Xiao (Up10tion)

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and we are back with some more up10tion. it was for a prompt challenge thing whatever just enjoy the thingy

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I stood outside feeling numb and confused. What was that? Was that who she really was? I started to walk away but after a few steps, I felt myself being to sprint. My feet pounded against the pavement, anger suddenly taking over my body. I ran all the way home and every slap my foot made against the pavement quickly began to replace that anger with a profound sadness. I let this person into my life and they turned out to be like that? Doesn't that say something about who I am? Am I a bad person for letting all of this happen?

Regan turned out to be a manipulative bitch and I had no clue. She drove away all of my friends and when they told me what she was doing, I didn't believe them. No, I believed my girlfriend of five months over my friends of five years.

I can't believe I could be that stupidly oblivious.

I fell to the floor in my living room and cried. I cried for the relationships I ruined. I cried for how much I hurt my friends. But most of all, I cried for how I hurt myself. I let this person ruin me and I don't how I'll ever be able to forgive myself for that.

I heard a single knock at my door but I made no effort to move. I flinched when I felt a hand on my arm and then another one on my head. A third hand rested on my back and I slowly opened my eyes.

"Why are you all here?"

Irene stepped forward and crouched down in front of me, "Do you believe us now?"

I nodded silently, the tears still running down my face and still hiccuping with every breath I took. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me to their chest. Someone else joined in the hug and soon all I saw were body parts and squished faces.

─── ⋅◈⋅ ───

"Who do you think you are to ignore me for a week?"

I stared at her blankly before sitting across from her at the table.

She huffed and glared at me, her foot shaking impatiently, "Well? Where's my apology?"

"There is no apology. If anything, I deserve an apology."

Her mouth fell open and she let out a harsh gasp, "You don't deserve anything! I don't know why would you even say that to me, I've done nothing wrong. You, however-"

"I saw what you did to Irene last Saturday." She went silent at this, her brows furrowed in contemplation. "That was not okay, Regan."

"But you don't understand, she-"

"She what?" I cut her off, "She was my friend and cared about me? And god forbid someone gives a shit about me, right?"

She shook her head, "I never meant for you to see me like that."

I let out a sharp laugh, "Shocker."

"Xiao, baby, listen to me." She reached for my hand and I snatched it away, placing it down in my lap. She let out a sigh and continued, "I just want you all for myself. Is that so terrible? I mean, I don't hang out with anyone but you. Can't you do the same?" She brushed her hair back and dropped her head down, "I just, I love you so much, you know? I can't stand anyone being close to you other than me."

She looked up at me and smiled, "I know you're going to forgive me." I felt her foot brush up the inside of my leg as a devilish smirk crept onto her face, "Do I need to persuade you in some other way this time?"

I let out a choked gasp, "Regan." I grabbed her foot before it could get any higher and shoved it away from me, "You can go fuck yourself."

"What?" She spat, clearly caught off guard.

"I'm not letting you rip apart my life anymore. We are over. I hope you live a miserable life." I stood up and walked out of the coffee shop. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I looked for my friends who promised to wait for me.

"I hope you know that you are nothing without me!" Regan screamed, "You're an unlovable piece of shit, you're lucky I kept you this long." I turned around and stared at her. Her face was red with fury and I could tell she was struggling to control her breathing from how quickly her chest was moving, "If you walk back to me right now, I'll forgive you. But if you walk away, just know that no one will ever care about you like I do."

I frowned and reach my foot forward, "Well, when you put it like that." I flipped up my middle finger and spun on my heel to walk away, "I hope the next guy realizes you're a bitch sooner than I did."

I heard her screams as I walked away but it didn't matter anymore. Because I was free and I already felt like I was becoming the real me again.

"That was pretty cool Xiao."

I raised my arms up in victory, "I did it!" I let them drop back down and sighed, "And now I'm exhausted, will someone give me a cookie or something."

Someone wrapped their arm around me and laughed, "You can have all the cookies now."

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just because i want to, please don't let anyone treat you like this. if someone talks as if they are a saint for loving you, you need to just fucking run. throw the whole person in the trash, you deserve better and will always deserve better.

i hope you liked this, byee

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