Twenty One

751 27 45

Vylads pov


Dante ran down the stairs, being the one screaming, he ran up to me and picked me up in a hug swinging me around.

"You were supposed to be here like 30 minutes ago I thought you died!"
"And I thought someone was being murdered with the way you were screaming."
"Now give me food I'm hungry~"
"What if I don't wanna give you food."
"Gene would give me food."
"Fine, let's have ice cream."

Laurence's pov because bish I got no idea for Vylante

I held on to garroth so tight I minus well have been sucking the life out of him.

"You're killing me," He finally sputtered.
"I know," I said at least loosing my grip.
"Someones a little clingy though I see."
"What can I say, I'm a little how who wants attention."
"You sound so much like my brother right now and it scares me."
"I think it scares me more."
He chuckled a little at my response.

I snuggled up my head on to his shoulder as I grabbed the remote for my tv. I turned it on as some random show played. Garroth laid his head on top of mine as I got a text message from Travis. It was just him screaming so I told him to call me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he groaned.
"Whats wrong with you this time?"
"Ok ok.
"Now what's wrong?"
"I regret my entire existence."
"THATS THE PROBLEM! ok long story short I know where Zane lives so I decided to go check on him. Aphmau let's me in yadyyadayada. So im basically just sitting there on the bed with him asleep when he starts waking up. He wakes up and what am I greeted with. A punch in the stomach. So then he yells at me for being in the house I try to say I'm sorry but he's like extra bitchy and then I don't even want to repeat some of the things he said to me but it hurt ok. So then he literally throws me out if the window and tells me to go stick my perverted ego up my ass."
"Wait you had to of done something."
"Well Zane's bed is a couch bed so it was very unconfortable to try and comfortably sit on it with him so I was basically lying in the bed with him trying to adjust myself when he woke up and aphmau was in the other room so it kind of looked like I broke in."
"So to Zane you look like a guy who broke in to his house and then proceeded to sleep with him- or at least try."
"Yes, I very indeed did."
"This is why I shouldn't put you on speaker."
"Wait what?"
"I mean Zane's brother garroth us here with me."
"Yeah you picked the wrong time to try and check on zane.... If you had of done that on a normal day Zane would have just kicked you out but you see Zane has a lot of issues- two being with sleep and anger. So I assume he was up all night and then at school or outside of school something made him angry like very angry so he had it pent up inside and then when he finally slept and had enough energy he lashed out."
"Yeah it happens sometimes. Which is why we try and get him to tell us things so often because pent up anger in someone with such a short temper is waiting for trouble."
"Oh so Travis didn't fuck himself over?" I asked.
"Oh no idea. This is just a hunch Zane may secretly hate your guts but has been trying to keep his anger down so he just let you sat with him."
"You really suck garroth," Travis said.
"Laurence make the joke I dare you," Garroth told me.
"Ok I'm sorry. Listen I'm sure what garroth said is right things will be fine."
"No they won't," Travis sobbed.
"Listen you better March right up to Zane tommorow and say, 'you are the best friend I've made in these past few days and I was not trying to sleep with you so I will win my forgiveness."
"I'm not doing that."
"Fine suffer."
"Meh well I got to go I can sense my mom questioning why I'm screaming and yelling so she'll be up here to check on me in a few seconds."
"Good luck with life."
"Have fun making out with garroth."
"Oh making out with garroth was a lot of fun."
"Wait wha-"

I hung up.

"Oh that was a lot of fun," Garroth rolled his eyes."
"I'm hurt."
"Meh," He stuck his tongue out at me so I flicked my pillow at him.
"Screw you."
"I mean I would."
"Oh look I'm rubbing off on you~."

Travis's Pov

"Hey whats with all the screaming?" My mom asked walking in as I was face planted on my bed.
"I hate my life."
"Ouch, rough day?"
"Very, I blew everything with my friend Zane."
"That's the one youve been having over recently right?"
"Once yeah."
"Twice Travis."
"Wait you know about that?"
"I'm your mother Travis i know everything. Plus it's kind of not to notice that your son now has 4 legs instead of two and your other friends bare too tall to be able to hide behind you."
"Why didnt you say anything?"
"Because I trust you Travis," my mom said rubbing my shoulder.
"It's your job to trust kids."
"Very true, speaking of my job I remember where I think I saw your friend Zane. I remembered he looked like a kid from one of the homes I was inspecting recently. So I looked back at the files from that day and poof there he was."
"Yeah that's definitely him, Zane Ro'meave local lactose intolerant foster kid."
"So what did you mean by you blew everything with him?"
"I tried to check on him earlier sense he passed out in school but he lashed out on me."
"Oh what did he say?"
"Do I have permission to curse?"
"This one but nothing to bad."
"Well his exact words to me at one point were 'why the fuck are you even here I thought I told you seven hundred fucking times to stay out of business bastard, why can't you just learn that no one needs your slutty input into everyones lives at every second'. He said a lot more but I don't feel like repeating it.
"Oh Travis, I'm sure he didn't mean any of it."
"Yeah but it sounded like he did," I said wiping away a tear, "You don't just call someone a law braking bitch slut because you can."
"Listen Travis, Zane seems nice I am very angry that he would say these things to you but beating yourself up over it isn't getting either of you anywhere. You need to talk to each other."
"But what if he just says stuff like that again."
"Then Travis you tell him to stay the fuck out of your life and that you don't need someone who's going to call you a slut in your life."
"What do I do if that doesn't happen?"
"Well Travis, let me show you something," Mom disappeared for a second before sitting back down with a folder, "Now I'm not sure if this is legal so this never happened."
"Oh ok," I said wiping away my sniffle.
"This is Zane's report. Now I've been inspecting that specific home every couple months now and I have every note made by other inspectors too."
"Why are you showing me this?"
"Because if Zane doesn't lash out on you Travis he really just needs you to talk to him," She slid a piece of paper over to me.

First name: Zane
Last name: Ro'meave
Biological Father: Garte Ro'meave
Biological Mother: Unknown
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Doctors notes: Used to take medicine for anxiety but is now off of medication


Group home #34
Group home #12
Group home #15
Group home #19
Group home #17
Group home #2
All boys home
Mr. Kelvin
Currently with: Mrs. Ivy

Inspectors notes for current situation:
-Shows compassion for the kids he is with but none for himself
-Spent time arguing with Garroth Ro'meave
-Shows slight anger towards Mrs.Ivy
- Recommends to see doctor for anger issues and or his twitching.

"I still don't get why you showed me this because it's probably illegal."
"Well I showed you it Travis to show you that Zane's been through a lot and those aren't even all the notes. When I used to see him he was twitchy, angry and that note about the fighting was from me. When I saw him this time it was different he wasn't twitchy and seemed relevantly calm. And when he came to our house he was kind. You bring out the best in this boy Travis. You can read through this page of notes I made if you want. Hope this helped you see that he really probably wasn't mad at you. I love you Travis."
"Love you mom."

I looked through the notes a little before passing out. They were all basically the same thing "Nervous, anxious, and twitching"
I think my mom just wanted to show me what I'm getting my pining ass into. I mean she is like a genie.

The Foster Kid Notebook {A P.D.H AU)Where stories live. Discover now