Chapter 5

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I still felt uneasy as we walked through this cave, or whatever it was.

Something was bothering me, I was reacting to something and I couldn't figure out what it was.

"Something feels off..." Izumo said, breaking the silence. 

"I agree," I said.

We continued walking further in the cave and Kotetsu suddenly stopped walking. 

"Hey guys...are you seeing that huge slug over there?" He asked, his voice sounding a little different.

"What? Where are you seeing this slug?" Hana asked him.

"Over there," He pointed towards a wall.

Izumo, Hana, and I all exchanged glances. What the hell is he talking about? There wasn't any slug and he was pointing at a wall.

Izumo suddenly started laughing out of nowhere. 

Hana and I now gave each other a look. What the hell is going on?

Hana suddenly gasped, covering her mouth. "Don't breathe in! There's some sort of gas!"

Her dogs suddenly collapsed to the ground, looking as if they were in a different world. Hana and I held our breaths, but it was no use.

She started laughing too, pointing at the wall. She was mumbling something about mermaids. Right after that, I started to see red and blue outlines of my surroundings and everything looked like it was moving around.

My heart was racing and the walls started to melt around me. I was panicking now and I could see the ground melting too. I collapsed to the ground, clutching my head. 

I didn't understand what was going on and I didn't understand why I was seeing something. This wasn't a genjutsu, it felt too different. Something was wrong. 

I saw a glimpse of silver, but I didn't know what was real anymore. 

I shut my eyes and tried to make myself fall asleep. Maybe I can sleep this off. 

Hours later...

When I woke up, I couldn't move. 

I saw that everything was back to normal. 

I looked down at my body, seeing that I was bound in rope and noticed that my hands and feet were even tied. I looked around, not seeing any of my comrades or Hana's dogs. 

A snake suddenly slithered onto my leg and started moving upwards.

I started shaking because I couldn't get it off of me. Snakes and spiders always gave me the chills. The snake sensed my fear and slithered up my arm, then stuck its tongue out tauntingly at me.

"So, you're still squeamish when it comes to snakes," A voice said. 

My blood ran cold and my heart dropped. 

"It's you," I spat, hatefully.

"I can see you haven't forgotten me, Kasumi Sarutobi"

"Orochimaru," I held my hateful tone.

I hated him because he betrayed our village, ran "experiments" on people, and how heartless he is when it comes to his former comrades. I also can't stand how he just turned on my dad like it was nothing.

Everything that happened earlier now made sense. He did something to us. 

His golden eyes locked with mine and he held his smirk and the snake started slithering towards him. When it went into Orochimaru's sleeve, I got chills down my spine.

I never understood how he could just let snakes on him like that.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I asked him, struggling to break out of the rope. "Let me go, damnit!"

He smirked. "I can't do that,"

"So, I'm guessing you're the one who made us see things. What the hell did you do? Did you poison my teammates and I?"

He chuckled. "You're full of questions. No, it wasn't me who emitted the gas and it wasn't poison either. I needed you alive,"

Well, at least I know that my team isn't dead.

"You're going to use me as a test subject, aren't you?" 

"You can't escape, so I might as well just tell you what I had planned," He replied. "I'm going to attack the Leaf Village and you're going to be my hostage,"

"Bastard," I said icily. "They'll stop you, so it won't work,"

"Not if the old man sees that his precious daughter's life is at stake," He taunted. "I'll have him right where I want him,"

I continued to give him an icy stare and he didn't comment on it.

"Kabuto!" He shouted.

A man walked into the room. He had silver hair, rounded glasses, purple and grey clothing, and he looked closer to my age. He had more of a sinister vibe than Orochimaru, but it looked like he worked for him. 

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru?" He replied.

"Bring Kasumi to her cell. We have business to handle, so make sure it's the one she can't escape from."

Kabuto lifted me up and I spit on him. "Get your filthy hands off of me!"

I struggled to get out of his hold and I can tell I pissed him off by spitting. 

He didn't say anything, so he threw me over his shoulder like a rag doll. He started walking out of the room I was in. I wasn't sure where we were going.

About ten minutes later, he threw me onto the ground and pulled a kunai out. He pointed the sharp end at me.

"You're lucky Lord Orochimaru was in the room," He said, threateningly. "If you ever act disobediently again, I won't hesitate to take your life. Even if he gets angry with me,"

I glared at him and he cut the ropes with his kunai, then stood up, shutting the door behind him. "Don't even think of using ninjutsu to escape, because this cell is made to prevent you from using any chakra,"

I stretched out when he left and sat down on the ground, miserably. I didn't know how much longer I'd be here and I hope it wasn't too long.

Time felt endless here.

Eventually, the door opened and I looked up, seeing a boy with long white hair and two red dots on his forehead.

"I'm bringing you food and water. I was given orders to do this since Lord Orochimaru needs you alive," He said and set a tray of food down.

I didn't reply to him and he left the cell, shutting the door behind him. 

I looked at the tray, seeing instant ramen in a bowl with a cup of water. I didn't touch it for hours until my body decided it was hungry.  

I hated this. 

I got myself into this stupid trap and now I'm stuck here because of how much an idiot I was. 

I really hoped someone could come save me. I hoped someone could figure out where I am and get me out, but I don't know if that's even possible at this point. Everything felt hopeless. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now