Gyujin (Up10tion)

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I realized I've never written for Gyujin (or Jinhoo) and I'm doing a prompt thing on amino so I decided this would be a good time to write for him! Enjoy~

  ⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙  

Pulling open the door, the overwhelming scent of freshly brewed coffee filled my nose. I quietly walked in and took a peek at the displayed pastries before walking up to the counter. I smiled at the cashier as I told them my order, trying to appear friendly. I shuffled over to a corner seat as I waited, pulling out my sketchbook and pencils.

I heard chimes so I looked up to see a small group of people walk into the coffee shop and soon enough all the tables were occupied. I smiled as my coffee was placed on my table and thanked the waiter as they walked away. I looked around the shop and studied my surroundings, looking for something to warm up my hand.

Setting down my mug, I decided to sketch out the group of friends sitting across the room from me. I started by sketching out where everyone was seated, creating a very basic foundation and not worrying too much about the form.There was four people sitting at a table, two on each side, talking very animatedly. I started adding details to the people, trying to keep my sketch fluid and quick while still maintaining some level of realism. I tried to add in some level of expression to their faces to try and show how happy they all looked.

I filled up the page quickly, happy with how my first sketch turned out today. I added a small sketch of my drink to the corner of the page before moving onto the next page. I looked around the shop and decided to draw the pastry case since it had a lot of interesting looking cakes in it. And because I wanted to eat them.

I started sketching out the case, eyes bouncing between the case and my sketch book, when the door chimed again. I glanced up to see who had entered and saw one lone guy walk in, head lowered and hands in his pockets. I shook my head and focused back in on my drawing, laying out where each cake would sit.

As I'm finishing up the row of cakes, I hear a small knock at my table. I look up and notice the guy from before standing in front of me. He pointed to the seat in front of me, silently asking if it was taken and I shook my head. He sat down and pulled out his phone while I sat back with my book in hand. I glanced at his face, careful to not let him know I was staring at him, and decided that he would make for a perfect reference for my next sketch.

I started by mapping out his face, quickly pinning down the proportions of his face and what his key features looked like. I started adding detail to his hair, glancing between my paper and him and hoping he wouldn't notice. I quickly added in his mouth and nose so I could focus in on his eyes. His eyes stood out to me, las they do for most people I draw, and so did his eyebrows. I made sure to make the eyes look very nice, a plan already beginning to form in my head. I added in the eyebrows, making sure to have them stand out against the rest of his face.

I finished off the rest of coffee left in my mug as I scribbled a quick note on the corner of the sketch and ripped it out. I stood up and grabbed my bag, stuffing my pencils and sketchbook into it, and left the shop. I ran off, afraid of the reaction I would get from the semi bold move I just made.

As I sat in my car, I checked my phone to see I had two new messages from the same person. I quickly opened the message and laughed. It was a picture of my drawing and a message saying,


                                               I always love having a pretty girl drawing me

                                               Maybe we should make it a regular thing


I sent back a simple,


Well, I guess I could use a new reference model.                                                

And it's a bonus if he's cute                                               


I tossed my phone back onto the seat beside me. I threw my hands over my face and laughed, surprised that it actually worked. I peeked over at my phone and saw another message.


                                               So I'm thinking... dinner tomorrow at seven?

We don't even know each other's names!                                                

                                               Well I'm gyujin

I'm Y/n, seven sounds great                                                


  ⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙  

I hope you didn't hate this, it was shorter whoops! Byee

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