Jin (BTS)

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Requested by Lizabeth_8

How have I gone so long without writing a BTS imagine? Like I've done Jungkook like 3 times, but it was the same storyline, and then Taehyung. What is wrong with me? BTS is one of my top 3 kpop groups (out of so many groups dear lord someone stop me). Okay let's get on with this (also unless otherwise stated, requests are always open and i do these rather quickly)
Oh yeah, fair warning I don't know much about makeup.


I grabbed my bag as I left the house. I ran down the street to the bighit building just in time to go with the staff to the Inkigayo recording. "Yah Y/n- ssi, you live the closest but your always the last to show up."

"Sorry Mina unnie. I stayed up late last night." She sighed but smiled at me.

"It's fine. Get in." I grinned and sent her a kiss which she playfully swatted away.

"Y/n, you have Jin and Yoongi today." I nodded and relaxed into my seat. "Mina, you have Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon." She slid in the seat next to me and sighed. "And that leaves Jiyeon with Jungkook and Taehyung."

I smiled at Jiyeon, "I'll tell them to be nice to you." She laughed lightly and nodded.

"Thank you, Y/n- unnie" I smiled and closed my eyes.


"Yah! Taehyung stop teasing Jiyeon- ah. She's nervous." I pointed my eyeshadow brush at him and he pouted.

"Okay noona." I smiled and went back to finishing Yoongi's makeup.

I patted his shoulder lightly, "You're done, try to not mess up your hair." He nodded and wandered over to a couch and fell asleep. "Jin, your turn."

"Hi! I didn't think you were gonna make it today." He sat down in the chair and I pulled out the cushion he typically gets.

"You always think that. Did you guys eat yet?" He nodded.

"We did. We had rice, eggs, and kimchi." I nodded and started patting on the foundation. "What did you eat?"

I thought for a moment and then my stomach growled, "I think I forgot to eat. I'll grab something later." He frowned.

"You need to eat, Y/n. Food is the best part of the day." I laughed and nodded.

"If I had stopped to grab food, I would have actually been late and not even be here. So really, I made a good sacrifice." I pulled out my pallet of brown eyeshadow and hummed.

He grabbed my hand as I went to apply some shadow, "Bless your soul." I laughed and shook his hand off. I applied a light brown shadow all over the lid on each eye.

"Why do you even get makeup? You're already so pretty, it's not fair." I applied a darker brown right at the lash line and blended it with the light brown to create a gradient.

"Oh shush. I mean yes, I'm very handsome. But you're really pretty too." I blushed lightly and laughed.

"Okay thanks." I ran some color through his brows to fill them in slightly but he never needs much.

I applied a bit of vaseline to his lips to add some shine to them. "What are you doing after the recording?"

I thought about it for a moment, "I think the stylists are going out. Probably gonna get a drink and such." He nodded as I began to fix his hair.

"Ah, that'll be fun. Don't get too drunk though." I nodded, "But also if you need someone to drunk text, I'm your man."

"I'll keep that in mind." I laughed. I placed my hands on his shoulders, "okay you're done."

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