Goddess of Fidelity

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Ruby’s POV




_As I walked back to my room, I was smiling like an idiot. I didn’t see the woman in front of me and bumped into her.

“I’m so sorry” I said.

She smiled a very bright smile. “Oh no worries. It is alright.”

I smirked.

“Have you seen Loki?”

The question took me by surprise. I had just met this woman and the first question she asks is about Loki.


“I heard he’s back from Muspelheim.” she said, still smiling.

I scratched the back of my head while standing there awkwardly. “Umm yeah...he’s in his room.”

“Oh…well I’ll see him when he gets better.”

I slowly nodded. I honestly didn’t want to be the jealous girlfriend because then I’d turn into the jealous obnoxious girlfriend but there was something about her I didn’t like, and the fact that she had an interest in Loki didn’t help at all.

She extended her right hand towards me. “I’m Sigyn.”

I shook her hand. “Yggdrasil.”

Her eyes widened. “So it’s true! You’re back! You must attend my wedding!” she said while clapping.

I smiled at her reaction. Maybe she wasn’t bad. Just a bit too perky. “Umm sure, when is it?”

“As soon as Loki gets better.”

I frowned. “Why do you need Loki to get better in order to have your wedding?”

“Well I refuse to marry him if he’s not well.”

I looked at her in shock. “W-what?”

She raised an eyebrow. Is there a problem?” She seemed a bit scared. “Are you alright? You turned pale!”

I was breathing quickly. “I umm...I have to go.” I started walking away from her.

“It’s really happening Yggdrasil.” I heard her say, and stopped walking. “I will marry him.”

I was about to turn around and face her but she was suddenly in front of me. She smirked and said, “and you will not interfere.”

I started turning red with rage. Was this a threat? I decided to walk away from her and I went to Thor’s room.


After furiously knocking on his door for 30 seconds, Thor finally opened it.  He raised his left eyebrow and let me in.

“What troubles you cousin?” he saw the enraged look on my face and walked up to me. “Were you with Loki?”

I said nothing.

He sighed and looked down. “Yggdrasil-”

“Who’s Sigyn?” I asked a bit loudly.

He looked up quickly. He seemed almost afraid to talk about her.

I sighed and walked over to his bed and sat on it. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me about her so you might as well start talking.”

Reluctantly, he walked over to the bed as well and sat next to me. Seconds later, he began to talk.

“When my father stripped me of my godly power and cast me out, he and Loki had an argument. Loki found out about his true heritage and-”

“They had a heated argument. I know this. What does it have to do with her?”

“Father fell into the Odinsleep, a long sleep that he has to go through once in a while. It had been a long time since the last one, and hence it was uncertain when he might recover. Loki was then made ruler of Asgard and it is my understanding that he came to desire a wife, and admired Sigyn from afar but she was not exactly…”


“Yes! That’s the word. She was engaged to another man but Loki wanted her and he got her. They were to be married and she took that much more seriously than he did. The wedding never took place but Sigyn noted that as his soon-to-be wife, she was duty-bound to Loki for life. For that, she was named the Goddess of Fidelity, however,  father and mother let her know that there would not be a wedding.”

“Hmm, that’s funny.”


“She’s here talking about marrying him when he gets better.”

“Sigyn is here?! No one told me!”

“Well she is….does she have any powers?”

“A bit of magic. She’s not like Loki and definitely not like you, but she does possess a bit of magic.”


Thor ran a hand through his hair and looked at me.

“Is it really going to happen?” I gulped. “Are they going to get married?”

He sighed. “That’s between her Loki. I cannot decide for him. If he doesn’t want her, he’ll say no to her, but if he does not refuse…”

I slowly nodded. It was going to happen. Who was I to compete with her? She had flawless skin. Golden hair that seemed to glow. She had curves, a tiny waist. She had everything. Everything I didn’t have. Maybe Thor was right. Maybe he had been right all along. At the moment all I wanted to do was go back to Loki’s room, confront him about this and see what he’d have to say. But I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t talk to him at all. Being in Asgard wouldn’t help and sleeping in the room next to him would not either. I knew what I had to do. Thor gave me a hug.

“It will be alright cousin.”

I didn’t say anything because I knew how sarcastic it would sound. Instead, as we pulled away I stared at him and he frowned, knowing I wanted to say something.

“You said you didn’t want Loki and I to see or talk to each other right?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Well can you do me a favor? It will help me stay away from Loki. Can you do one thing for me?”

“Anything cousin. What do you desire?”

I sighed and held his hands firmly. I didn’t know how he’d react to what I was about to ask. I was afraid he’d look at me as if I was a cow on drugs. I hoped, he’d be reasonable. After not saying anything and simply staring at him for a while he frowned.

“Cousin are you alright?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Well...what is it that you need?”

I gulped. This was really happening. I was about to ask the one thing I thought I would never ask in at least a thousand years.

“I want you to send me to Midgard.”

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