On My Way

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Ruby's POV




_I closed my eyes and quickly re-opened them. Loki was no longer there. Had I imagined him? Was it all just a product of my imagination? I would have succeeded at tricking myself into believing that if it weren't for the fact that I heard his voice again. This time, it sounded like it was just in my head. "Ruby" it was a whispered but I heard it as clear as it could possibly get. I decided that I was not going to let him play with me.

"Leave me alone Loki. 

Loki's POV (a week earlier)

_I had to do it. It was for her. It had to be done. I could not have been able to live with myself knowing I caused her pain and suffering. What if I never see her again? I know how hard it would have been for her to only see me once every 2 weeks or once every month. As soon as I returned from Midgard, I went straight to my room. For hours I just sat on my bed. I wanted to break something. I was so mad at myself. Then I had to remind myself that violence is not the answer. The same question remained in my mind. What if she never comes back? I didn't know the answer to it. Why would Thor allow her to return? What's in it for him? Without even knocking, he came in my room. I already knew what this would be about.

"You fool!"

I looked at him. He was very upset. "It had to be done."

"Do you know what you've done?" he said sounding frustrated.

"Yes Thor, I'm aware of my actions."

He paced around the room. "was she upset?"

I looked down, "I don't know. I left before she woke up."

"You could not even face her and tell her when she was actually awake?!  She loved you and you could not even do that?!"

As i thought about it, I realized that what I had done was, as Ruby would put it, "fucked up" I looked at Thor once more. "It was already hard to do it. If I had looked in her eyes, I would not have done it."

"You do not realize that you have put Asgard in danger."

"How?" I was curious as to why he thought that.

"She's too powerful. If she-"

"Thor. Ruby won't do anything. She will not hurt anyone. She's far wiser than you think....She wouldn't do something like kill you or take your throne. You have nothing to worry about."

He looked at me for a while before speaking. "Loki, her killing me, does not concern me. I know she would not kill me, the same way I would not kill her. I am only worried about this kingdom and its citizens. The last thing the people of Asgard need is to come in contact with her and her wrath."

"You speak of her as if she was a ruthless killing machine. I know she will not hurt these people."

Thor nodded shortly after I said that. "Do you love her Loki?.....Are- are you in love with her?" 

I chose not to answer that question. I should not have to. I don't need to prove anything to him.

"Is there anything else you need Thor?...I'd like to be alone." I know my tone was cold but I could not think of a better way of asking him to leave.

"It was just a simple question brother", he sighed "brother-"

I stood up quickly, "You are NOT my brother! You never were!"

"Are you sure?.....We were raised together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?"

"Of course I remember."

"No matter what, I'll always be your brother. We may not have the same parents but I will always consider you my brother." 

He started leaving my room. I was looking down. 

"You took her away from me..."

He turned to look at me and put his right hand on my left shoulder. "It was for your own good Loki" 

I said nothing after that and he simply sighed before leaving. Once he shut the door i fell on top of my bed. I sat up at put my head in my hands. My last words before falling asleep came out as a whisper. 

​"I loved her...and now she's gone..."

It has now been a week and I tried to look into her mind, but as I thought about it, painful memories came to my mind. What I did see was that she had been making illusions....of me. I forced myself to stop. I had to at least try to forget about her. Days later, I was in my room reading when Thor knocked on my door. I opened it and he quickly went inside. 

"Do you know anything about Yggdrasil?"

"....I don't."

He sighed and looked down. I had a feeling something was wrong but I did not dare ask. I dreaded the answer. I asked anyways.

"Is she-is everything alright?"

Every second was like a thousand years waiting for the answer. He finally spoke.

"Heimdall has not been able to see her in days. He can't see her. I was hoping you could. We cannot keep an eye on her if we can't see her"

I looked down. Stress and worry consuming me.

"Thor, if Heimdall cannot see her, neither can I"

What if she was in danger? This was all my fault. Stress and worry were no longer consuming me. Guilt was.

"Can- can I go see her?"

Thor looked up at me, "And what exactly do you think will happen once she sees you?"

"I don't have to stay there for long, just long enough to make sure she's alright."

He was in deep thought for a minute, then quickly nodded. "Alright. You'll leave as soon as possible. Go see Heimdall." 

He left my room. I thought about what was happening. Ruby could be in danger. I was on my way to Midgard. I was on my way to see Ruby.

Thank you so much for reading this story. I hope you like it so far. The next chapter will be uploaded soon.

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