New Beginnings, New Life

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Loki’s POV

_I knocked on Ruby’s door as hard as I possibly could. no answer.

“You won’t find her in there.” I heard Thor say behind me.

I turned around to face him. “Where. Is. She?”

“Where do you think?”

I felt rage, sadness, melancholy. She had left me, again. Was it truly that hard to say goodbye to me? Reassure me that she would be back in no time? Why had she left without even looking me in the eye and telling me she loved me?

“When is she coming back?”

“I do not know. But that’s not the most important thing right now. What are your intentions with Sigyn?”

I scoffed. “... ‘not the most important thing right now’....are you really saying Sigyn is more important now?”

“I know where Yggdrasil is. Heimdall will see her no matter where she is.”

“And how many times has Heimdall NOT been able to see her?”

“She promised me she would remain visible to Heimdall.”

“Maybe she lied. She could turn invisible to Heimdall any minute now and there’s nothing you could do.”

“No Loki. She wouldn’t. The only liar here, is you.” he said as he shoved me.

“I have not lied to her.”

“So, telling her you love her, and making her feel like you’re in love with her while you keep Sigyn thinking that there is still something between the two of you, is not lying to her?”

I stayed silent.

“You have lied to me for as long as you have been my brother, and despite all, I refuse to cast you out, because you are my brother. Because our bond has lasted longer than yours with Yggdrasil. She is my cousin and I don’t want her to waste her time with you, when all you do is lie to her. She has gone through enough with you and though she loves you-”

“Yggdrasil does not love you Loki.” said Sigyn as she approached us.

“W-what…..How would you even know Sigyn?”

“I spoke to her before she left. She said she wanted nothing to do with you and wanted to find love in Midgard instead. Even gave me a small present. See?”

She held up Ruby’s necklace. The one she used to shape shift. Gold and beautiful with a gorgeous emerald. The same necklace she used to change her appearance that night months ago in her apartment.

“You stole that!” said an enraged Thor.

“No! She gave it to me! She likes me” she said smiling

“A liar and a thief” said Thor looking at me frowning. He turned to her. “Give me the necklace wench.”

Sigyn looked at him with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth.

“Hand it over!” he yelled.

She gave it to him quickly and backed away from him a bit.

“I want you to leave Asgard.”

“Thor wait” I said

Both him and Sigyn looked at me. I turned to Sigyn.

“Would you like to come with me to my room?”

She smiled. “I thought you would never ask”

I rolled my eyes. “I have a few questions to ask you, that’s all”

“Yes of course. Let’s go then.”

I gave Thor a small nod and left with Sigyn. My room was right next to Ruby’s so I only had to walk a few steps. I closed the door once I was inside and decided to cast a spell so nobody could hear what Sigyn and I spoke about. But, I believe right before doing that, I heard Thor sigh and say “No, Loki….”

*********Ruby's POV*********

_There's something about New York that has always attracted me. Maybe it’s the lights, maybe it’s the people walking on the sidewalks day in and day out. Every single one of them is different. That makes them special. Maybe I love New York because so far it’s the best place to be at on New Year’s Eve. That has always been my favorite day. Why? It’s the one day in the year where people all over the country are having the same thought. ‘This year will be better’. They make what they call ‘New Year’s Resolutions, and they’re hopeful and positive for the year that’s right around the corner. A new year that will unfortunately bring deaths, but also the birth of millions of babies around the world. Each baby that comes into this world is a better child that the one before. New Year’s Eve is the one day that encourages people to put their past behind them and focus on new beginnings, new life.  The restaurants, the stores, the people, the beauty of New York captivated me.

Being back here certainly felt good. Even the air was different than on Asgard. I feel almost glad that I left. My apartment, had remained intact. It smelled just the way it did the night Loki came for me. The lamp in my room was still illuminating the chamber and the ceiling fan kept it cool. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was 3 in the morning but I felt like eating some snacks. Only problem was, there were none. I put on my favorite leggings, a t-shirt with the British flag on it and a leather jacket over it. I grabbed the keys and left. On my way to the store, I looked around me, and felt like coming back here would truly help me forget about the drama back in Asgard, and start an actual normal life here. No drama, and no stress, no men for a while. Once again, I was too distracted with my own  thoughts and bumped into someone.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry." I looked up and the first thing I saw were a pair of light blue eyes.

"No worries" the voice sounded so relaxed and familiar. I backed away a bit to look at the man before me and see if I could recognize him. He looked at me for a few seconds as well. His eyes widened and he smiled.


I frowned. Great, he knew me and I had no idea who he was. How embarrassing.

"Ruby Swenson is that you?"

It was then that I realized who he was. No other guy had ever taken the time to know my full name. The name I've been using for 19 years. Just when I thought I was going to start a new life, there he was, a symbol to remind me of the 4 most horrible and miserable years of my existence. High school.

I gulped. "Hello Ed."

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