But I want you back.

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As you arrived to Shuri Castle, your friends had faked several picture of the area and the view from the top of the hill. About half way through, Jelsie spotted Aaron and you invited him to join you guys for a tour around the castle. His parents had let him go with you and you smiled. Niall, not trying to make Aaron upset or anything, walked behind you and had his arms around your waist. Constantly, Aaron kept staring at the two of you with uneasy eyes. Niall took notice and nudged you, letting you know he was staring again just like the first time. You told him to ignore it but even so, as hard as you tried to ignore Aaron staring, it was getting harder. You told your friends you Niall and Aaron would meet up with them in a second.

"Aaron. What's the real reason you came to Japan?" You asked as soon as your friends were out of hearing range.

"What do you mean, 'real reason'?" He asked. "I told you family trip."

"That's not what it feels like to me!" Niall yelled a bit annoyed and angry. Aaron just gave him a confused look.

"Don't lie to us. Ever since we saw you at school you've been following us. And you wouldn't stop glaring at us!" You knew he was trying to avoid the truth and it really began to annoy you. "I even saw you at the restaurant yesterday and you kept looking in our direction."

Niall took a moment to think about the restaurant part and realized it was true. "Yeah! I don't know what you want from us but leave us alone!"

"No!" Aaron snapped. "Fine. I'll admit it. I didn't come here all because of a family trip. I heard you were going to Japan and I wanted to see you."

"So you stalk me and my friends and stare at my boyfriend with such a rude look?" You yelled, making a scene but at this point you didn't care.

"I want you back Satchan! But I can't do it with him in the picture!" He yelled back.

"Dot call me that! And you had your chance but I felt no love from you when we were together!" You were so angry tears started fill your eyes.

Niall took you in his arms and held you close. You buried you face in his chest and broke down. Just then your friends came rushing to you and when you saw them you walked to them covering your face.

"You should leave." Niall hissed.

"No! Not without Sachiko!" Aaron didn't budge.

"Leave!" Niall yelled stepping forward with a tight fist ready to punch him.

"Niall! Don't!" You yelled rushing to him.

You wrapped your arms around him trying to hold him back. He tried to get out of your grip but you held your ground and struggled to get in front of him. When you were in his sight you looked up at him with pleading eyes that read "stop." The two of you backed up against a nearby wall and slide down. Niall calmed down a little but not enough to stop himself from punching the cement. You took his bleeding hand into yours and tried to wrap it. He winced as you tried cleaning it. In the corner of your eye, you saw the other boys rush up to Aaron and yelled at him.

"Why are you still here?! Get out of here!" Liam yelled. "How dare you hurt my best friends!"

They looked ready to fight but you screamed. "No!!"

"What do you mean no?" Jelsie asked scared.

"This is my fight. I will handle it myself." You said.

"You won't be able win this fight!" Cami said.

"I won't unless you guys support me." You said. "Liam let him go." You added sternly as you saw Liam's arm around Aaron's neck.

As much as he didn't want to, Liam let go and you walked up to Aaron and glared into his brown eyes. "I thought we can be friends."

"I want you back in my life." He said.

"I will always be in your life but we will never be together like before okay?" He nodded sadly. "You can continue seeing me if you behave."

He wrapped his arms around you. "Thank you!"

"I didn't finish." You pushed him off of you. "I can stay if you behave AND if you don't try to break us apart. Okay?"

"Okay." He unwillingly said.

"For the rest of the week don't come try to see us."

"I thought you forgive me?" He asked.

"For the most part yes. But after the stunt you just pulled I am very angry with you." You gave him a stern look.

"Okay fine I'll stay away from you guys for a while."

He walked away and you broke down into tears. The girls knew exactly why you were crying. Aaron was one of the nicest people you have ever met and to see him act like this completely broke your heart.

About an hour later, you finally control your tears. By the time you did so, it was time to go back to the school. On the way there, your friends did a good job forgetting about what had happened earlier that day. Being their usual selves they told jokes, played fun car games anything and everything.

"Hey guys. Since we have plenty of time the next few weeks to tour Japan do you just want to stay at school for the whole day? That way it will be less of a chance to see you know who." Louis suggested.

"That sounds good. I'm not ready to see him. Not by a long shot." You said. "Besides more time with my sister. So I don't really mind.

As soon as you walked in to the principal's office, he was sitting at his desk. You had asked him if everything is okay. He nodded yes and asked when the boys would like to have their "concert." They said Friday was good. It was the last day before the school's break so it was perfect. A great way to end the grading period. You heard thudding sounds from outside and saw several of your friends fall to the ground as you opened the door. You made them keep it a surprise. Sure the entire school knew the boys were at their school but they did not know about the concert so you wanted to surprise them.

"Hey guys I might have a surprise for you guys at the concert." Zayn said.

"Might?" Louis asked.

"It's not official yet but hopefully by then it will be." He smiled winking at Jelsie and Harry who smiled knowingly.


Oh gosh. Aaron wants Sachiko back. Will he really stay away from her during the week? But question is why did he act the way he did? Is he jealous and wants to be the one to make Sachiko smile? And aside from that, the concert was at the end of the week only three days from now (according to the story line). Three days to get ready for the concert. And what surprise may Zayn have for everyone?

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