Let's get to work.

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Well isn't that a lovely way to be woken up? There were no birds softly chirping no cool breeze passing through nothing peaceful. Rather, cars were honking, elephants stomping and people were yelling at each other. Suddenly without a warning the roof started to close.

"Umm... Guys? How is the roof closing?" Cami said. "We are all here right?"

You get up quickly and rushed to the switches. Stopping at the corner, everyone caught up to you.

"Sachiko?" Niall said approaching you. "What's-"

He stopped talking just as he saw who you were looking at. Priceless expressions spread across the boys' faces as they had big smiles and they even did a little happy dance. As for you girls your jaws dropped unable to believe your eyes. Standing in front of you was the man who brought the boys together.

"Simon!!" The boys shouted and ran to Simon for a group hug.

"Hello boys." He wrapped his arms around the boys the best he could. "What a lovely surprise don't you think?"

"Yes!" They said happily still a little loud.

"You all must be Sachiko Devon Jelsie and Cami." He walked up to each one of you shaking your hands.

"Wow you're good with names." You laughed shyly.

"I have to remember lots of names as I am one of the judges on the X Factor." He said. "Where are the two you call the Anckas?"

"Oh they left because we were all being so lovey around here." Louis said.

"I see. That is understandable." He said as the boys wrapped their arms around their girlfriend. Well Zayn had his arm around Jelsie's shoulder and Harry had his around her waist. "I can see the love triangle here." He added laughing.

"Yeah. Hey Simon. What in the world are you doing here anyway?" Liam asked.

"Well I wanted to make sure everything came safely so I decided to bring it all myself." He replied.

"What do you mean by all? It sounds like a lot." Liam asked.

"Mostly small easy to build things and mics and lights. Nothing to worry about. If you know how to build."

As soon as he said the last sentence everyone looked at you. "What?"

"I think you know exactly what." Niall said.

"Sigh fine I'll build and set up everything." You paused. "But I will need at least two people to help me."

Niall immediately volunteered. "I'll help!"

"Will there be painting? If there is I will help." Zayn said.

You looked Simon who replied, "I think there are still a few things that still need to be painted."

"You can paint if you help build some of the props okay?" You said.

"Fair enough." Zayn said. "I'll help. I wanna do some kind of art again."

Behind Zayn, you saw Harry do a little happy dance. You knew exactly why so you laughed softly.

"Here let me show where everything is." Simon gestured towards you three to follow him.

You followed him to one of the big doors. As soon as he opened the door, all three of you had your eyes widened and mouths dropped open in shock. There were two small boxes filled with microphones, at least twenty boxes of lights and about ten slightly tall piles of wood to screw together.

"Please tell me you didn't bring all this by yourself." You said.

"Oh no. My family and I arrived in the middle of the night and dragged everything right here. They all went to the hotel we booked at. It's actually not far from here. You can meet them real soon." Simon reassured you all.

"Thank goodness. That is so much stuff." You sighed relieved.

"You can finish in time right?"

"Of course. If we stay focused."

"We will for the sake of the concert." Zayn said comforting you.

Right before you answered him, a slightly loud growling from your stomach. "Can we eat before we started?" You laughed awkwardly blushing deeply.

"Of course." Simon smiled.

When you all arrived back to where the others were on stage, there were plates filled with left over food from yesterday set up on the floor.

"We would have brought a table but it's a bit far. And let me guess. Niall wanted to eat." Liam laughed.

"Actually I wanted to eat." You rose your hand.

"That I do not find very shocking." Cami said.

"Wow you just went there." You stuck your tongue out at her.

"It's true. You know it's true.l


You all sat down to eat and talk for about an hour and a half. You checked your phone noticing it was almost noon.

"Oh hey. Niall, Zayn, do you want to start builiding?" You asked.

They checked their phones noticing the time as well and nodded. Slowly messing around on the way, you three finally made it to the set pieces.

"I think we should build on the stage." You suggested. "There are outlets on the stage right?"

"I don't see why there wouldn't." Zayn said.

Pile by pile you brought the pieces onto the stage and plugged everything in. You were so glad the large already set up as that was how it was when you all first arrived to.

"Do you guys want like different levels to the stage? Since it's pretty flat except where the drum set goes." You asked them.

"Maybe something small at the each side of the stage?" Niall suggested.

"Okay we can do that." You smiled. "Do you two want to paint signs to greet people when they come instead?"

"Sure." Zayn smiled obviously happy to do some kind of art. "Wait right now?"

"Yeah if you want to. I know what I'm doing." You reassured him.

"You can paint and I'll help Sachiko." Niall offered his help to you. "Besides, Zayn, you're obviously a better person to do the art than me."

"Okay. That's fair." Zayn laughed.

Zayn walked around the stadium trying to remember where he found the paint. On his search for paint he noticed something he half excepted. Trying to not react to what is in his sight, he continues to look for the paint.

Omg a surprise from Simon!! How awesome is that? And I wonder what Zayn saw when he was looking for the paint. Will he be able to hold back the urge to hold on to his reaction whatever it may be? About that concert, totally going off topic from Zayn, but whatever it’s still about the chapter. Anyway, will everything turn out okay for the concert? Will Sachiko remember what to do? Guess we’ll find out on the next chapter.

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