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Dante's pov (bonjour this is future author chan I would like to say I don't encourage underage drinking good day or night)

I remember coming in when it started to get cold and rainy with Vylad. We sat on the couch and I could see the tiredness in his eyes.

"I can get the alcohol if that'll make you perk up," I joked.
"No it's fine I'm not that kind of guy."
"Figured you weren't."
"Well I am only 13."
"Turning Fourteen."
"You remembered."
"Kind of hard not to when you mentioned it literally a few hours ago."
"Oh yeah right."
"So you mind if I'd come over to your place on your birthday?"
"I wouldn't mind I just can't really have people over..."
"Sounds like your life is a boring mess."
"Oh it definitely is."
"Well how about you come here?"
"What about Gene?"
"I'll tell him to go hang out with zenix or something. That is if our parents don't go super protective mode and tell him he's not allowed to leave me here alone with a friend."
"Alright. Then sure."

Speaking of the devil. He was back far to soon.

"Dante! You home! Up? Down? High?"
I panicked a little to answer but he was my brother so I did, "I'm here!"
"Oh there you are. Why does this place smell like juice?"
"I threw a party and made everyone trick there brains into thinking they're drunk."
"Nice one."
"So what have you been up to," I was looking over the couch at my brother. Vylad hid himself with the blanket he was using and me. I felt him shiver for a second. Gene must really scare him. I mean he's the youngest kid I'm our school and gene is one of the oldest.
"Just been at zenix's doing friendly bud chum pal things."
"Thats gene for a got so wasted a fucked my best friend."
"For your information I would have done it whether drunk or sober."
"The sad thing is your not even the illegal age any more."
"Wait does that make me a pedophile sense he's younger then 18? I mean it's only by one year..."
"Legally yes."
"So harsh Dante. So harsh. What about you? Pick up any, as you put it 'Fine honeys'?"
"Two things I've never said that in my life and two no."
"Then who's the dude in the blanket I'm not blind."
"Just a friend yeesh."
"Did they pass out?"
"Well when they wake up keep it down when your vigurously making out."
"I wasn't planning on it!"
"Well I mean if you want to wake the neighbours-"
"You know what I meant!"

Ok so it's officially past twelve and I'm sick rn so I have to take medicine (it's pills because liquid is disgusting) We ran out of the night version that also helps you fall asleep but sense the day version is basically the same thing I took the day version and all I know is this stuff can occasionally make me loopy. Me being me though is going to write some quality VYLANTE for you fine honeys. So if spelling is bad it's because I physically can't remember how to spell the word.

"Is he gone?" Vylad asked poking his head up to me.
"Yeah he went up to his room."
"I didn't know gene was...."
"Gay? How could you not? Like have you been on Tumblr????? He's the inbodiment of everyone on there."
"What's Tumblr?"
"Your messing with me right?"
"Well girl let mama Dante introduce you. But first are you religious?"
"No I'm an atheist."
"Well let me introduce you to my religion!"
"Is it Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, (inserts more religions because idc as long as you don't hurt others or yourself)"
I probably would have slammed the computer on my lap if I didn't know it would hurt if I did. I had Tumblr already up and ready.
"So it's a website, that explains why I've never heard of it."
"Yeesh for the youngest guy in our school you sure do sound like an old man."
"That's mean."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright."

we proceeded to spend the next thirty minutes staring at shitposts. Sadly our Tumblr enjoyment was interrupted by gene.

"Sooooo this is mystery man." Gene smirked looking at Vylad.
"Yes he is and he's my friend and I also recently learned that you've been giving him a hard time so that better stop right now gene because vyald is my friend."
"Cough over protective boyfriend cough cough. But hey any friend of Dantes I can't pick on so consider this the truce Vylad," He stuck his hand out and shook vyalds. "Don't worry I'm actually going to leave you alone now. But only because Dante is your friend. You hurt him well then your fucked."
"Same back to you Gene."
"Spicy~ Also Dante here's what I actually came back down here for take some of this alcohol back to the cupboards."
"Will do."
"Well now I'm gone to sleep because I haven't done that in 49 hours."
"More like 69 hours with what you've been doing with zenix."
"Gosh darn."
He disappeared upstairs once again this time for the last time of the night.
"That went better then it could have." I said.
"You and your brother sure do like making weird jokes but granite so do me and mine."
"Ha, come help me out these away will ya?"
"Yeah sure."
We put a majority of it back except for a bottle of wine.
"And what do you think you're doing mister?"
"Come on I'm only having a glass besides I've seen people be a lot worse," I said pouring it in a fancy glass because I'm classy yet sassy.
"My house is normally riddled with alcohol bottles so yeah a lot of people are worse."
"Heh. Don't let me get that bad will you?"
"I'll never let that happen."
I took a few sips before holding the glass in front of him, "Want some?"
"Why not," He took a small sip from my glass. "Interesting taste."
"It's what the fancy people drink."
"Won't your parents notice this is missing?"
"Nope. They never do. They noticed once which was a couple weeks ago but just assumed it was gene. I mean it was but you get the point."
"Yeah I do."
"Also I thought you weren't the kind of guy to drink alcohol?"
"It was only a sip so I'm still not that guy."
"Alrighty~" I finished the glass and put it in the sink. "Well do you wanna play some video games?"
"Yeah! I haven't played them in years. Garroth used to have some when we were younger and some of the homes had them but everyone else would be using them so I haven't played them since I was...... 7 or 8."
"That's far to long to go without some Tom foolery in a video game. Come on the system is in my room.
"Lead the way."

Vyalds pov

It was around 3:15 in the morning now but I felt so alive next to Dante.

"Ok so you haven't played a system in years. You literally only today heard of this game yet you're​ creaming me."
"I'm a genie."
"So about my whole brother being gay thing I have a question for you."
"Which is?"
"Well, what are your thoughts on it..... You know people being gay and stuff."
"I think it's wonderful. I love how the world is growing to except these topics. My opinion hasn't changed on a gene so it won't change for me no matter who a person chooses to like."
"That's great."
"Why'd you ask?"
"Oh um..... Just maybe because I uh...... I'm Bi.... As in I kiss girls and guys... And hhhhhheeeeeehhhhhhh this is not how I pictured my first coming out would look likeeeeeeee."
I laughed a little, "No no it's fine I feel honored that I'm the first person you told."
"Well technically gene knows but like he's my older brother and you have two of them so you know what I'm talking about."
"They can smell your secrets."
"Well at least I've got that off my chest. Well anything you'd like to get off your chest? Perfect timing?"
I was lying on his bed but I shot up with a huge deep ass breath ready to tell this man my life story but out of all things to tell him I shout "IM GAYER THEN A HOT POCKET. Wait wtf did I just say."
"I don't know but all I heard was Gay."
"You.... You get the point."
"Well now we both have something off of our chests."
"I have a lot more I want to get off my chest but that can wait for another day."
"Yeah ok....." He cracked his neck before standing up. "I'm bringing the wine and some glasses up here."
"Relax, relax. Literally." He laughed a little before he headed down stairs and came back up with the wine and two glasses.
"You should have only brought one glass I'm not drinking with you."
"I'm not saying you have to it's just there if you want to. I'm only gonna have one and like a half more glasses anyways. This stuff isn't strong plus the glasses are tiny. It's not like we're pounding shots of vodka."
He sat cross-legged across from me on the bed as he laid the bottle down and took a sip from the glass. I rolled my eyes at him for a second.
"Let me have a sip."
"Here." he gave me the glass for a second before I gave it back to him.

  About 15 more minutes of us talking about random things passed.
"So what do you wanna do?" Dante asked setting the glass down his cheeks a little pink.
"I don't know," I yawned.
"Let's play Truth or Dare."
"Won't that be boring with just the two of us?"
"I have an app."
"You can get apps for that?"
"You can get apps for anything Vylad. Anything."
"And my mind's in the gutter again."
"Ha." He laid his phone on the bed after typing in our names.
"Ok Vylad truth or dare?"
"Truth because I'm a wussy."
He hit the button, "are you a virgin?"
"It doesn't​ say that-"
"Yes it does."
"Well the answer is yes," I rolled my eyes.
"Ok so me truth or dare I'll take dare  cause I'm not a wussy."
I took the phone, "well it says, tackle the person nearest to you, Dante no. Go attack gene."
"But you're​ the closest to me."
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- Fine."
He tackled me in the most silly way possible.
"Dante ok that's enough your killing me," I laughed.
He sat up, "I win."
"That wasn't​ a race."
"Alright well I'm taking dare this time."
"What do you have to do."
"You know what I think I'll just skip this one-" He yoinked it from me.
He held it up so I couldn't reach it while holding me back with only the palm of his hand, "If not in a relationship- You must kiss,..... The person nearest to you."
"See why I wanted to skip it?"
Dante looked at the phone, back at me, back at the phone, back at me, back at the phone, back at me- and so forth.
We were basically just left to stare at each other until one if us made the next move.


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