An eventful day

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"Hey weren't the Anckas here?" Louis asked.

"Yeah. I thought they were here." Harry agreed.

"Well shit. My mom might kill me for losing Priyanka." Jelsie said. "I'll text her"

"It's better if you call." Liam said.

"Good idea." She agreed.

After a few seconds Priyanka picked up the phone. "Hello Priyanka?... I don't care if it's one on the morning. Where are you?.... Wait I thought you came to Niall's and Sachiko's?.... No you didn't.... Well next time tell me and make sure I heard you.... Okay whatever.... Bye..."

"Well? Where are they?" Everyone asked as she hung up the phone.

"They went back to my place and apparently told me they were leaving." She said.

"She didn't tell anyone." You said.

"That's what I told her."

"Those girls." You sighed rolling your eyes.

"Well at least we know where they are now." Luke said. "Now let's go to bed. I'm tired."

"Sounds good to me." You all agreed.

You all went into your sleeping bags and talked for a little bit longer before really calling it a night.

Soon the sun came up and because you had gotten used to having only like four five hours, you were the first to get up. You didn't realize Niall had dragged his sleeping bag closer to you and used you legs as a pillow. It was strange usually you were a light sleeper but you didn't feel anything on you. When you moved you had woken up Niall whose head landed on the cement.

"Oh sorry babe. I didn't know you were right there." You whispered as he rubbed his head.

"What are you doing up so early?" He said sleepily.

"God I love that sleepy voice of his." You thought to yourself before telling him. "Oh I just woke up and decided to make breakfast. Something that's good yet simple."

"I see. Do you want help?" He asked.

"It's okay! I'm good." You smiled kissing the top of his head.

"Are you sure?" He asked getting up.

"Yes I'm sure. Now go back to sleep." You giggled.

"I can't fall back asleep." He whined.

"Okay fine. Then tweet to your fans or something?" You said.

"But what if I want to be with you?" He pouted.

"I want to be with you but I want to make everyone a little surprise." You giggled again at his reaction.

"But-" he started.

"No buts." You interrupted. "Everyone gets a surprise and that means you too."

"Okay. You win." He sighed.

"Good." You walked inside to make breakfast. "And if anyone wakes up tell them to not come in the kitchen."

You were in the kitchen preparing everyone's favorite breakfast. You took your time and it seemed to have gotten Niall pretty worried that he came inside.

"Babe?" He peaked his head in the doorway, making you jump.

"Yeah?" You asked after recovering.

"Everything okay? You've been in here for a while." He asked walking up to you and wrapping his arms around you.

"Yeah. I'm just about done. I need to bring the food to the table. Do you mind waking everyone up?" You kissed his cheek.

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