Fun before being gone

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Hey guys. I'm really sorry I don't post as much as I used to when i started nearly two years ago (oh god that's so long) I've just been so busy with school and work. But I will try my best to finish this super long story as soon as possible. anyway I'm sure you're tired of my excuses of inactivity. Here's the next chapter.

Although you weren't leaving for two days, you wanted to get packing out of the way and have a day to relax before leaving for San Diego. Liam came to help her pack and he was clearly excited she was coming back to live with him. After about half an hour of packing your things, you finally finished and helped Devon finish packing and even with the two boys helping her, they barely finished getting everything together

"What the hell was going on while I was getting ready for my tournament?" you laughed, seeing the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Thank god you're here Sachiko." Devon laughed as well. "These boys are crazy."

"Were they the reason I heard so much racket?" You rolled your eyes.

"Yep." She replied simply. "They were throwing my stuff around."

"Hey!" They said in in sync.

"Way to throw us under the bus!" Liam added

"You know it's true." She sassed

"Damn Sassy Devon be coming out." You teased. "And come on Liam. The quicker you help her, the more quality alone time you get with her." You winked at him purposely not sly.

"True. You two can go if you want." He told you and Niall.

"If you say so." Niall shrugged."Want to go to the park?"

"If we get to go there." you hinted.

"I was hoping you were gonna ask." He rested his arm around your waist.

"There?" Devon asked.

"It's our special place." You winked.

"Hey niall. Wanna tell us where it is?" Liam nudged him.

"It wouldn't be so special if I tell you." Niall laughed. "Spend time with your girl."

"I'm not his girl yet." Devon sassed

"You're gonna moving back in with him so thats one more step closer." You teased.

"Oh shush." Devon blushed.

"Come on lets go, babe." Niall grabbed your hand.

You nodded and followed him to the kitchen. You made little snacks to nibble on at your special place hidden behind the park.

"Hey Ni. Can you finish packing the food?" You asked. "There's some things that I want to get from my room."

"Sure. You getting you camera?" Niall teased knowing you would want to bring it.

"Maybe." you giggled. "And other things. and don't pack too much food."

"No promises." he laughed

You dashed to your room quickly smiling a little as you saw Levon talking and laughing with each other as you passed the room. You grabbed a small bag and stuffed it with your sketchpad, and other art materials as well as your camera.

"Things to be going well for them." you smiled when you came back to the kitchen.

"They're meant to be together. just like us." Niall cupped your face, squishing it gently. "It will work out for them."

"Thanks for squishing my face." You chuckled wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Any time babe." he laughs playing his chin on top of your head. "You ready to go?"

"Yup." you cheerfully said.

It was about a fifteen minute drive then another ten minutes to get to your special spot. He laid out the enormous towel and food. All you were able to talk about how excited and nervous you were for nationals.

"I can't believe tomorrow is my last full day of relaxation. The team and I have been training so hard for so long I can't wait to show the other federations what we're made off. Ugh but I'm so nervous. I hope it doesn't show during the matches. my coaches will be there for me I know it. I shouldn't be worried as long as I have full support from my team. I know they do support me just as much I will for them." You suddenly cut yourself off. "I'm sorry. I'm just rambling."

"No it's okay." Niall smiled. "I think it's cute, knowing how dedicated you are to kendo. And I know you will do great at nationals."

You couldn't help but blush. "Thanks. Anyway enough about me. You and the boys are going on tour soon after nationals right? How exciting!"

"Yeah we are. Paul and the rest of management said you and the girls can join us on tour." He smiled.

"Oh my god! Really?" You asked.

He nodded, smile widening. You were so happy, you practically tackled him into a giant hug, making him laugh.Conversation carried on about the most random things like other passions, music, favorite memories and whatnot.At one point Niall had accidentally fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation. Not that you can blame him; the sun was shining brightly and felt so nice and warm. Even though you brought your sketchbook, you didn't actually plan to draw, but with Niall sleeping so peacefully next to you, you took the chance to draw him. It wasn't long after you started drawing that the nice warmth of the sun started to hit you. You took a few quick pictures of your sleeping boyfriend to finish drawing him and set an alam just in case you sleep longer than intended. After doing so, you cuddled up to him, not afraid to wake him because you know he'll just wrap his arms around you and fall back asleep.

You two did wake up before the alarm, but the sun was already setting so you decided to head back. but of course with you being you, you had to take a few pictures of the setting sun.

The next day was your last day before heading off to nationals. Everyone, the 5sos boys too to your surprise, came over to your place. it was a day filled with a morning of games and an afternoon and evening of movie marathons. Although you had to get up early to get to the meeting place, you all fell asleep at around one in the morning. San Diego was only a few short hours from where the tournament was, but your coach, Onitsuka sensei, wanted to have as much team bonding as possible because he knew that once nationals was over, you wouldn't be all together again.

Morning came and everyone came to say their goodbyes even though they knew they would see you at the farewell party.

"Bye babe." Niall gave you a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug. "Good luck. I know you'll do amazing."

"Thanks. I'll see you at the party. Or when we're taking pictures." you laughed knowing how tournaments are.

You gave hugs to everyone else as they wished you good luck before hopping on the bus. once settling in, the drive began and everyone talked amongst each other for a while before either falling asleep or listening to music

As said before, sorry i apologize for not updating as much as i used to. I will try my best to finish this story asap. I haven't decided yet on the next chapter, but I think the next chapter will be most about the tournament and not much about one direction and the couples. and sorry i didn't add much about the day before leaving; I got stuck after i wrote that "Morning of games and afternoon of movie marathon..."part.

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