Visiting Shiori's school.

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Early the next morning Shiori had woken you all up realizing she had mixed up the week she had school and when she was on break.

"I am so sorry everyone. I mixed up the weeks I had school and when I didn't. I am so sorry!" She exclaimed in Japanese. Your friends were so confused so you interpreted for them.

"It's okay. Don't worry." You comforted her.

In the mean time you all got ready to go to Shiori's school. Hajime-San had come to pick you and your friends up to get your uniforms. You didn't have to worry about getting an new uniform as you still fit the one you already had. When you got to the uniform store, you quickly changed into your uniform. And most of the morning consisted of your friends getting their uniforms and meeting the principal. Even the boys each got a uniform just to blend in more. As everyone stepped out of the changing room (which felt like a closet), you couldn't help but want to take pictures with them.

"You guys look so cute!" You giggled.

"Thanks." Your friends blushed.

"You look the cutest." Niall smiled, taking your hand and spun you around. "Like always."

"Oh Niall!" You blushed.

"Ah. Sachiko chan." Hajime San spoke up and continued talking to you in Japanese.

You turned towards your friends. "We have to go to the school now."

"Okay!" They said excited.

"Do you want to stay at the school for the rest of the day or walk around town?" You asked.

"Let's spend some time there and then go for a walk around town." Louis suggested.

"Okay." You agreed and changed back into regular clothes.

You all arrived to the school and went to the principal's office. As you entered the building everyone almost walked in with their shoes on.

"Wait! Don't walk in with your shoes on. Not here." You caught them just in time.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"We're Japanese. We don't like it too dirty. The classrooms are fine with shoes but not here."

"Asians do like their cleanliness." Cami admitted as you started to head for the principal's office.

There weren't enough chairs so you and the girls sat boys' laps. While you all waited, you started to take a bunch of pictures of the room and how it brought back memories. Your friends being them, when you tried to take a nice picture, they would be camera shy or be silly. Looking at the photos made you crack up. About a half an hour after arriving, the principal came and said his hellos to everyone. After you had lunch together with your sister's class, who were very excited to see the boys and you again, the principal gave you a quick tour around the school and let you all go where ever you want as he obviously knew you weren't actually students.

You decided to go to a nearby museum that you vaguely remember. At least you thought you were going there. The boys had spotted a park on the way to the museum and wanted to have fun there. You all raced to the play grounds and the boys were being gentlemen by letting you win. For a good amount of time, you played tag. The boys made you laugh by hiding and calling the one that was "it". Finally you were all pretty worn out and hung out on the grass and on the near swings. Once again you pulled out your camera to take in the scenery and of your friends.

"Damn girl. When do you not have that fancy camera of yours?" Bianca teased.

"It can't be helped if I love pictures now can it?" You laughed. "Besides pictures capture the moments that will last a lifetime."

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