All you have to do is ask

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Ruby's POV




_When I woke up the next morning, Loki was gone. The was a note on my bed, on top of the pillow next to mine. Right now, it is in my hands. I refuse to look at it because I am trying to stop crying. 

Dearest Ruby, I love you more than you can imagine, but this must be done. I must return to Asgard. Based on what you told me last night, I know how hard it is for you to keep this relationship going when we're so far apart. So I will not come visit anymore. I don't wish to hurt you, and even though I want this to last, I also want you to start a new life. One without me. I could not live with myself knowing this "long distance relationship" is causing you pain. I love you so much my Ruby. Don't forget that. Good bye darling.

How could he think he was helping? This is his help?? Leaving me even more devastated than before? I made myself invisible to everyone including Heimdall. I had done it before. It was very easy. If Heimdall could not see me, neither could Loki. I got the memo. He wanted nothing to do with me, and he won't. In my mind, there were the flashbacks from last night's conversation with him.

"Ruby, I must return to Asgard in the morning"

"Can you not stay longer?"

"I'm afraid not."

"I always heard the mortals talk about how hard long distance relationships were. Now I understand"

"I'm sorry Ruby"

"You don't need to apologize. It's just hard that's all."

I wonder, if I hadn't said anything, maybe he wouldn't have left me like this. No. He broke up with ME. He basically blamed me for it in the note. My heart is now broken, and it's all because of him.


After an entire week, I'm finally getting over the idea that I had been what the mortals call "dumped". It always seemed like a weird and funny term to relate to break ups. I always related the word dump, with trash or things that are of no use anymore. I guess I finally get it. When someone you love, break ups with you, you feel like trash. Like you don't mean a thing to that person, and you never did. For about 2 days now, I've been making illusions of Loki. Maybe it's because I'm not completely over him. Maybe it's so that I can see his face once more before I forget about him forever. As I was about to get in bed I tried making another illusion but A noise outside my window distracted me. I looked towards the window and looked at the bushes. I could feel his presence but I forced myself to think that it wasn't him. I'd be a fool to think he would come back. I started making the illusion but remained close to the window. It was then that I heard it. His voice.

"Why do you create these likenesses of me?"

I turned around quickly. Trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Wouldn't you rather have my touch inspire you? All you have to do is ask and I will come."

My lip was trembling now

"I will inspire you. And I will keep you. All of you."

I couldn't breathe. I called out for his in desperation but received no response. I looked back at my bed and there he was. Sitting on the edge staring at me for what seemed like an eternity before he spoke. He had a strained look on his face. He looked like had gotten absolutely no sleep for days.

"Where have you been Ruby?"

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