Twenty Seven

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Garroths pov

I had stolen laurence's phone and was searching through all of his app while I laid on the couch. We were all wrapped in these two HUGE blankets Travis had. They were literally the size of circus tents! We all were generally quiet other then the noise of the TV and the occasional whispering between people.

"Hey laurence?" I asked.
"Who's 'Kinky'?"
"Snap chat, or contacts?"
"The one with the ghost."
"Snap chat and it's a group chat."
"Yeah it's where we meme each other," Travis said while harassing Zane's hair.
"It was originally called 'my main memes' with the moan and water emoji but Dante changed it after our conversation about the world's weirdest turn ons."
"Let's not relive that."
"Agreed, so I'll be taking that and let's forget this happened," Laurence said sticking his tongue out at me.

I sighed at the brunette as I sat up.

"What do you all want to do?" Aphmau asked.
"We can go up to my room?" Travis suggested. We all agreed.

The moment we got up there we basically rearranged the place. Not the furniture but we made a fort in the corner out of pillows, turned under his desk into a fort and then turned his own bed into a fort.

"Flop," Laurence said as he flopped on to the pillows. Currently we sat in a circle.
"So what're we doing?"
"We could tell ghost stories."
"Noooo... I'm not in that mood~" Travis sighed.
"What about truth or dare?" Aph suggested.
"But we already know we're just going to dare everyone to make out or play 7 minutes of heaven." Laurence explained.
"I thought it was seven seconds?" Vylad said confused.
"What are you getting done in seven seconds?"
"Huh, never thought of that."
"I vote we play still! Besides there are better dates," Travis evilly chuckled.
"Alright let's use this water bottle to like spin and select. Ill start," Dante said placing the bottle in the middle and spinning it.

[Ah yes cliches rule]

"Ok Zane truth or dare?" Dante asked.
"Ok is it true you taught vylad how to read when he was 12?"
"Yes, despite being the smartest in our school he was stupid."
"So I spin now?"
"Ok......," Zane spun the bottle, "Vylad truth or dare?"
"I dare you.......hmmmmmm," Travis leaned over and whispered something in his ear, "Ah! I dare you- well more so Travis dares you to drink a smoothie we all will make while you wait up here."
"Bring it on! I can take it!"
"Then wait up here tiny perfect we've got a smoothie to make!" Laurence chuckled.
"Like I said bring it on."

We all ran down stairs to the kitchen. Travis quickly readied the blender.

"Ok so to start off let's put this entire bag of chips in here," Dante said dumping it in.
"Cheese." Aphmau added.
"Ok let's put some liquids.... Grape juice." I poured.
"Ok let's put these sugar cubes." Zane threw those in.
"And a jãlapeno." Travis said.
"Tomato sauce," Laurence added.
"And to top it off a tomato," Dante finished.

We blended it up and poured it into to cup.

"I would not want to be vyald right now," I said.
"If he barfs make sure he does it outside my window," Travis said.

We opened the door. We made Vylad sit by the window just in case.

"If this kills me I would like to give my final words."
"Go ahead."
"Umm lets see garroth I'm the one who threw your toothbrush out the window, Zane I tried to feed your mask to the cat."
"Anything else?" Aphmau asked.
"Well my final quote is 'I may not have done the deed but I got more action in a week then my brothers have seen in a life time'," He then proceeded to chug the whole thing.

I looked at my schedule little brother who proceeded to flick the empty cup across the room and die internally.

"This shit might actually kill me," He groaned, "was that grape juice?"
"I hate grape juice."
"Also for your information young man I have probably seen more action in this week then you ever will again."
"Oh yeah well I'll just fuck your best friend that'll show you," He then proceeded to barf out Travis' window.
"Jokes on you I don't have any friends."
"You have me."
"And me. You also have Travis but he's zoned out at the moment," Dante said.
"Who's it in the what's it?" Travis quickly said.
"Forget it."
"You guys look like a group of drunk girls," Aphmau said.
"Ironic your the only girl here."
"The irony is TH ICCCCC."
"I HATE THAT WORD!" Zane yelled falling backwards.
"I know that's why I emphasized it."
"I hate you."

Everyone then proceeded to say the word thick in multiple variations before Zane just got up and left.

"Aw come one Zane don't just leave us with your vomiting brother!" Travis said going after him.
"Actually I'm good now but I'm going to go brush my teeth," He said hauling a tooth brush with was in a sandwich bag out of his pajama pants pocket.
"Vyald what that heck."
"Don't question me Dante." He then stumbled off to the bathroom leaving just me, aphmau, Laurence and Dante. Until we heard vomiting coming from the bathroom again and Dante went after him. So just aphmau Laurence and I.

"I'm going to go check on the others," aphmau let us be.
"So this has been one heck of a night. Is this your first sleep over?"
"Well my entire life recently had been like a big sleepover."
"Well you're not wrong. So I was going to ask you once you woke up but what was the fight between you and the witch about?"
"She read the Notebook.... Found out about the cat, found out about our lies, found out about the others, found out about you, found out about us. Found out about everything we ever wrote about."
"So she got mad at you?"
"Got right pissy at me about Kc before it getting more into sexuality and everything, then it got into how we always like about what we're doing and how we always snoop.into her stuff and our conversations with people. Then when Zane got involved right back to us being 'more then friend's with other guys then aphmau woke up and when she got involved it turned into well a topic I'm not comfortable saying then Vylad got home and he got home right after the fighting got a little more.... Physical and he got a bottle thrown at him. I was able to get us all away from the drunk nut job before blocking the door off and leaving through the window. I don't want to really talk more into details. I'm surprised no one called the cops with all the screaming..." I explained.
"So you spent the entire night outside?"
"So thats why you were so cold and tired."
"Garroth you've got to tell me things like this more importantly if you didn't feel safe where you were you should have went straight to my place is have no trouble letting you stay over. Heck I'd let you live with me if it made sure you were safe," He held me close.
"Thanks Laurence. I will be talking with the witch when I go back. She has no right to treat us this way."
"Be careful. Hey let's just forget that for now though, have fun loosen up. Besides no one else is around," He waggled his eyebrows.
"Hahaha funny."

He tightened his arms around me as he kissed me softly. Smiling in between I eventually pulled back.

"Stop stop," I chuckled, "someone might walk in."
"Who cares they already know I like you."
"Yeah but I don't want them seeing."
"Fine fine you're no fun..."
"Ha ha ha."
"I love your sarcasm."
"Aw thanks."
"Not that much though."

We chuckled as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. He's right I don't have to worry about all that right now.
I've got him after all.

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