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Zane's pov

"So I better head off it's getting late and we've got school tomorrow..."
"At least we're getting out soon."
"That's true..."
"Well um I'll walk you home, it's dangerous to be alone at night," He said getting off of his bed and standing up.
"Thanks," I followed, sneezing after.
"Bless you."
"Thank you," I said following another sneeze.
"Are you catching a cold?"
"What no? I'm never s-si-si- Achoo!"

He put his hand upon my forehead, "You're as warm as lava."
"Ok maybe I'm catching a slight cold it isn't that big of a deal."
"Well you better get some medicine."
"Mhm yes let me go Rob the local pharmacy."
"You're delusional."
"Haha, you're so funny," I said, "I'll just go home and go to sleep I'll be fine, don't go busting a nut over this."
"Ok you need rest though, come on."

We walked down the stairs, "I'm just gonna go walk Zane home mom."
"Alright the moment you get back you're going to bed ok Travis?"
"Got it Mom."

We walked until we reached the alley way. I was tired sense I didn't get much sleep the night prior. I hugged Travis first which was kind of odd. He squished me back immediately.
"Zane you're like molten lava!"
"I feel like molten lava."
"Come on you've got to go get up to bed."
"I can't move~" I whined.
"You know what we're buzzing up to the place and we're just going to use the front door like a normal person.
"Well you're so done that I'm literally dragging you and I can't drag you up a fire escape."
"Meh meh meh. I can get up myself" I said pushing myself away and climbing up the fire escape.

Travis followed me probably to make sure I didn't hurt myself but come on I've done this ten million times before.
I pushed open the window. The room was empty. I sat on the window ledge until Travis joined me.

"Promise you'll get some rest?" He asked.
"Well um I'll see you tomorrow Zane," He said as I went inside, I turned back around to face him once again.
"Yeah, I had a lot of fun tonight let's hang out again soon."
"Yeah definitely."
I leaned out of the window, "Well I'll see you tomorrow," I followed with a sneeze.
Travis put his hand on my forehead, "Get some rest Zane."
"Like I said I'll try..."
"Goodnight," He then leaned in and I'm not 100% sure if he meant to hug me and missed but I felt his lips gently touch my cheek.
I didn't say another word after that o just shut the window and blinds. Laid in the middle of the floor, and proceeded to audibly scream.

"Zane whats wrong!?" Garroth asked rushing in.
"Get me the milk and dairy I'm done I can't exist any more with someone like that on the planet."
"Wait who? Did someone hurt you? Who are they? What did they do!?" Garroth said clenching his fists.
"He just cares...... Like wut. No go away. I'm a loner not a lover leave. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, end me."
"Zane what in God's name is wrong with you."
"Everything," I said rolling into the fetal position making soon noises. As you can tell I have no idea how to deal with getting a crush on someone.

Travis's Pov

"Ok ok, so you kissed them on the cheek and they slammed the window on you and heard was screaming," Laurence said after I told him what happened last night without giving names or details.
"What was that about having a chance with the person you like?"
"Oh suck my ass."
"Sorry honey but I was able to share a bed with the dude I like for a two hours- i mean uh girl."
"Nah man I don't care."
"Well you don't care about anything."
"Except this ddddduuuuuddddeee like wtf save me."
"Sorry but I see hot guy being sad gooooddddbbbbbyyyyyeeeeee~" Laurence said slipping away.
"I hate you."

I went over and sat where the gate was still visable but I was alone. I looked up and saw Zane walk in alone. The rest of the perfect four were already here. He saw me and waved before coughing his lungs out. I quickly stood up and ran over to see if he was ok.

"Are you ok Zane?!"
"Yeah just got a tickle in my throat," He sniffled as I started walking him out to the place I was sitting.
"You're worse than you were yesterday Zane."
"Only a little."
"Your voice is ten times more than usual."
"You should go home."
"Nope I'll be fine."
"No you won't."
"Yes I will."
"No you won't."
"You're fine and you kissed me ever here of germ... Movement stuff."
"Really this game. How much sleep did you get last night?"
"I spent last night throwing up and screaming. So about well 10 to nine diveded by 6 um I got about 0."
"Zane, you had one job."
"Mhm and I failed at it. But you know I hear people like bad boys, well I'm bad at everything good day Travis."

Before I could say or resist anything he was gone.

The day passed and I didn't see him. We didn't have any classes together on this specific day so that was wonderful... Not. I didn't see him until music class. About half through this happened.

"Zane are you alright you don't seem exactly... Here?" The teacher said.
Zane gave no response.
"Zane? Do you need to call home?"
Still he gave no response. The teacher went over to the chair he sat on and put her hand on his shoulder.
"Zane I'm going to need to answer me."
It was at that moment I nearly had a heart attack when he suddenly collapsed in the teachers arms. A girl screamed because everyone thought he was dying (-including me).

"He's just sleep deprived and has a common virus," I heard the nurse say as I waited outside his office.
"You nearly scared me and the entire class half to death when you collapsed Zane, you have permission to leave but no one can come to pick you up sense Mrs. Ivy is at work."
"I'll just tough it out until the bell then my brothers will help me home."
"I don't think that's the best option Zane."
"It's fine he can stay in my office until the bell, go tell his siblings that they can get him after classes have ended."

I looked over at Garroth, Vylad and aphmau who all sat with me. I technically wasn't supposed to be here but it didn't matter to me.
The teacher did just as the nurse had said before sending us all.back to our classes.

~le time skip bright to you by me being really tired rn~

I normally take the bus home but I ended up meeting the other perfects in the hallway and went to go get Zane with them.

"You are sleeping when we get home Zane and why didn't you tell me you were sick I could have stayed home with you and honestly I swear if that has anything to do with that guy who made you scream on the floor I will hurt them but like seriously you have to tell me when you're sick so I can do something," Garroth ranted.
"Yeesh garroth you're not my father."
"No I am not because I am not going to walk out on you."
"Well he walked out on you too."
"Yeah which is why I can say this stuff."
"Guys was dantes friend is here," Vylad said.
"Something tells me this is closet guy," Aphmau said holding zanes bag as we all left the school.
"Surprise surprise it is."
"Pleasure to meet you guys that was in my closet," Vyald smiled.
Zane whispered something to garroth before he walked away dragging aphmau and Vylad.

"Sorry I didn't listen to your advice," he apologized.
"No need to apologise, I'm the same way."
He gave me a hug, I could have done it right then and there but there were too many people.
"I'll see you later Travis," He said pulling away and stumbling back to the others.
"See you..."

I turned around only to be quickly stopped by Dante.
"I know you said chicks dig the emotional type but last time I checked you weren't a chick but like seriously him of all people?"
"Shut up."
"Like why????"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"You don't even know who I like."
"Sure honey."

The Foster Kid Notebook {A P.D.H AU)Where stories live. Discover now