Jae (Day6)

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it's jae and yeah... have a nice read, this is a shorter one

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Your first love is never easy to get over. It's even harder when that first love is someone that you were once best friends with.

Jae sat staring out the window of the coffee shop, a gloomy look on his face. He was still thinking about Jihee, everything that they could've been. His confession seemed to go well at the time, she looked like she wanted to date him. It felt like he was living in a fairytale, a best friends to lovers kind of story.

But to her, all she felt was a sense of pity. He put so much effort into that confession and even if she didn't feel anything, she felt bad turning him down. Maybe feelings would eventually develop, but she knew she wouldn't be able to see him as anything other than a friend. But still, she dated him and pretended to be happy. Secretly she hoped that he would realize his feelings were genuine and they could go back to normal friends.

And then he found out she had started talking to another guy. He didn't know what to think, it's not like she had cheated on him but it still hurt him a lot. It hurt him to think that the girl he cared about most didn't feel the same way.

Unrequited love, that's what they call it. But what it should be called is a stab to the heart, because that's what it felt like to Jae.

She sat him down that day and told him how she felt. She was finally honest with him and she was so happy. She couldn't even see how much she was breaking him, making him feel like he was nothing to her.

He nodded silently, too afraid his voice would crack if he spoke. She ended things but he was the one to leave first, rushing out of the common room and up to his dorm room.

That night he cried himself to sleep.

It had been months now. He no longer cried because of her but she was always on his mind. He felt like a shell of himself now and it was a struggle for him to go back to who he used to be. He couldn't find that person, at least not yet.

So he messaged her and asked if they could talk. She responded cheerfully and they agreed on the shop Jae was now sat in.

He stared out the window and saw Jihee. And what he could only assume was her new boyfriend, someone that seemed to make her happier than he ever did.

He watched as they leaned in closer but he glanced down before he could see them kiss. He figured that was something he wouldn't be able to handle. Not now and maybe not ever.

"Jae! It's been way too long," Jihee quickly enveloped him in a hug. She didn't think anything of it, didn't notice how stiff he became. She was too excited to be talking to her best friend again.

"Hey Jihee, sorry about that." He didn't know if he could do this anymore.

"Well, I feel like I need to catch you up on what's been happening with me." Jae just nodded, it wouldn't hurt to hear what she's been up to then he would know how to approach her. "So, I'm in a new relationship now. He's the one I was talking to before you started ghosting me." She let out a dreamy sigh, "He's so sweet to me and he makes my heart flutter just thinking about him. Jae, I think I'm in love."

"Wow..." He said, trying his best to sound happy for her but it fell flat.

But she didn't notice that. "Isn't that so exciting?" He nodded with a small smile, "You're next! I have plenty of girls to introduce you to, what's your type?"

He just shook his head and laughed, "I don't need you to help me in that department."

Jihee frowned, "You're my best friend. I have to help you, who else is going to?"

"I think it would be better if someone that actually knew me helped me find a girlfriend." He knew he sounded cold but he was frustrated.

"I've known you since we were 10, Jae."

"Time doesn't always matter." He sighed and placed his hands on the table, "I thought I needed closure, I never did say anything to you back then." He laughed, "But I have nothing to say to you that will actually matter." He finally stood up and started to make his way towards the door.

Jihee grabbed his arm, "I'm confused. Jae, what do you mean?"

He turned towards her and pushed her hand off his arm gently, "After not talking to you for months, I've realized that we make better strangers than we ever did anything else."

And then he left, not turning to look back at her. He was finally moving on, he could tell. He even felt like he was returning to normal, even if it was just that Jihee had finally left his mind.

Jae was going to be fine and so was Jihee. They just couldn't be fine together, no matter how much they wanted to be.

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please don't date someone you don't actually like just because you feel bad because... no.

also hi i hate lack of communication stuff, why did i write this lmao

well... that was fun, byee

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