Questions and Answers

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Loki’s POV




_I ran to Thor’s room. My entire body was still hurting. More than it ever had. I opened the door without even knocking. There he was. Thor stared at me in shock. “Loki?” I walked inside and he put a hand on my left shoulder.

“Did Ruby kill Claerwen?”

He said nothing and only gulped.

“Claerwen?......Why do you care about Claerwen?” He asked looking away.

“Where is Ruby?”

Thor looked at me for two seconds and went to close his door but Sigyn was in the way.

“You” he whispered

She smiled and walked inside as well.

“Hello Thor, I had not seen you in a long time”

He closed the door and walked towards me and Sigyn. He looked at her. “Hello Sigyn. Is there a reason why you’re here, besides trying to have the wedding that will never happen?”

“Thor I need to know where Ruby is. I-I need to speak to her” I said, desperate to know where she was

“What do you need to speak to her for?” asked Sigyn as her smile disappeared.

“Sigyn.” said Thor

" king?"

"Leave my presence."

She seemed to be shocked by Thor's request but left seconds later. I simply stared at Thor waiting for an answer to the question I had been waiting for.

"Why.......why do you care about Claerwen?"


"She will not be seeing you for a very...long time." He said as he approached me.

"We've been through this. You had that talk with me already."

"Then there's no need for you to know where she is. Now answer my question. Why do you care about Claerwen brother?"

I sighed and paced around the room. "Claerwen was my cousin."

He blinked quickly. 5 minutes had passed and he had still said  nothing.

"Explain this." were the first words he said to me after those uncomfortable 5 minutes.

I gulped. Did I ever want to tell this to anyone? No. I don't even know how Sigyn knows about it. I knew I had to tell Thor. "Laufey had 2 brothers. His older brother had a child with a Midgardian. Everybody in Jötunheim despised him except for Laufey and Glacius. When he died and...and I killed Laufey...Glacius became king."

By now Thor was sitting on his bed staring at me without blinking. "How- how do you know that?"

"...after the Bifrost was destroyed,  and before....before the attack on Midgard"

He ran his fingers through his hair as if he was stressed out by something.

" Claerwen is-"

"My cousin, yes."

He said nothing and stood up.


He looked at me and sighed.

"Yggdrasil is in her room. She came to me wishing to leave and go to Midgard as soon as she possibly could."

" won't let her...correct?"

"She will return soon."

I started leaving his room. Not believing that he would actually let her leave. I wanted to go speak to her, try my very best to convince her to stay. "Can you answer one last question before I leave?"

Thor nodded.

The words struggled to leave my lips. "Did...did Ruby kill Claerwen?"

He looked me in the eye for a few seconds. "She did."

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