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Travis's Pov

It was officially Saturday as I stared at my ceiling around 4:00 am. I know Dante gets up hella early on weekends because in his words he's cursed. To explain on weekdays he just can't seem to wake up anytime before 7:50 am (he often misses the bus and has to book it with Gene.) but on weekends he can't seem to wake up anytime after 5:00 am.
So I texted him.

Blue Haired McNugget

You up?


Dante seriously?

It's abnormal of you to be up this early.

No, I haven't went to sleep yet.

Dude, you need to get help. Like this isn't even a joke anymore.

I know I know Yeesh Yeesh

Anyways is there a specific reason you texted?

Nah just lonely...

I see, well my moms out if town and gene went to zenix's place so you can come over if you got the balls

I'll be right there dweeb

Wait is your mom not home or something?

No she's home, just a real heavy sleeper. Besides I always wake up hella late on weekends so she won't come and check if I'm there.

Perfect. We'll be careful it is like 4:15 in the morning.

I'll bring the cheep perfume so I can spray it at someone if they get to close.

Someone's got it figured out.

Yup see ya soon.


I hopped out of bed and threw on some jeans and a sweater. I crept out of my room and out of the house. The wind blew threw my hair as I darted down the street. Dante didn't live exactly close to me but it was close enough that you wouldn't NEED a car. The city was quiet. About seven minutes later I was walking by the town houses I had to pass through an alley way if I wanted to get there faster then book it up a road to his house.
I went into the alley way. I couldn't see very well. I continued walking as I dug through my pockets to try and find my phone to use as a flashlight. Being distracted I didn't notice the person practically emerge from the shadows and I slammed straight into them.

"Oof!" We both said plopping on to our bottoms.
"Stupid flippin eyes!" He groaned, "I'm sorry I bumped into you."
"No it's my fault I was distracted looking for my phone."
"Did you drop it somewhere here?"
"No, I was looking through my pockets to find it so I could use it as a flash light."
"I see."
I hauled it out of my pocket so I could actually see who ever I was talking to. Probably not the best idea to be talking to someone in a dark alley way at 4:25 in the morning. He sounded my age and familiar though.
"There now I can actually see."
"Sight is very handy......"
"Hey you're that dude in the perfect four who's been waking me up lately! I knew you sounded familiar. What's someone like you doing in an alley at 4:30 in the morning?"
He seemed shocked, flustered, surprised........ And scared. No he looked absolutely terrified. I looked behind me to see if maybe something there had startled him but there was nothing.
"Me oh I uh just uh am out on my early morning walk! Gotta do that cardio?" He seemed a little unsure.
"Wow you never really did strike me as someone who's in to that stuff."
"Oh mhm yes I just love that early morning.... Dirty... City air."
"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."
"Well uh what about you! What brings the person who I've witnessed fall asleep one hundred times in class to an alley way at 4:30 in the morning."
"I'm on my way to Dantes house. One of my friends."
"Sounds fun."
"Maybe you could come, it's dangerous to walk alone at night! You don't have to like actually come in but I'm sure he wouldn't mind either way I think it'll just be keeping us both a little safer."
"Yeah I guess you're right," he glanced up a little too quick for me to see exactly where or at what.
"So are you gonna come mr. Perfect or not?"
"You know it's a horrible idea to go with a random man in the middle of an alley way but...." He mumbled the rest.
"what was that?"
"oh I just said but I'll go with you anyway."
His mumble was too long for it to just be that.

Zanes Pov

The further u strayed from the alley way the more nervous I became. Yes I often am up late and in that alley way doing god knows what but this time I was out there for a reason. We had left a trash bag in our room and I offered to take it out. Well really it was either me or Vylad sense we were the only two up and I wasn't letting him go out there just in case something bad were to happen. I'd rather it be me than him. I just hope he thinks I'm fooling around and doesn't over react. I have no way of telling him other wise. I just have to get to this Dantes house then book it back to our place.

"There's the house the one with the red car."
"Well uh it was nice talking with you."
"Oh you're not gonna come inside."
"No I don't know Dante it'd be informal of me."
"Oh come on at least let me introduce you to him."
"Fine....." I agreed reluctantly.

We walked up to the door he checked if it was locked: it wasn't so he pushed open the door only one light was on by the couch where that blue haired boy who must be Dante sat.

"Sup Ho."
"Nothing much you."
"Not really I mean I bumped into someone on the way here that'd i would like you to meet."
"You better not be bringing no creepy old men into my house."
"I'm Not I'm not Yeesh."
"Well then who is it?"
"This dude right here," he Pointed to me.
"Emo perfect four dude who kicked you in the balls?"
"He kicked me in the balls?"
"Yeah to get you to wake dafuq up."
"If I kicked hard enough I could have stopped one of your kidneys."
"You know who this guy reminds me of?"
"who Dante?"
"My lab partner Vylad something about the bitter sweet tone of his voice. Well maybe it's because you're both in the perfect four."
"Actually it's probably because we're brothers."
"I'm a lot more surprised then I look right know."
"speaking of which I should probably get back. I've been gone for a while now and I said I'd only be gone for two minutes so he might start to worry."
"Oh well then see you later Zaya! That's you're name right?"
"No my names Zane. Z-A-N-E. Zane."
"Oh I'll be sure to remember it."
Muffled yelling was heard.
"Don't mind that it's just that kind of neighbourhood. No one really cares about it."
"Well as I said I'll be leaving now, and just remember it's Zane not Zaya." I opened the door at a very unfortunate time.
"On second thought I am Zaya."
I face palmed as I stepped out, "I'M RIGHT HERE YOU DINGUS!"
"Oh thank god you weren't-"
"Vylad. Come on let's go home." I said slamming Dantes door shut.
"Who's house is that?"
"White haired dude's friend named Dante who has blue hair."
"You had me worried you know."
"Yeah but now I'm humiliated! You're lucky it's early in the morning and I have seven hundred excuses ready to say on Monday. Besides, drama doesn't touch us."
"You're fault for going out."
"Yeah yeah let's just get going before Garroth or Aphmau wakes up..... I'm ruined now anyways."
"Don't worry.... I know Dante so I can just say that you had been gone for a few hours and I was looking for a long time and got scared."
"Ughhh.... Whatever."


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