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Garroths Pov

At around 6:50 ish I snuck out with Vylad to take him to the party. I was gonna stop a few houses down but I still wanted to make sure he got there safely. I know I know I'm an over protective big brother. He was very reluctant to the idea but eventually realized he wasn't convincing me other wise. I was about to leave and go back to house. That was until...

"GARROTH!" The annoying brunette yelled.
"Oh hi Laurence...." I sighed.
"Didn't expect to see you going to the party."
"Oh I'm not- mmmph!" Vyald stomped on my foot.
"Yeah it's great to see you Laurence."
"Oh hey Tiny perfect."
"The tinier I am the closer I am to the devil."
"Shut up Vylad."
"Sorry garroth," he rolled his eyes.
"Well yeah come on the parties this way! WOOO!"
I looked down at my smirking brother. He continued walking. But my stupid ass decided to follow.

Laurence's pov

I looked over at garroth who walked in about 20 minutes ago after our conversation. He seemed extremely uncomfortable unlike his outgoing brother. I was about to talk to him when I guess someone (cough cough lily and ivy cough cough) the huge dicks of our school. Decided to start something.

"Do you have a problem? Got something you want to say. Name a time a place. You can say it to my face. I'd normally expose your ass. Stomp you on the floor till you crash. But im in a good mood so I'll spare the bruise, just, listen up before you get slew."

I couldn't see who they were talking to clearly but that didn't matter. All I could tell was Mr.Perfect was far to close to that situation for my liking. I had to snake through the crowd fixating on his blonde hair. When I got close enough I didn't bother trying to talk over the raging speakers. I grabbed his collar hearing the light choke as he was pulled back. I dragged him away and by the stair case which was closer to the back of the house.

"What the hell was that for?"
"Trust me when I say you don't even want to be near any situation that involves ivy. The only reason she's here is because I made the stupid mistake of inviting Lily. Her cousin."
"I wonder if every ivy in the world is an asshole (if you're named ivy contribute today by proving garroth wrong and being a nice person)....."
"Why would you say that?"
"Let's just say I know another ivy who I would like to flick out a window or seven."
"I'm starting to see a violent trend between you and your brother."
"Aphmau is the violent one."
"The potato?"
"Don't call her that or I'll turn you into a mashed potato."
"I prefer french fries Mon Amis."
"French fries aren't actually french."
"Don't be like this." He laughed afterwards, "You're quite an interesting guy......"
"Something wrong."
"No just thinking......"
"Suddenly about?????"
"You just seem familiar like I've seen you some where out side of school before...."
"We live in the same town you probably have seen me multiple times outside of school."
"Very true.... You don't strike me as much of a party person now that I think of it."
"I'm not. I had no plan on coming here but when we bumped into you vyald forced me here. In his words 'dont be a wussy.'"
"I see. Well I may have a lot of friends but I hate crazy scenes like this. Wanna head out with me."
"I would like to.... But I'm worried about my brother.... It's only early so something bad might happen and I won't be there...."
"There's going to be a lot of things you're not there to protect him from. He's smart. Dante's ...... Dante. Either way you coming or not?"
"Yeah I'll go...."
"Good call, follow me we can go out through his back yard."

He nodded as I lead him out the door to the back yard. I hopped the fence back to the front thinking maybe I'd have to help him down but surprisingly he did a better job at jumping it then I did. Probably plays basketball....

We jogged away for a little before starting to walk again.
"So where do you want to go?"
"I'm just going to head back to where I live it's close."
"Mind if I join? I mean if your parents let their youngest child go to a highschool party then I'm sure they'd be fine with me. We're friends aren't we?"
"No! I mean yes to that last thing but the first thing isn't a good idea."
"Uhhh Zane! Yeah he's all emo and doesn't like company."
"We can just stay in your room."
"We share a room."
"Kick him out."
"You sure a presistent to wanting to come to my house."
"Pfffftttt no I don't even care."
"Okay Sherlock."
"Alright I just want to hang out with Mr.Perfect alright."
"That's.... Sweet?"
"Yes and you really need to change you look a little like a dying squirrel."
"Just when I thought I met someone who wasnt a dick..." He rolled his eyes.
"No no I'm joking. It's getting colder though so come on we can hang out at my place we'll stop at yours so you can get a jacket."
"...... Fine."

After walking for around ten minutes  garroth nudged my shoulder indicating we had to pass through an alley way. Instead of continuing though we stopped at a fire escape.

"Just stay here alright." His voice was a tad bitter. This guy was very different then I had originally pictured.
"I'm going to sit up on the fire escape no way in hell am I standing in a dark alley alone." I followed him through the resistance. I stopped one level below him (which wasn't much). He was trying to open a window but it wouldn't budge.
"Zane I see you open the window."
"No," I heard the muffled voice.
"I would but I'm in a bit of a sticky situation...."
"What kind of sticky situation?"
"Uhhh... I can deal with it..... Just," The raven haired boy opened the window with out noticing me.
"Jesus dude christlers Zane."
"Ok. There is context."
"No. I am not even going to ask about the chicken suit. Or what's inside of it. Just get rid of it by the time I get back. Give me the book and my jacket."
"Alright.... You can basically just read what happened."
"See you Zane."
"See you around also withcy mcbitcherson is gone out so don't worry the chicken suit had  no connection to her."
"Good luck with your stuff zane."

He climbed down as Zane closed the window. He looked embarrassed.

"What's with that face?"
"Oh it's nothing."
"Come on tell me I'm curious."
"Well I'm just a little embarrassed that you had to hear my brothers insanity."
"Ok... I'll take that answer for now."
"Who are you?"
"I could ask you the same thing."

We ended up going back to my house. His eyes widened a little as he stepped in.

"It's beautiful here...."
"I'd say it's average." I chuckled. I wasn't going to question the book. Maybe later...
"Come on let's watch a movie the only person home is my sister who only leaves her room for snacks."
"I am right here Laurence."
"Oh hi c-cadenza."
"Yeah yeah see ya around my brother from another mother!" She said dazzling down the hallway to her room.
"Sister from another mister!"
Garroth gave me a slightly confused smile as we sat down. I simply put on Netflix.
"What do you want to watch. I mean even though everyone's already seen everything on Netflix."
"Actually I haven't seen anything on Netflix......" A shift in the way his eyes looked made me see that slight change in becoming a little more comfortable around me.
"Really? Well I do know not everyone has it... Well then let's just watch anything. This is what I like to do instead of partying....."
"I can agree on that one."


Ok so I've had writers block for this story but as I was finishing this messy af chapter I was hit with the idea and connections I would need to make this work. Also if you are questioning the chicken suit part I am very sleep deprived and I had a science module test today (which is like a mini exam) and I have a math test tomorrow. I will most likely turn it into something though.
Either way I hope you enjoyed and I will see you later!]

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