I am not lying

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Ruby’s POV




_I waited for him to say something but he only continued to stare at me as if I had just said the most ridiculous, idiotic thing he had ever heard.

“Back to Midgard? But...why?” he asked as he frowned.

“I just...I don’t think things will ever get any better if I stay here.”

He seemed so confused.

“I already feel like I am going to set this place on fire, and they haven’t even gotten married yet.”

“Cousin, we do not know if they will.”

I looked down. Wondering if this entire time I had been overreacting. Maybe they wouldn’t get married after all. Maybe...they would. “It doesn’t matter...Let me go.”

He frowned again. “But you’re a princess of Asgard now Yggdrasil. You belong here.”

“Thor I just can’t okay?” I was desperate to make him understand.

He touched my cheek. “Is this really what you want?”

I quickly nodded.

He sighed. “Very well. You will leave tonight.”

I hugged him and thanked him. I was walking away and towards the door so I could go to my room when he stopped me with a question.

“Are you going to speak to Loki about this?...About you leaving?”

I stood there with my back turned to him. “I am my own woman Thor.” I walked up to the door. Opened it, and looked him in the eye before leaving. “Loki doesn’t have a say in this.”

*************************Loki’s POV***********************

_I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was not Thor, it was too soft. Ruby knew she had no need to knock, so I didn’t think it would be her. “Come in” I said, not knowing I’d see the last person I ever expected to come in my room.

“How are you Loki? Are you better?”

She had not changed one bit. “Sigyn.” I whispered.

“Yes my love. I’m back.”

I frowned. “What are you doing here?”

She scoffed and came closer to me.

“I could not bear the thought of losing you. I came as soon and I found out that you had been hurt in Muspelheim.”

I sat up, growing tired of hearing her voice. “That’s wonderful...what are you doing here?”

She tilted her head. “You are a Frost Giant Loki. Why would you even think about going there? Why would you let that thought cross your mind?”


“Hmm. No doubt trying to help that miserable, disgusting girl. I honestly just cannot understand what you see in her. She does not even compare to me in any way. I bet she does not even satisfy you the way I did.” she said biting her lip. “I do not think you two should be together.” She smiled and added. “Apparently, she thinks so as well.”

I looked at her, sure that I heard mischief in her voice. “What do you mean?”

“Well she told me herself a few hours ago, that she did not understand how you could ever forgive her for murdering one of your people.”

I gulped. “Sigyn, what in the nine realms could you possibly be speaking of?” I said as I stood up.

“Oh...maybe I’ve said too much...well, I’ll tell you anyways…” she walked up to me until she was inches away from my face. “She killed Claerwen. King Frost’s niece.”

“Sigyn enough of your lies.”

“I am not lying. Claerwen was your cousin. And she died by Yggdrasil’s hand.”

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