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Loki's POV




_It had been a week and I had not been able to communicate with Ruby. Thor was now king and still forbid everyone to go see her. I wanted to see her. To talk to her. To hug her. To feel her body in my arms and embrace her for as long as I could. I wanted her to look at up at me with her big brown eyes, wiser than most and full of knowledge. I.....wanted to kiss her. The fact that she kissed me back that one day months ago when I kissed her, gave me hope. Hope that she felt the same way towards me. She may not want to talk about that kiss. She may not want to talk about the way it made her feel, but something tells me that she feels the same way about me. After Thor was crowned king, I became his adviser. I don't know why, or how I got here, but here I am. Thinking about Ruby made me a bit worried. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how many hard I tried to get inside her mind, she wouldn't let me. Her mind had been blocked since I gave her the dreadful news. "What troubles you brother?" said Thor, and I noticed he had been staring at me this whole time, and could see the stressed look on my face no doubt. "oh i...was thinking about mother. i miss her." it wasn't a lie. i missed her more than he would ever know and much more than i allowed myself to show. he nodded understanding my pain, "ah yes, every morning i wake up thinking she's still alive. but tell me brother," i looked up at him " the only woman you have been thinking about?" i didn't know what to say. i honestly did not. how can I tell him that I've fallen in love with her, and actually expect him to believe me? He raised an eyebrow at me, but his facial expression was not a happy one. "don't upset her brother. It is the last thing we need." What is that supposed to mean? "i would never....even dream of hurting her....she is important to me. She means something to me." he seemed shocked to hear those words but seconds later, a sad smile was on his face. he walked away saying nothing more. 

I lay in bed that night, thinking about her. I wanted to go see her. The more I thought about it, the more i realized, that I didn't care about what Thor had said. I decided to go see her. It wouldn't be the first time disobeying a king. I walked the large corridor once more. This time, as quickly and silently as I could. I opened the jail doors as quietly as I could. But when I got close to Ruby's cell, Thor was there talking to her. I did not even try to make myself invisible to them both. Especially because i did not want to trick Ruby in any way, however, neither of them seemed to recognize that i was standing right there. Thor's voice was quiet but clear. "Do you love him?" ......What was he talking about? "Yggdrasil...."

"Please don't call me that." Her voice was so low but threatening at the same time. "my personal business" 

"i am only trying to help yo-"

"how's that?"

"he may be my brother, but he will hurt you. Now, I am not going to forbid you to fall in love with him-"

"As if you could!"

"Obviously I can't!" he sighed after realizing he had raised his voice a bit. "cousin, if you end marrying him, would you go back to Midgard, or would you stay here?"

".....I don't know....."

"IF, you stay, and i believe even if you go as well, you will stand tall among all asgardians, among all gods, among all mortals. They will worship you as their goddess, as their queen." he turned around and saw me. his eyes widened for a moment but then went back to their regular size. he pointed at me with his left arm and looked at Ruby. "But  do not forget, dear cousin, who it is that you will always kneel to"

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