Twenty Four

764 32 58

[Hi decided to update again.]

Laurence's pov

I was surprised to see garroth not in school today. I walked home. As I walked though I heard my name being called. Speak of the devil.

"Garroth why weren't you in school today?"
"Felt a little sick but let's go to your place ok."
"I'm down."

We walked side by side to my place. My parents weren't home sense they work 9 - 6 and it was only 3:30.

"So what compelled you to come find me when you felt sick."
"Actually I was should to go to your house right away but found you along the way instead," He seemed a but jittery.
"Well thats good considering I would have questioned you even more if you had of already been at my house."
He chuckled, "can't blame you there."

We went to the kitchen and u grabbed us something to drink before we went into my room. Something seemed off about garroth. I couldn't put my finger on it though.
I put the TV in my room on and put on some random Netflix movie purely for back round noise. It played extremely low.

"Are your parents home?" He asked finishing his water.
"No they don't get off till 6."
"Well then that's perfect."
"Because now we can make out and not worry about your parents walking in."
"That works for me woop."

I pulled garroth close to me pressing his peppermint lips against mine. I ran my hands through his hair as his arms wrapped around my waist. We ended up actually rolling on the bed a bit until I felt that oddness coming from garroth again. I pulled back and giggled giving him a hug trying to figure out was off with him.

"Is everything alright?" I eventually asked.
"No no, everything's fine why wouldn't everything be fine?"
"No specific reason I just thought something was off about you..."
"Why would something be off with me? Do you think there's something wrong with me because there's nothing wrong with me."
"The way you're wording things is making believing your fine very difficult."
"Why is it difficult to believe I'm fine I mean why would I be here if I wasn't fine? I mean I have to be fine I just made out with you."
"You don't have to be so defensive."
"Defensive I'm not getting defensive why would you say I'm getting defensive?"
"Yeah you're totally not getting defensive."
"Ok maybe I am being a bit defensive but that doesn't mean somethings wrong. I'm fine."
"I mean normally I'm fine doesn't mean I'm fine but I guess I'll just drop the topic."

I smiled gently at him before he started kissing me again. This was odd. Extremely odd. Last time he was hesitant and I had to make the first move everytime. It's not like I would say no to him or anything I just found it strange.
Another thing if I may point it out is that his kisses were a lot more aggressive.

He fell back his head pressing against my pillows. His lips stayed connected with mine. I pulled back though and just looked down at my silly 'Friend'.
I saw this look in his eyes that lasted for only as second. It was a look.that said 'Im sorry' as if he was doing something wrong. Which he obviously wasn't I mean damn is he a hot kisser.

He sat up. I was basically on his lap but more so on his knees. Which from experience of Dante harassing me by sitting in my was probably murdering him.

"Let's do it." He quickly said.
"I know what you meant but that's kind of sudden...."
"Why would you care that it's sudden you were the one the first day we hung out asked me if I wanted to have sex with you."
"Well that was more so a joke."
"Yeah whatever. You get the point, you wanted this didn't you so now I'm letting you. Just do what you want I don't care."
"Where is this even coming from?"
"It's coming from me obviously. I mean why would you ask something stupid like that," he had the tone of someone who was nervous. You could basically see his heart beat.
"I was just wondering alright... Calm down."
"Calm down? I don't need to calm down I'm perfectly calm."
"Yeah sure you are..."
"Whats with sarcasm can't you tell I'm calm."
"Not really."
"Well you don't need to be calm to do it so why not."
"You're not wrong Garroth but still."
"But still what? I'm doing this for you Laurence."
"Just calm down-"
"I don't need to calm down! I'm perfectly calm it's not like I haven't slept in almost 48 hours. That's Zane's job."
"Is that sarcasm?"
"Depends on what way you'd take it if it was sarcasm."
"Well I don't know what way I would take it."
"Then perfect conversation over with. Lets just do it. Yeah let's just do it, it's what you want isn't it?"
"... Alright."

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