Jinhoo (Up10tion)

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Monthly writing club thing, enjoy

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I sat on a bench as I took in the fresh air around me. It was a warm spring evening as I looked out at the lake in front of me, the water calm when boats weren't driving by and sending ripples across the water. The warm air felt like a gentle embrace, the slight breeze coming off the lake sending my hair flying around my face.

I felt a set of hands land on my shoulders and I looked behind me, "Hi Y/n." Jinhoo walked around the bench and sat next to me with a big smile on his face. "How are you?"

I turned my body to face him and smiled, "Well, it's been an okay day, I guess. Work wasn't the best today, there was a lot of rude customers and I had to deal with most of them. But now I'm here and the lake is really pretty today. Plus the weather is just so beautiful." I looked down at my hands, twisting my fingers together, "And now you're here so I feel a lot better." I said, quietly but loud enough for him to hear me.

He placed his hand on mine, making me look up at him. "I'm happy I can make you feel better." I smiled shyly and he cleared his throat. "I got you something, stay right here and cover your eyes."

"Jinhoo... " He shushed me and I rolled my eyes but went along with it. I placed my hands over my eyes and waited for him to come back.

"Okay." I heard shuffling and some crickling from behind my head that slowly moved in front of me. "Open!"

I opened my eyes to find a bouquet of sunflowers right in front of my face. "They're so pretty." I took them from his hand and he came back to his seat next to me. "You really didn't have to get these for me." I said as I looked over the flowers.

He shook his head, "I wanted to. I knew today was a rough day for you and I was hoping these would make you feel a little better." He pulled me into a side hug and I let my head rest on his shoulder, staring at the water in front of us.

"You're too good to me, I feel so lucky to have you by my side." I sighed, looking down at the flowers in my hand.

"I feel the same way." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "Come on, let's go for a walk around the park." He stood up and held out his hand for me to grab. I used his hand to pull myself up and he laced our fingers together.

We walked slowly, having no real destination in mind. I found myself stealing glances at the side of his face, admiring his features and smiling to myself. "So how was your day?"

He squeezed my hand, "It was pretty stressful. The boys were all over the place and I just barely managed to escape the dorm without them to see you." I laughed, "But it was worth the sneaking I had to do since I get to be with you now." He smiled down at me

"Awh, you should've brought them! We could've all played together!" I laughed, a teasing expression on my face.

"Maybe when it hasn't been a week since the last time I got to hang out with you. I don't want to share my time with my girlfriend with my members when her time is so limited." He pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I laughed, "Okay, that's fair. But I wanna see them too!" I looked up at him and pouted.

He groaned playfully, "Fine, I'll invite them next time." I smiled and started skipping ahead of him, "Wait for me!" He yelled as started moving faster,

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We stopped in a field of wildflowers. There were daisies, poppies, violets and so much more. It was such a colorful field and it brought a huge smile to my face. "Jinhoo! Look at all these flowers, they're so pretty!"

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "No, you're so pretty."

I scoffed, "You're lame." I paused, "But I like it so I guess it's okay."

"You guess?" He poked at my sides, sending me into a small fit of laughter. "I'm gonna need more than an 'I guess' darling."

He began attacking my sides even more, almost making me fall to my knees in laughter. "Okay! Fine! I like it, for sure! No guessing about it, now let me breathe!" He finally released me and I moved away from him to catch my breath.

"Good, that's what I wanna hear." He picked up a couple flowers from the grass and came closer to me. He put them up to his nose and sniffed them, "These smell really nice. Here."

I took the flowers from him and sniffed them like he did, "They do smell really- ACHOO!" I sneezed loudly, my whole body lurching forward with it. "Nice. They smell nice." I said with a couple sniffles.

Jinhoo covered his mouth, "Are you allergic to flowers?" He said, trying to not laugh but letting out a couple stifled chuckles.

"Maybe just a little. But they're so pretty and it's not even that bad of an allergy." I looked down at the flowers in my hands and smiled.

Jinhoo wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Okay. I'll remember that for next time. Don't make Y/n sniff the flowers. She can only look." I laughed and shoved him lightly. We slowly made our way back to his car, flowers in my hand and love in my heart.

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Ew, what was that ending? Who ordered the extra cheese?

Also wowowow, I wrote this a whileeee ago and never posted it whoops


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