Quality time in Japan

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As you walked into the house, your mouth lightly dropped open. The house looked bigger than you remembered.

"Shio-chan? Did you remodel the house?" You asked.

"Yeah. A few weeks after you left. Do you like?" She asked.

"Yes!" You smiled happily.

"We have made two new guest room that you can stay in." Mama said in a heavy Japanese accent.

"Okay. Thank you!" You smiled.

You all followed your host mom upstairs and found two pretty large room.

"Here's your rooms. If you want you can use the closets and drawers." Mama said in Japanese as she was unsure of how to say it in English.

"Thank you!" You gave her a hug and turned towards your friends. "Do you want to settle in now?"

They nodded sure. Mama left the room but Shiori stayed to help. She had a shocked look in her eyes when she saw only the Anckas go into the room next door.

"Shiori Shiori. No need to be shocked. We've sleep nights together like this many times before. It's normal." You laughed.

"Really?" She said in a totally Asian way.

"Yeah. But the boys go out of the room when we girls change. It doesn't affect us girls when they do it." She laughed as well as everyone else.

"Do you want to sleep in the same room as us while we're here?" Zayn spoke up.

And she nodded in happiness. "It will be fun!" She turns towards you and asked, "If we finish early do you want to do anything?"

"I don't really care. What do you guys think?" You smiled towards your friends.

"Sounds good!" They said happily.

~two hours later.~

You all finished settling in and you decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Everyone all carried on with their own conversations, but mostly consisted of questions for your sister and brothers who pleaded to go with you guys.

As the rest of the day and walk went on, you all stopped to take photos every so often. The sun started to go down so you started to head back home. You couldn't help but giggle when Niall's stomach started to growl softly.

When you got home you found a bunch of you friends there. You couldn't help but run up to them and give them giant hugs. Mama told you it was a surpise party for you and your friends. You went into a quick conversation before introducing them to your other friends. Everyone screamed in excitement when you got to the boys, making you jump each time they screamed. One of your kendo friends, Ayaka, came up to you and asked you something. You smiled brightly. With one hand holding a plate of food, Niall wrapped his free arm around you and kissed your cheek. You giggled as you saw Ayaka and Serina's reactions.

"You boyfriend and girlfriend?" They asked shocked.

"Yup. Almost three months." You smiled happily. "Harry is with Jelsie, Devon is dating Liam Cami is dating Louis. As for Zayn he is currently single." The two of them screamed happily. "You two really like one direction?" You asked and they nodded.

The night went on and people slowly started to leave. When the party ended your mom left and came back with three boxes telling you it was from your actual family. You opened them up and found all your kendo armor and clothes in one box, your kendo swords in another and your Japanese school uniform in the last box. As you opened your box with your kendo armor, everyone waved their hands in front of their faces. You couldn't help but laugh hard as the smell of sweaty kendo didn't faze you.

"I guess it smells really bad. I'll put it outside to air out." You laughed trying to collect yourself.

You got a hanger from one of the rooms and went outside to hang up your shirt. You laid out all your armor. And not quite used to the smell, Niall still helped you lay everything out. You told him to go inside as it was your things and you can do it. Willingly but pouring he said okay and went back inside. You came back inside with a yawn.

"Let's get to bed." Jelsie laughed yawning as well.

You nodded and headed for the room. "What took you so long?" Niall whispered into your ear.

"I was fixing my things. That's all." You said sleepily.

Suddenly you see Zayn pull Jelsie behind the group. "Must be about getting a girl." You thought to yourself. "But who could the lucky girl be?"

You were too tired to think about it so you joined everyone and started to get ready for bed. The bed wasn't big enough to fit everyone so half of you slept on the floor. All the couples cuddled up together and quickly fell asleep while Zayn and Shiori fell asleep in opposite corners.


Sorry for such a bad chapter I kind of have a writers block right now. Anyway... What could have Zayn and Jelsie been talking about. Could it be he asked Jelsie to help him get with someone? If so who could it be? And how will everyone at shiori's school react when they see the boys? Will they boys be able to pull off being ordinary boys at school? Note Sachiko and the group will be going to school for sure. But there will be no promises they will be there all day.

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