Buying gifts!

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Well that was quite a busy day for you and your girls. Finding the perfect gift for the boys and Priyanka was so tiring. The mall was huge and filled with cute shops making it even harder to decide what to buy. Of course you just had to make a suggestion in buying the boys one thing the same and one thing different. Jelsie said a cute same gift could be the popular chocolate and other candies.

"We just have to make sure Niall only gets his share of candy." You joked.

"I know. We'll have to tell the other boys to lock theirs in a safe or something." Devon laughed.

You all continue making jokes about the boys as you made it a for sure gift. On the way there you all past by a cute store with a cute little giraffe in the window... Okay it wasn't little. It was fairly large. Either way it reminded you how much Niall loves giraffes. It was so cute you just had to get it for him.

"Oh my god. This is too cute I'm gonna buy it. Niall would love this." You said walking towards to store.

"Okay. We'll wait out here so we're not in the way." Jelsie said.

Just minutes later you came out with a bag with a giraffe head and wrapping paper sticking out.

"Wow. It looks so special." Cami teased you.

"She asked me of it was a gift for someone and I said yes. The next thing I know she was wrapping it." Suddenly your eyes light up with an idea. "We should wrap our gifts like this to make it special!"

The girls' eyes light up in an excited response. "Yes! It'd be so fun." They said happily.

You fell to the back of the group as you continued your way to the candy store. Your phone was in your hand and you looked up from time to time.

"Who you talking to?" Jelsie took notice but didn't look at your screen.

"Huh? Oh talking to my sister on Line." You lied. You were really talking to Niall hinting to him that he and his group should wrap their gifts to make it more special.

"Okay." She shrugged. "Well while you were busy texting you sister, we're here."

You all walked and got excited by all the sugary food. You each made at least three bags of chocolate. Two for your man (well friend in Bianca's case) and one for yourself. You walked around the mall for the others' gifts, nibbling on your goodie bag. Jelsie saw a folder with an Indian design on it. It made her think of Zayn and his love for art. She thought it would be a cute gift for him to keep his drawings. Devon found a cute mug for Liam that has his name on it. Cami bought Louis a little photo book.

"Louis is gonna have to wait I think for his gift." Cami said holding up the bag with photo book inside.

"Why?" You all look at her with curious eyes.

"As much as I hate pictures I wanna make a photo album of our time together." She said. "I gotta add the photos we have-" she looked at you and you understood what she meant. "-and we will just add from there on."

"You remind me of Aaron when you say you hate taking photos." You laughed.

"On yeah How is he anyway? It's been a while since I've seen him" Devon asked.

"He's doing good. We talk when we see each other from time to time. And it has been a while for me too. I kinda miss him." You said.

"Wait why did you break up again? You two were pretty cute together. Not that you and Niall aren't." Jelsie asked.

"I don't know. I guess we both just fell out of love you know? It was a mutual break up and we decided to still be friends." You explained.

You guys continue walking around the mall and talked about the most random things. Finally Jelsie and Bianca found cute little gifts. Jelsie bought a small painting of a cat roaming the streets of India because Harry.... Well Harry is Harry. He loves his cats. Meanwhile for Bianca she found a cute cell phone case that's says "I heart India!" Priyanka didn't have a case for her phone so being a good friend, Bianca finally bought one for her. You and the girls walked a little bit longer as you forgot where you left the elephants.

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