Overworld Chapter 49 - Life Finds A Way

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 ...as he made his way further into the forest. The heavy mist began to fade, but Link could still feel darkness in the air. That darkness was growing closer with each step. Something was waiting in this forest for him.

The trees parted, and for a moment, Link thought he had taken the wrong path, returning to the Valley of the Forest. But this place was far grimmer. Instead of a valley, this clearing sat on a hill, which was blocked off into layers by short hedges. Homes were planted within the hedges, with little shops designed for denizens of the woods, and not so much for travelers.

At the crest of the hill were two deku trees like Korok and Kikwi. Unlike the two deku trees in the Valley of the Forest, these two's boughs were filled with blackened leaves. The knots in their bark that formed their faces were contorted, pushed by sickly vines. Link doubted this village was ever as green as the Valley of the Forest, but he could tell there was still something wrong.

Beneath the boughs of the trees stood his companions with the seed pod. A skull kid hovered nearby, trying to communicate with the giant trees behind them.

As Link approached, Endeavor looked up, concern in her eyes, "Are you well?"

"Better," Link answered, trying to smile. There was no point lying. Endeavor would see right through him. He gestured to the skull kid. "Is this your friend, Wudhi?"

The deku scrub nodded. "This is Saruo. She speaks with Skull and Scrub, the Hidden Grove's resident deku trees. Though recently..." The scrub pointed up to the trees. Link didn't ask for Wudhi to finish explaining. He could tell the trees were sick, like Korok and Kikwi had warned.

"Kephe, what is the pod?" Link asked as he watched Saruo continue to try speaking with the deku trees. What came out was garbled nonsense and mad raving, nothing like the clear voices of Korok and Kikwi.

Jumping up from where he was sitting on the seed, Kephe exclaimed, "It's a baby!"

Mismawn put his hands on his hips, nodding. "It's a baby something of the forest."

"What does that mean?" Link asked, turning to Endeavor.

"The Great Deku Tree drops seed pods like these into the forest," Endeavor elaborated. "Those pods used to be taken into the Temple of the Forest Sage, which the forest children call the Deku Greenhouse, where they would be taken care of until the pod hatched."

Kephe nodded. "E-ever since the Demon King showed up, the Great Deku Tree hasn't dropped pods anymore. A-and since no one could get to the Greenhouse-"

"No point making any seeds," Link finished, filling in the blanks. "What do you think it means?"

Crossing her arms, Endeavor answered, "I believe it is a sign that the Great Deku Tree is desperate for help. Restoring the Temple of Courage may have removed some of the strain, but there is a corruption the Great Deku Tree seems to be trying to keep at bay. I would guess that this pod contains the Forest Sage, so that if we might restore the Temple, this child might be able to maintain it."

Link set his hand on the pod. To be born just to fulfil a role...He smiled, the idea of that sounding familiar. "Do we know what they're going to be?"

Kephe shook his head. "No, not until it's born."

"Wild guess says there's some kind of big, ugly monster waiting for us in the Greenhouse then," Link said, turning to Endeavor.

"That is not exactly a wild guess," Endeavor corrected. "Supposing the trend of the past several temples we have visited holds."

"Wudhi, who's this?"

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