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Dantes Pov

Lunch was the good same ol stuff for me. Bug Laurence, bug Travis, eat, have both of them bug me, eat some more wink at the ladies. Watch Travis fall over from being tired. Sit him back up. Listen to the bell ring and skip off to class. I sat down my lab partner (who's also basically my tutor) wasn't here yet. I looked over at the door waiting for him to come in. I needed him or I'm failing the project we're doing in class today. Mainly because I'll either have to join someone else's group or work alone. Trust me everyone else here doesn't have a clue what's going on except him and if I worked by myself I'd probably just stall myself and then get detention for goofing off. The three minutes we had to get to class passed and he wasn't here yet. The teacher started explaining and I was this close to asking him if we can please wait for Vylad (even a genius won't figure this out without the explantation.) Ugh! Hurry up you're never late.

'Creak' went the door as it opened.

The teacher turned towards the small boy walking through the door.
"You're late Ro'meave. You only have one book and it isn't even the science one. You're lucky we're only doing a project that doesn't require it. Now take you're seat."
"Yes sir."

People giggled around the room which must have only made him more embarrassed. He sat down by me. Well at least Vylad's finally here. The explantation ended and he left us to follow.

"What took you so long to get to class? You're never late?"
"Oh uh couldn't open my locker.... Then when I finally did of course gene and them were right there to see me struggle so I got pushed in the locker for another minute or so, I'm pretty used to getting out of them now. By then it was 12:25 so I'm already about 10 minutes late and sense I'm a shorty I couldn't reach my books. So I just ran here so I wouldn't be any later. I knew you were counting on me."
"Oh well that's unfortunate, by you're used to getting out of lockers does this mean this happen often."
"Well that's kind of impossible. You can't be pushed into a locker at home."
"Home.. Yeah nothing can happen there."
"Speaking of which is Gene the one who's always picking on you?"
"Everyone really."
"Well I'm still going to talk to him."
"Are you mad Dante!" He said spinning on the tool and slamming his pencil on the paper, (I've been this kids lab partner all year and it's fun getting to know his silly ways. Plus now he's my tutor so ya know.)
"Why would I be mad?"
"Gah you know what I mean! You should NOT try and talk to that mad man. He'll rip you to shreds, tear you apart, hit you over the head with a bottle, run you over with a car, pin you to a wall and leave you to die, he'll preform satanic rituals on you, he'll end you in the most painful way possible-"
"He's my brother."

Everyone including the teacher turned to stare at him.
"Oh um sorry.... Anyways he's your what?"
"My big bro."
"How are you related to him. You're so nice!"
"You're related to Zane and he's a gothic dweeb."
"Make fun of my brother again and I'll end you and everyone you care about."
"Did I stutter?"
"Alright new thing learned you defiantly care about your family."
"There the only people I've got."
"You got me?"
"Hahaha, we're from two different worlds basically now come on we gotta work." He spun and started writing on the paper.
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"Well you're more on the popular side of the train. You do sports and stuff plus the lady's swoon over you. Where as I am the tiny little boy who's the only thirteen year old here."
"Well damn I'm 16 as of last week."
"Ironic I'm 14 as of next week."
"Wow, and by the way I'm not exactly the most popular person. I mean the people I hang out with are well Laurence who's basically perfect.... And the cinnamon roll Travis.."
"See, everyone loves you guys!"
"Ugh, whatever lets just do our work."

Vylads Pov

{May 18th {Vylad :P}

I just finished my assignment with Dante. We're finished early as usual do to my fast thinking and his quick writing. We make a pretty good team. I also learned he's gene's brother which is flippin wonderful. He said he's gonna talk to him which shall end in one of three ways.
1) He talks to gene and sense they're brothers and we're kind of 'friends' he'll stop being a dick to me.
2) He doesn't talk to him at all and we all continue our lives.
Or 3) He talks to gene and that makes gene mad at me. He makes it seem like nothing before annihilating me the next day further deepening my suffering.
Last one sounds like you Zane btw. It's kind of fun to talk to you guys while writing sense we all read each other's entry's anyways.
P.s Aphmau if you get this far with out killing Zane please do know I am a smol child who doesn't want violence.
P.s.s Garroth I saw you fall down down earlier. Ha. I laughed internally. So now I shall laugh on paper.}

"What are you writing?"
"Nothing!" I was startled.
"Do you have a diary?"
"No and it's a notebook and it doesn't just belong to me."
He peered over my shoulder being nosey as I quickly shut the book.
"Garroth.... Zane.... You.... Aphmau and K.C? Is That like some kid of smart people notebook?"
"No. Why would a cat be in a smart persons notebook?"
"Why not? Can I see?"
"Why it's just a notebook."
"Yeah well it's ours only people who are part of it can see it."
"What if I become in part of it?"
"That's impossible."
"You'd have to join our family."
"Oh some kind of weird metaphorical family?"
"No. Literal."

The bell rang which was able to finally shut my mouth up. I stood up and booked it to my next class. Which damn it Dante is also in.

[If anyone is confused by the periods let me explain.
They start school at 8:30.
Each period is one hour in this story.
So second period starts around 9:30.
Third period around 10:30.
Then they brake for lunch at 11:30 for 45 minutes (which is probably long compared to what most schools give but anything is possible when you believe)
So fourth period starts at 12:15.
Then fifth period starts at 1:15.
And their last period is only 45 minutes long instead of an hour long (that's why the last subject isn't important to them) starting at 2:15.
So they get out of school at 3:00.
I hope this can help you imagine how long there day is and if I ever just use time you can tell what period they're in]

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