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Laurence's Pov


The school bell rang loudly as class ended.

I looked over at the same group who followed the same routine after this class ended.

Garroth, He stands up first and starts putting his books away. I'd say he's like a leader. He's the oldest out of the small group he hangs out with. I talk to him occasionally but he's so distant and zoned out.

Zane, He quickly realizes class has ended and scrambles upwards hitting the person behind him's ankles. He's the emo one out of the group id say. He always covers his gave as much as he can and always face his right eye. I'd say he's about the middle age of the group.

Aphmau, that's the girl who sits behind him. She stands up with her bag already packed. She barely needs to write notes anyways. Wish I had that talent. She's the same age as Zane I'd say. Also middle. She then taps the kid beside her shoulder's

Vylad, The youngest. He got brought up a grade for intelligence. He's an out going little goof ball who isn't 13 he's 3 Not literally his actual age is 13. Gah! You know what I'm talking about.

Then they all leave class together. Which triggers my groups routine.

Travis, you haven't heard of procrastination until you've met him. He kicks my shins and tells me to stop starring and get a move on. He's always cranky at the end of the day.

Dante, then he comes in like a hero. He tells Travis to be quiet we all know you were staring at them too. He's got looks he's got brains, what he Doesn't have is the ability to keep his mouth shut. Never tell Dante a secret. Oh he's the oldest out of the three of us by the way. Even if him and I are the same age he still got a few months on me.

So then the school day is over and I walk home. It's the same everyday. Well in school at least. After I like to walk around exploring is fun!

Garroths Pov

The four of us exited the huge high school. It's probably the biggest building we'll ever enter.
As we got further and further away from the building i hauled out the hard notebook that has all four of our names scribbled on it. Well plus Aphmau had broke a pen dipped our secret cat Kawaii~Chans paw in it and pressed it on the cover too. I held a pencil in my hand as I started writing.

"Thursday, May 17th {Garroth}

I caught that odd guy Laurence staring at us as we left again. It's weird he does it everyday. Other the that today was normal. Me, Vylad, Zane, and Aphmau are still known as the perfect four, and are still being mocked about it."

"Garroth you better hand that over I had a very dramatic day!" Aphmau whined grabbing it from me. I looked over her shoulder as she wrote.

"May 17th {Aph}

Today was hell for me. I was late because of the witch and when I finally got there I couldn't reach my books sense normally Garroth helps me but he couldn't! Then lunch comes and I'm called back to class because I apparently 'hit someone'. I brushed their shoulder as I tripped by. So I almost got detention but then super dad brother friend Zane came and explained what he saw and I was cleared. Then second last period comes. Language arts of course. The teacher announces that we're doing a writing piece and guess what she says the topic has to be about? FLIPPIN FAMILY. This teacher knows damn well I'm a foster kid and she also knows not everyone had a good home life. So I confront her about it after class before I go mad you want to know what she said to me? Well your a foster kid the one who looks after you is your family write about her. Like honey no. I understand there are foster families out there who treat the kids like their own but this witch just cares about money! So then i try and tell her how I don't feel that way and she starts getting mad at me saying its an assignment so you have no choice and to get my butt to the next class. I'm literally dying!"

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