One direction slightly advertises under age drinking

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"Can you come early to help set up?" Liam texted you.

"Yeah sure. :D " You replied.

You finished making all the dishes and had left over food right when he texted.

"Niall! I have some left over food!" You called not knowing he was in the room next door. You placed all the left over food in a plate and when you turned around, he was right behind you, almost making you drop all food.

"Sorry love," He took the plate in one hand and wrapped his other arm around you.

"It's okay. Oh hey Liam asked if we can come early to help out." You said hugging him tightly.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled. "Now let's eat."

The way he said it made you laugh. The two of you go to the table to nibble on the food and talked longer than intended.

"So you guys coming or what?" Your phone vibrated.

"Oh shit." You read the text. "We need to get going. Niall please help me bring the food into the car. And please don't try to eat any of it on the way there."

"Okay." He said, slightly pouting but jokingly.

"Yeah we're on our way." You texted him.

Between five to ten minutes later, you two arrived to the house and all the boys had pretty set up the party already.

"Sorry we're late. Somebody got little treats before the party and we lost track of time." You apologized as they shook their heads letting you know it's fine.

Everyone each brought in a plate of food and as you all set up the food table, they were so shocked about how much food you made. Well everyone but Niall who didn't mind all the food.

"Did I make too much?" You see the look in their eyes and slightly panicked.

"No it's fine. The more the better." Liam said. "I asked a few people for food but I don't know who else might actually bring food."

"Okay. Is there anything else we need to set up?" Niall asked.

You brought some drinks so you put them in the cooler and find alcohol.

"Hey! No! Just no! I don't want to be near any drunk people!" You freaked out as soon as you saw the drinks.

They, Louis especially, wanted to get a little drunk and bickered about being drunk.

"Please let us get a little drunk." The begged.

"No!" Your voice slightly started to shake

"Come one being drunk isn't so bad." They tried to convince you.

"No! I'm scared!" You saw the crazy drunk people and it has now scared you forever.

Seeing you freak out so much they gave in and took out the alcohol in Louis' car hiding it well.

"Um Sachiko are you good with like lights and sound?" Louis asked about half an hour after the freak out.

"Sorta. Why?" You answered.

"We're gonna have a little DJ set in the backyard but I couldn't get the lights to turn on." Liam explained. "And the sound too. I talk into the mic but no sound."

"Okay I'll try to have a look at it." You headed towards the back and had a look at the booth. "I think the black out should be turned off and...." You hit the black out button and the lights practically blind Harry who was standing at the booth. "I don't know what's wrong with the sound."

You look around the control booth but find nothing to see if any of the buttons are messed up.

"Hey Louis, can you go over there and talk into the mic?" You asked, pointing towards the fence across from the booth and speakers. "Something might be wrong with the connection."

Louis walked to the other side and started to talk. "Keep talking." You told him as you played with the wires.

"... Kevin!" Louis shouted into the mic as you replugged the sound board.

"Well then..." You laughed. "Anyway Liam it looks like things are all fixed." You said as you turned to Liam.

"You're pretty good at stuff like that." He said. "Thanks."

"No problem. I'm taking tech theater right now." You smiled.

"We're done inside!" Zayn called out from the windows upstairs.

"Okay!" Liam said looking at his watch. "Well we have about two hours till the party. I guess we can just relax till then."

You, Louis, and Liam raced inside as the other three raced down the stairs. As you walked around the house talking pictures of the house and the silly boys, you noticed a bag in the corner so you picked it and saw that it was some blow up toys.

"Why don't we have some fun with these?" You suggested laughing at their excitement.

You all blew up all the toys and the boys started to hit each other with them. You slowly back away so you could take pictures. About half an hour into the fun, Louis saw you sitting on the floor, so he told you to put the camera down and you did so. He grabbed a near by pillow and threw it at you as soon as the camera was safely out of the way.

"Hey!" You laughed throwing it back. You missed and hit Harry.

Everyone began to throw pillows and it went into a crazy pillow fight. About thirty minutes before the party really started, all six of you found yourselves on the floor laughing. You all got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Selfies time!" You laughed as you pulled out your phone to take even more pictures. Over half of the photos were not so nice looking. "This reminds me of me and my brother trying to take pictures together!" You bursted out laughing.

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