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Garroths pov

I looked back at him in aw. I didn't really expect him to say he was adopted.
"You're adopted?!"
"Yes. That's what I just said."
"So sorry for asking but why were you adopted?"
"Well I don't know what happened to my birth parents but then I was in foster care for a few years before getting adopted when I was like 8?"
"I wish I could get adopted."
"What? Don't say that about your family they surely love you and would hate it if you were taken away from them."
"No ugh... I must seem so insensitive but I swear there's context."
"I'm guessing the context is in that book."
"That and a lot of us ranting and Vyald or Zane sketching."
"Do you draw?"
"Yes. I draw stick figures."
"Bwhahahahhahah," he laughed ridiculously.
"I didn't think it was that funny?" I chuckled.
"Well it was to me."
"What about you? Do you draw?"
"Yes I do actually. I can draw you if you want."
"Ooo that'd be nice."
"-if you let me read some of your entries."
"I thought you didn't care about your secrets?"
"I do care. A lot- Too much actually."
"Ok but I told you I was adopted so you have to tell me something about you. Something big!"
"Think... Think-" He then started blabbering on about thinking and honestly it was just making me 100% more nervous so when I finally decided to try and say something this happened,
"I uh I am uh... F- FUCK ME."
We were silent for a second before I started, "oh wait uh that's not what uh I kinda just panicked​ uggggggggggg-"
"Like were you trying to say your gay or something? Like I'm getting mixed emotions do you want to make like Ariana Grande, Nicki Manaj and Jessie jay and bang bang into the room or not?"
"Make like cupcakke and deepthroat it."
"Do you want to fuck or nah?"
"I mean uh I uh I uh."
"Cause like I'm pan so I don't care if your trans or anything along those lines."
"Ok ok ok. Can I at least say what I was trying to say."
"Of course."
"What I was trying to say is," I took a deep breath and talked extremely fast,"Well what I was trying to say is well I guess we could start when I said I wish I could be adopted it's because I'm actually a Forster kid and aphmau isn't my friend she's actually basically my sister and we have a cat which isn't really important but she's so adorable and fluffy and everything and I'm gonna go home and cuddle with that cat which is named K.C apparently aphmau named it after someone but you get the point and our foster parent is a bitch but we call her a witch because we sometimes like to keep it g rated but fuck that and im also really fucking bi so there's a flaw I guess oh and I got a 70 on the last socials quiz. Really though also all together I'm stressed as hell and honestly have thought about killing myself but I know I can't do that because then my brothers would kill themselves and we'd all be rotting in hell and-" He put his finger to my lips.
"Slow down a little would ya?" He smirked.
I sighed, "You must have some kind of magic because I have no idea why I would tell you- someone who I met literally like two days ago all this."
"Granite I would say it's destiny."
"My destiny and your destiny don't match up."
"How so?"
"I think I've blurted enough about my life for one night."
"It's ok," He put his hand on my shoulder, "at least you know me. I know people who've blurted there entire life story to random strangers."
"Ha, I guess you're right."
"Of course I am I'm none other then the one and only Laurence Zvhal!"
I snorted a little while laughing.
"Well this was really a fun night but I do have to go now, I'll see you around the one and only Laurence Zvhal."
I stood up and started heading towards his door. I guess something, Maybe as small as a whim came over him when I was spun around on my heels.
"M-maybe you could stay the night?"
"That's sweet but like I said I have arrangements tommorow."
"One more hour. I just want to talk with you more."
I let out a sigh looking at the wide eyed brunette. "One hour."
We sat back down on the couch.
"So um you're a foster kid?"
"Yeah.... At least you're a good listener."
"Don't tell anyone though because not only will I get my ass beat, we kind of like to live the charade that we're all perfect...."
"Perfect doesn't really exist."
"Then why do people bother calling us it?"
"Just because there's a label on something doesn't mean that's what it's​ worth."
"That's..- That's actually really deep."
"Kinda... I read it in one of the old English books."
"My labels far to over priced."
"I think you're priceless garroth."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"In this case it's a good thing."
"Then thanks Laurence."
"One more thing.... Throughout​ that thing you said you were Bi is that true?"
"Yeah... Kinda."
"I think my heart just exploded."
"I-in a good way of course! I've never really had someone who fell close to where I stand with my sexuality. Everyone else I know is straight.... As far as I'm concerned that is."
"So you've never had someone to talk to?"
"Not... Really."
"Well I've had my brothers to rant to. Despite being a total smart ass Vylad loves to listen to us spill the tea on stuff like this, so does aphmau. Then you have Zane who is our local pining kid who when ever they get a crush will drink a litre of milk to wash away the pain-" I was going to continue but Laurence started laughing occasionally snorting.
"I- I'm sorry but like that's even more funny because you told me he was lactose intolerant!"
"Yep he sure is," I chuckled.
"Well can I ask you for some advice?"
"Sure I mean I blurted my life story so what do you got to loose?"
"Nothing really, So um what do you do when you have a crush on someone... Who I know likes guys but I'm just not sure if they like me?" His shoulders pressed against his ears while he looked at me awaiting my advice.
"Well.... You just have to go for it. If they don't feel the same way it isn't the end of the world. Besides anyone alive would be lucky to have you."
"Aw thanks man," He punched me in the shoulder jokingly.
"No problemo monchichello."
"What does that mean?"
"I have no idea."
"That just makes it a whole lot better. Well thinking of it you should head home... I'll walk you."

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