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Dantes Pov

Later that day after Travis left to sneak back home I was left to think on the couch. Gene still hasn't gotten home from zenix's house. Knowing him he's gonna be gone until mom gets home, So Monday. I don't remember much of last night. Except for being introduced to Travis's friend thing? I don't even remember him leaving. All I know is well we're two high schoolers left home alone to do things that aren't relationship wise so as far as I know we could have been high. I didn't want to stay home all alone. I got dressed and headed out. I swerved through the streets until I reached the corner store which was built into a connected line of other weird stuff. I walked in. I wanted to get some weird corner store junk. I walked down the aisle. I could here people talking on the other side. They appeared to be intimidating someone.

"Go get some corner store stuff!" One mocked.
"Get some chips and shit make it look like I care about that crap." The other chuckled. It was a girl and a guy.
"Come on this is all we can get."
"Sucks we'll never get to eat it."
"When the inspector comes we can because she can't tell us not to."
"You really are a smart child Vylad."
"Why Thank you."

I quickly walked around the aisle realizing it was non other then my tiny tutor friend.

"Hey Vylad!"
"Christ nuggets! You scared me..."
"Buying weird corner store junk too?"
"With your girlfriend?"
The two bursted out laughing, "why on earth would I date this potato."
"Yeah and why would I date a practical child."
"Well at least this child is taller then you."
"You little...."
"I overheard your conversation, is this for some kind of weird group you're in with an inspector or something?"
"Yeah... Let's go with that," Aphmau elbowed him in the stomach.
"What he means is yes, that is why we're here."
"Hey we should hang out today, I'm home alone for the weekend."
"Wow I'm surprised you're not throwing a party."
"That's actually not a bad idea..... Except for the fact that the only friends I have are those weirdos you and bunch of girls who like to hit on me."
"More like the other way around."
"Oh wait! I forgot to mention I haven't gotten the chance to talk to gene yet he's staying at his friends."
"Wow you're actually gonna talk to him?"
"Why not?"
"Well you're probably just gonna get yourself into more trouble. Also I heard you met my brother last night....." He seemed nervous.
"Oh yeah... I can't recall much about it though. Neither can Travis."
He sighed, in a relief kind of way, "Well me and Aphmau have to pay."
"So are we going to hang out or what?"
"You know what, I'm gonna take your advice throw a little party. I'll get Laurence to invite people."
"I wasn't exactly suggesting you through a party..."
"To late I'm texting him."
"Dante, you're going to ruin your house."
"Gene is my brother. I've been through cleaning up after a Party many times before."
"That is if you can get people to your house," Aphmau snorted. This time Vylad elbowed her.
"Yeah, good luck with your group thing? Oh Vyald you defiantly should come whether I can pull it off or not. You know where I live I've told you during tutoring right?"
"Yeah! I'll be there."
"Great it'll probably start around 7:00 ish?"
"Got it."
Aphmau glared at him.
I payed for my corner store crap and left. Welp time to call Laurence and have him invite people I don't know nor like to my house. Yes. Fun.

Vylads Pov

"GARROTH!" Aphmau yelled as we crawled back through the window.
"Yes?" He replied fooling with Zanes hair while he was still asleep.
"Vylads going to a party!"
"It's with Dante! Aka flirty mcflirterson!"
"Not on my watch young man!"
"Garroth he invited me! Besides i'm not gonna stay long sense I have to be back to wake up early for the inspection tomorrow!"
"Vylad. No."
"Garroth you can't control me!"
"Hey don't talk to your brother like that," Aphmau snapped back.
"Fine. I'm sorry. But come on!"
"You do realize he probably invited you so you can be like a laughing stock or something! You're only 13."
"I'm turning 14!"
"Whatever Vylad!" He said, "I'm just looking out for you. But your right I can't control you but I can give you a curfew. 10:30."
"Come on that's so early."
"10:45. That's as long as you're getting."
"Deal. By the way that also includes you guys covering for me."
"I'm asleep so i do not count," Zane groaned.
"You're obviously awake enough to talk."
"Yeah yeah yeah.... Also why do you want to go back to the house where you made a fool of the both of us."
"Don't worry! I was talking to him it was so late and they were so sleep deprived they don't remember me aggressively screaming at you."
"I can hear that you brats are back."
"Good day Mrs. Ivy!"
"I'm never getting out of this hell..... You got the stuff."
"Ten dollars worth of corner store crap."
"Yeah hand it over."
"Here you go Mrs. Ivy!"
"I swear Vylad you better shut your tiny mouth."
"How sweet."
"Just sleep or something! Look presentable tomorrow! If you don't I'll let the social worker take you away!"
"Ok Mrs. Ivy!"
"Cut it!"

She spun around slamming the door. The others giggled.
"She's gonna have your head one of these days Vylad."
"Oh definitely."
"She'll hang it on a wall."
"Pray to it like the lord."
"Use it for satanic rituals."
"You guys sure are dark."
"Oh definitely."
"Also one more thing before you go tonight Vylad!"
"Yes Garroth?"
"I shall say it in a poem,
Roses are red,
Drugs are bad,
You do that shit,
I kick your ass."
"Got it, no smoking red roses."
"No alcoholism either," Zane added.
"I like how Zane isn't all like 'no I'm protecting the child."
"I just want to lay down so my sleep is more important."
"That's nice big brother."
"Of course. And no bringing the journal."
"I wasn't going to."
"Good. Now fix yourself you look like a trash can had a baby."
"Wow thanks."
"You're welcome."

[Mhm Vyald you better not do drugs. I do not condone that.
Also! New book out now called 'Spray Painted taco truck' I only have two chapters out but I have four written.' I hope you'll check it out and enjoy!]

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