The8 (Seventeen)

761 14 2

Seventeen Minghao aka The8
My name, Isabel 
Uhh really anything cute. Maybe like a cute date where he spoils me and loves me. I'm fine with anything :))  

I'm sorry for taking a while, I was thinking of just closing requests completely because I just don't want to do them. Which like, sorry, but I'd rather just write whatever I wanna write. It's not like lots of people request, it's just the requests I've gotten aren't things I'm excited to write (which put me in a place where I didn't want to write at all). So yeah, I'm doing this one because I know Seventeen and I enjoy writing cute stuff. But the other stuff probably won't be happening, sorry if that's disappointing. Aaaand now that that is off my chest, I hope you enjoy this. (Also this will likely be a lot shorter than what I usually aim for since I kind of just wanna get it over with and this will all come from the top of my head)

also if there's like 50 billion typos, sorry. i didn't feel like rereading and editing

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Minghao pulled up outside of my house so I ran outside and hopped inside his car. "Hi!" I grinned as I buckled myself in.

"Hi Isabel. Let's go!" Minghao yelled as he started driving down the street. "You said you wanted to go to the mall today, right?" I nodded.

I smiled as he took a hold of my hand at a red light, "You seem to be in a good mood today."

"Of course I am. I get to spend the day with my girlfriend!" Minghao squeezed my hand and made my stomach do flips.

It didn't take long for us to reach the mall, being that it was only a couple miles away. Making our way into the mall, I headed straight to see where the stores I wanted to visit were located. Minghao followed behind me and pointed out some shops that he wanted to look at as well.

With a plan in mind, we started walking around the mall hand in hand. "Isabel! Look, they have matching shirts!" He pulled at my hand and pointed at a couple with shirts that said "My heart belongs to him/her" with little arrows pointing.

"Minghao, that's so lame. It's cute, but lame." He pouted, "What? You want to couple shirts now?" I laughed.

He huffed, "Well, maybe not shirts... but something matching would be cute."

I nodded, "Okay, fine. We'll get something matching... Oh, I know! How about matching shoes?"

He grinned and pulled us off to a shoe store nearby, "This'll be great!" When we entered the store we started looking around, both of us getting distracted. "Hey Isabel, what about these?"

I looked over to see Minghao pointing at a pair of grey converse shoes. "It's simple, I like it." I joined him as we looked for our sizes and tried them on.

Minghao laughed as he looked at our feet, "This is just so cute, I love it."

I smiled and pecked him on the cheek, "If you're happy, then I'm happy too."

He grinned at me, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. We decided to wear these shoes for the rest of the day so when we paid for them, we quickly ripped off the tags and swapped our other shoes out for the new ones.

We went back to our original plan and headed for the stores that we both wanted to visit. We didn't spend long in any store, both of us knowing exactly what it was that we wanted so we didn't roam around long. "Isabel, let's get pretzels!" I nodded and followed him as we walked to a pretzel stand.

"Hmm, I want cinnamon sugar pretzel! And lemonade." Minghao nodded and decided to order for us, getting himself a salted pretzel. We only had to wait a couple minutes for our pretzels and decided to find a spot to sit and enjoy them.

Minghao handed me my pretzel after we sat down at a small bench. He sat next to me, our legs brushing, and bit into his pretzel. I looked over at him as I bit into mine and smiled. "What?" He laughed and I shook my head, a small smile still on my face. "Did you have a nice day with me?"

"Of course I did." I looked down at our feet and laughed, "I'll always remember today."

Minghao leaned over and left a kiss on my cheek, "Good."

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This is honestly so shit, I'm sorryyyyy I just... didn't want to write this ;-;

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