though." I laughed, trying my best to act like there isn't a dagger going into my heart.

"She's really good at psych so maybe you two can work on your next project together!" Wonpil interjected joyfully. He seemed so excited to see his best friend getting along with his new girlfriend.

"Maybe!" She laughed and I smiled at her. I looked at my phone to check the time. I had twenty minutes until my next class and it would only take me around five minutes to get there.

"I hate to end our meeting so quickly but I have a class really soon, so I have to leave now. But it was lovely meeting you!" I smiled at them and quickly tossed my notebook in my bag, standing up to leave.

"Awh, no best friend don't go yet!" Wonpil whined, grabbing my hand. I need to get out of here before I start crying in front of them. "Can we hang out later?"

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder, ready to leave. "I'm not sure, I have a lot to do." He pouted and stood up from the table and pulled me into a hug.

"I know you aren't telling me something but I won't push you. Now." He whispered into my ear, my heart finally shattering. He squeezed me close and then let go of me. I grabbed my drink and waved to them, turning away just as a tear felldown my cheek.

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