Chapter 6

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I don't know how long I've been in this cell for, but it felt like I was stuck here forever. The food they were bringing me was repulsive. It tasted like microwave dinners that have been stuck in the freezer for too long. 

I just want to get out of here already.

Damn, if only this cell didn't prevent me from using my chakra. I would've busted out of here already.

I heard footsteps walking down from the hall and my heart started pounding. I knew Orochimaru planned to attack the Leaf Village and that scared me. 

The door opened and Orochimaru stood there with Kabuto.

"Get up," Kabuto demanded.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I hated the way he was treating me. I'd talk back to him if he didn't threaten to kill me.

I stood up and held my hands out, giving him an icy stare. He gave me the same look and tied both of my wrists together with a rope and used a second rope to tie in the middle so he could pull on it.

He's just going to walk me like I'm a dog. Damn him.

Orochimaru started talking as we walked out of the cell.

"We're moving you to a closer hideout now," He said. "The attack won't be for another few weeks and there are still some preparations that need to be done,"

I couldn't hold my snarkiness back any longer.

"You're a rogue ninja," I started. "You're the biggest criminal in the book and yet you choose to take over a village that you betrayed ages ago. Don't you have anything better to do?"

He smirked after I said that.

"You're right," He replied. "But I need an army to do what I need to do and that's where the Leaf comes in handy. They'll be forced to obey me once I take over,"

I rose an eyebrow.

What the hell does he have planned?

My heart raced even more thinking about what could possibly happen. Maybe I can escape and help everyone fight back?

Kabuto joined in. "That old man will be putty in our hands once he sees who our hostage is,"

"My dad won't give in like that. Don't underestimate him," I snapped.

Kabuto turned and smirked at me. "And if he doesn't we'll have no choice but to kill him,"

I stared at him hatefully. I hated both of them and I wish I could kick their asses right now, but I can't. I bit back any more of my snarkiness since it would probably get me killed if I didn't. 

The walk to the next hideout felt like it was going on for hours and I'm getting sick of it. I don't even want to walk anymore, I just want to get home already.

I looked down at the ground, beating myself up for this. This was my fault.

I suddenly ran into Kabuto's back and realized he stopped walking. 

I looked up immediately, hoping I'd see a familiar face here to save me. My eyes locked with onyx orbs and I was speechless. 

"What a surprise to see you," Orochimaru said. "Itachi Uchiha,"

Itachi started activating his sharingan and I looked away. 

He looked over at Kisame, who was also here and they both nodded at each other.

I didn't know what to think of this at all. I don't even have the words to describe the confusion I feel.

Kisame walked over to me and my heart pounded as he reached for his sword. "Sorry, I'll be taking her," He said to Kabuto and lifted me up like a rag doll.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now