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Travis's Pov

I stubbed my toe as I woke up from my two minutes of sleep. Will I ever learn to go to sleep at a proper time and not survive off of caffeine? No, no I will not. I even ended up falling asleep in third period which is the worst time sense no one I know is in that class. Luckily the black haired guy who is part of the 'Perfect Four' because he hangs around them woke me up. He has such a nasally voice. It's unique though.
I tripped over bottom step as I landed on my face in front of my mom.

"Travis are you ok!"
"Yeah mom... Just kind of tripped..."
"You were up all night again weren't you?"
"I can't help it mom..."
"I know you can't sweetie just remember if this continues I'm taking you to the doctor you probably need medication."
"Yeah you're right.." I agreed standing up.
"Well it's still early so you have the time to sit down and eat breakfast with your mother."

I sat down across from my mom. I used to go back and forth between her and the guy who helped birth me's house every week until I finally got a say in it and now I don't even have to see him. I never liked how he treated my mom. I never liked how he treated me. That was years ago now. He moved away.

"So any new friends at school other then those other two?"
"You mean Dante and Laurence?"
"Oh well the answer is no.... Still just the three of us dying in the corner while we watch the 'Perfect Four'"
"What's the 'Perfect Four'" she asked.
"Oh it's what me, Dante, Laurence and some others but not many call this group of students who are perfect. Laurence asked them about it and they said they don't care really if it helps us recognize them."
"well as long as my boy isn't doing anything to hurt anyone."
"Mom I'm me, I hate hurting people."
"I know that. Soooooo got a girlfriend?"
"Whaaat I wanna know!"
"No mom I don't have a girlfriend and I don't think I'm going to have one anytime soon."
"Hmmmmmmm boyfriend?"
"Mooooooooooooooooooooom! And the answer is still no."
"Hey just know I accept you."
"Are you implying you think I'm gay?"
"Meh uh hm uh oh look at the time you have to go to school."
"I get the bus-"
"Exercise is good walk! Save the planet!"
"Mom you didn't answer me-"
"Have a good day sweetie love you!"
"I love you too but-"
She pushed me out of the house with my bag and shut the door. She's amazing. But does she think I'm gay? Maybe? Probably? Definitely. Well I am very me. Plus I hang around Laurence who's sassy..... And Dantes so bad at flirting he often uses me as a test subject....

I started skipping to school. At least it was early so I knew I'd be on time.

Zanes Pov

"Wake up we're gonna be late!" Vylad yelled body checking me.
"Oof! I'm up I'm up!"
"Well hurry up and get ready then!"
"Yeah yeah!"

I quickly got out of bed and got ready in the tiny closet which was empty because we needed it that way. I got out once I was changed. Aphmau petted Kc before letting her go out side the window. She's a smart cat. She stays around the house mainly on the fire escape or roof. How she gets on the roof is its own story though.

"I'm gonna hold on to the Note book today," I said taking it out from under garroths bed.
"Come on guys we got 4 minutes."
"Book it!"

We climbed out of the window pushing each other a little and sliding down the fire escape. We all ran as fast as we could which for all except Garroth wasn't very fast. We didn't tell him to slow down though sense it didn't really matter.
I ran through the empty hallway as I was unlucky enough to not only be the last one to get here but also had the furthest locker. I sharply turned as I ran practically into my locker. I quickly unlocked it grabbed my books and ran into my luckily near by class.
The teacher didn't seem to care that I was late. They just kept teaching. I sat with a sigh in the back where I normally am. I have Aphmau in a lot of my classes except two. Then Garroth is only in one, And Vylad is in only two.
This was one of the magical ones where I had no one. It was a stupid class anyway so I just let myself be free minded and zone out.


The bell unexpectedly shocked me. I grabbed my books and stood up as I headed to my next class which I had Aphmau in. She kept writing notes and showing them to me the entire time which made it hard not to laugh at her 'jokes'. The bell rang again as I grabbed my books and headed to another one of the classes which I had no one.
I sat down in my seat as class began and the teacher started teaching. I took the Notebook out and started writing in it.

{May 18th {Zane}

Today's been pretty boring so far. I'm in third period so at least lunch is next. Actually lunch is horrible. Waaay too much noise. I was late for class first period but the teacher didn't care. Second period aphmau kept writing jokes on a note to me. I'm not sure if I can really call them jokes though.... She's got a mind of something trapped inside that outgoing potato. She's gonna kill me later when she reads this. So in advance plz don't hurt meh.}

I doodled under what I wrote. We did get this all the way back in September but we didn't start using it until around February. We were all scared to I guess. That was around the time Kc started becoming a frequent visitor. Or was that December? Flippin memory.


This day sure was going by fast. I took my time getting my books and stuff. Eventually everyone left or at least I thought they did. I'm 7 minutes late for lunch but that isn't important. I looked to my left to see someone still asleep on the desk. I think it was the same guy from yesterday. I tapped his shoulder but he didn't budge.

"You know school isn't the best place to take a nap so wake up," I pushed him a little with that as he jolted awake.
"I'm up!"
"Yeah I can tell," I said with a tsk.
"Oh you woke me again, thank you."
I sighed before speaking, "it's no problem, you really need to stop falling asleep in class though."
"Can't really help it," he started getting his books, "I don't really sleep to much at night."
"Well nothing I can do about that, but... Try some tea or a hot beverage before you go to sleep. That used to help me out a lot..."
"Thanks I'll take the advice."
"Yeah, no problem."

I tossed my bag over my shoulder as I ran out of the room. I walked to the cafeteria not having a lunch as usual. I always forget to bring one out of the very minimal option we have to choose from. I sat down at the back table alone. I may hang out with Aphmau and them but at times I love to be alone. I took the notebook back out and started writing again.

{Well now it's lunch and I just had to wake up that weird white haired kid again. I also got a nice reminder of life before being a foster kid. Sarcasm is fun. I can barely remember really but i lived with dad. If it wasn't for a dna test I would have never known Vylad and Garroth were related to me biologically. I guess we both got pretty unlucky. Mom died where as dad abandoned me. As for Aphmau she'd kill me if I wrote it here. Even if we all know Aphmau.}

"Whatcha doin?"
"Gah!" I yelled startled.
"Chill it's just me," Vylad reassured.
"Oh hey."
"I see you're writing about life."
"That's what this Notebook is for."
"How old were you when dad left you again?"
"Ugh... I was about 6 or 7."
"Yikes i was 8 when mom died so you've been in foster care a lot longer then me."
"1 and a half years isn't a lot... Besides aphmaus been in care since she was four."
"Oh that's right.... Well anyways! I'm taking the Notebook now k?"
"Sure i don't really care."
"Thanks big brother!"
"Don't call me that!"
"Mmmm!" He hummed sticking his tongue out.
"So childish."
"I know!"

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