Sungjin (Day6)

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this was for writing club, based off a song *barely* so yeah. enjoy

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I kept glancing at my bag as I rode the bus, checking to see if I really had everything I needed and that it was all still intact. I looked at the flowers in the seat next to me and sighed. "Hopefully this time everything works out." I rested my head on the window, staring out at the cars that drove by. "Hopefully." I mumbled as my mind drifted off and brought me back to my past attempts.

─── ⋅◈⋅ ───

I stood at the bottom of the steps as I waited for you to come out of your house. I looked at the candy I had and grinned, excited to finally confess my feelings to you. We always hang out after school so this seemed like the perfect chance to do it without my intentions being obvious. My mind was still racing, thinking of the perfect way to tell you.

"Screw you!" I heard as a door slammed shut and feet started pounding down the steps. I looked up to see you running down the stairs, face red and both your hands gathered in fists. When you landed in front of me, you let out a puff of air and groaned. "Parents are the worst, I swear!"

I hid the candy behind my back and patted your arm, "What happened?" I asked as I guided you away from your house.

You grabbed at your hair and let out another groan, this one sounding much deeper than the last. "They won't listen to me! It's like I get no say in my life." We stopped at the nearby playground and sat at the swings. You kicked at the ground as your anger slowly dissipated.

I looked over at you and smiled, "There just aren't many days where things go your way I guess." I said, both to you and myself.

You laughed, "You would be right about that." You shook your head, "I just wanted to go on a little trip with my friends. We aren't even going far! I don't know why they were so bugged out about it." You huffed a little, too tired to be actually upset anymore.

"Y/n, you're their baby. Of course they would freak out over you going on a trip with just your friends." I handed you the box of candy, "Here, I know they're your favorite."

"Sungjin, you're supposed to be outraged for me. I don't need you to make sense, not fun." You took the candy from me and ripped it open, "Thank you for the candy though. Why'd you bring this?"

I shrugged, trying to hide the blush that began to creep up my neck. "Figured you would appreciate it." You grinned and gave me a couple pieces. I smiled back, seeing you happy was good enough for me, I could confess some other time.

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The bus came to a halt and I got off, looking around the stop before turning left and walking down the street. I kicked at the gravel, mind too busy thinking about the past to pay attention to anything else. "Should've confessed to her then."

After that, things grew more complicated. You got more into sports while I found myself in the music room most days. We still talked a lot but I was growing shy as my feelings for you grew stronger and I noticed how other guys looked at you.

I sighed and kicked another set of stones off into the street. "You're such an idiot Sungjin." I shook my head as I approached an intersection.

I looked up at the night sky as I waited for the crosswalk to signal it was okay to cross, my mind travelling back into the past.

─── ⋅◈⋅ ───

I watched you at your soccer game, excited to see you win and to attempt confessing to you again. It had been awhile since my last attempt and I figured this would be an even better way to do it. You would be happy because of the game and then I could swoop in and make you even happier with my confession. Or at least that's how I hope you would feel about it.

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