Who was that man?

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Loki's Pov




_It has been 2 weeks since Ruby left. 2 weeks since she was forced to leave. I have been missing her terribly. I have been spending every day with Heimdall. He can see her. And so can I. She has barely slept. She has barely eaten. She looks devastated. My Ruby. I need her with me. I decided to leave. I wanted to go visit her. After talking to Heimdall for a few minutes, I felt the familiar pull. I was sucked into the portal that would take me straight to her. My back was hurting for a few minutes after I landed. "They have got to find a better way to get here" I said to myself. It didn't hurt much. I wasn't even thinking about it. I had Ruby in my mind. I would fall a thousand times if it meant I would get to see her lovely face. I looked around and knew exactly where I was. Right outside her apartment. To be more exact, I found myself right outside her window. It was open. I was about to go inside from the window but the doorbell rang. She answered it and there stood a man with roses. She motioned for him to go inside. I hid behind the bushes so neither of them would see me. The roses were not the only thing he had. He set them on her table and a box of chocolates was right next to it.  Ruby sat on the couch. He asked her something with I could not hear. She shook her head very quickly. He nodded slowly and walked towards the door. He looked at her once more, and with an angry look on his face, left.(If you're going to listen to the song, my suggestion is that you listen to it when Jack leaves) She had her head in her hands. I walked out of the bushes and made my way to the window making no sound. She looked up. Looked straight at me. Brown eyes into green. She stood up quickly. When I was inside her apartment, I walked towards her. She was still looking at me. Her expression, unreadable. I pulled to me and hugged her tighter than I ever had. She was hugging me back just as tight. I pulled away and kissed it. It was a short kiss, but so sweet and full of emotion. Minutes later, we were sitting on the couch. She called it "love seat". The name made me chuckle.We were in each other's arms. Enjoying the silence when I decided to ask the question that had been bothering me ever since I got here.

"Ruby...who was that man?"

She looked up at me and with no hesitation, answered. "His name is Jack. We used to work together at the restaurant. He brought me roses and chocolates because...Today's Valentine's Day here in Midgard. It's a date celebrated by all couples."

I got up instantly. "Couples?.......Are-are you two a couple Ruby?"

Right after hearing those words leave my lips, she got up as well.

"No! Loki absolutely not! I love YOU! He came to ask me on a date bu-"

"A date?" she saw the confusion on my face

"Yes Loki. A date. It means going out with someone to try to get to know them better."

"How nice and sweet of Jack "

"Loki enough. I refused. That's the only thing that should matter to you"

I looked down. She was right. I looked back at her and hugged her. "I'm sorry darling. Jealousy got the best of me."

I could feel her smiling against my shirt. "It's alright my love."

We pulled away. I looked down at her. "I just- I just can't bear the thought of losing you"

She caressed my cheek. "You won't. I love you."

"And I you, my Ruby"

I looed at her for a few seconds before kissing her. Her lips, soft as they had always been. Her scent, delighful and enchanting as always. The kiss remained sweet. I pulled away and kissed her forehead, grateful that she was still mine.

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