Sungjin (Day6)

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this is a word prompt thing i decided to do, there will be more but they won't be attached stories. anyways, i hope you enjoy this~

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I laid in my bed and stared up at the ceiling, counting down the moments until my alarm clock started to ring. My mind and body were completely exhausted and yet I couldn't sleep at all. My mind was running mental circles over and over again while my muscles stayed tense throughout the night. There was no way for me to force anything to relax, even when I tried it would all get worse and I would just get frustrated with myself.

The moment my alarm started to go off, I sprang out of bed and shut it off. My mind was already fully awake, there was no need to groan over anything. I walked listlessly to my small kitchen and pulled out a lonely bowl. I grabbed a box of bland cereal and filled the bowl with whatever was left in the box which didn't end up being much. I looked into the fridge and found the carton of milk. Upon opening the milk, I scrunched my nose up in disgust and poured the sour milk down the drain. Dry cereal is better than nothing I guess.

I picked at my cereal as I wandered around the living room, the floor was icy cold on my bare feet and it was keeping me out of the daze I felt myself slipping into. I stopped in front of my window that overlooked the street and looked down at all the people milling about. Even though it was still relatively early, there was still a considerable amount of people outside. Most of the people were moving fast, clearly trying to escape the cold as quick as possible. But there were also some families wandering the streets and there were a few of little kids trying to catch snowflakes on the tip of their tongues.

I had a faint smile on my face as I walked away, dropping my bowl off in the sink. A shiver ran up my spine as I yawned and stretched my arms up over my head. I walked into the bathroom, deciding that a warm shower would be the best way to start the day. I turned the water on slightly to let it warm up and ran out of the room to grab some towels. When I returned the water was fairly warm so I undressed and climbed in.

The warm water felt nice against my skin, a welcomed break from the cold of the winter. The water pelted at my skin like a mildly painful massage. I let the water pound at my back for a moment as I thought over what I needed to get done today.

I shook my head and quickly finished up in the shower, savoring the warmth for a minute after I was actually done. I rung out my hair and wrapped it up in a towel but some pieces still managed to escape and fall out to the side. I groaned loudly and rewrapped my hair, successfully tucking all my hair into the towel this time. I wrapped a large towel around myself and finished getting ready, taking my time since I didn't have to be anywhere specific today.

I changed into warmer clothes, a plain sweater with simple jeans and my large winter jacket, and headed outside to finally face the day. The cold wind slapped my face viciously as I left the building, a cold reminder of the winter and real life. Cold and cruel, letting nothing escape its grasp.

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I shivered as I entered the rooftop area, looking around for a quiet area by the edge to look over the street. It wasn't technically as cold as it was at the start of the week but the wind made sure to keep everyone cold. I glanced around the rooftop and saw everyone mingling with each other. Most people had broken off into smaller groups based on where they worked but I did notice some timid flirting from different groups. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, flicking it over my shoulder.

I averted my attention back to the street below as people gather in the center or ran off to escape the crowd. I checked the clock and realized there was only a minute left before the new year. There were people laughing everywhere and you could feel the excitement in the air. I stepped to the side to avoid the group that had started to form next to me. They were loud and I wanted to start the year alone, just like the years before.

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