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Travis's Pov

I yawned as I started waking up. The morning light gently grazed on my face. Wait... Morning? Crap.
I shot up hoping maybe I just slept through the alarm and Zane had already left but nope sure enough he was leaned against the wall fast asleep. We'll roll reversall time, I have to wake him up.
"Zane wake up we slept through the alarm!"
"Huh...? What time is it..." He said half asleep.
"Um," I looked up at the clock, "8:30!"
"8:30 am! You said you had an alarm!"
"I did," I checked my phone, "...but my phone died...."
"Oh my God I have to be there by 9:30! Vyald takes seven thousand years in the shower and garroth of course is pretty boy central and aphmau is well aphmau so there's no way I'm getting shit done there and-"
"Wait what's so important that you be ready? Do you go to church?"
"No! It's inspection day and if I show up looking like and smelling like I just got fucking wasted in an alley way it's not a very good image."
"Ok, my mom's a social worker so I do know how important inspections are and just to put a bright idea you don't smell like an alcoholic but you look like one."
"What am I going to do it's a 15-20 minute walk! Garroth is going to murder me."
"You know what shower at my place and just borrow like one of my shirts the pants you're wearing are fine."
"I can't shower here!"
"It's your house!"
"I could care less! My mom's gone to work already so go on use my shampoo I don't care just follow me!"

I led him to my bathroom.
"The two white bottles are mine so yeah. I'm gonna make myself breakfast."
"What time is it?'
"8:45 now."
"Well I gotta make that shower!"

I ran to the kitchen and looked around I grabbed some waffles and put them on. I stopped rushing realizing that I just have to change, grab a shirt or something for Zane to wear and then I can walk with him back to his house. After all if we speed walk we'll get there quickly.
I put on a white and green striped t-shirt and some jenes. I grabbed a long sleeve black turtle neck for Zane. It was a little to big for me and it would be on him too but everything else was either too Travis or too formal.
After I did all of that and 5 more minutes passed I heard the shower turn off.
I knocked on the bathroom door.
"I have a shirt for you and all that jazz I hope it's good enough."
I heard the door unlock. He stuck his hand out I gave him the clothes while using my hand to cover my eyes just in case. He closed the door again.
"Does it fit?"
"Yeah it's just a little big on me!"
"Yeah its big on me too."
"I'm coming out now."
He came out his hair was a mess and his freckles practically glowed. The sweater was too long for his arms so you couldn't see his hands.
"Don't look at me like that I know I look stupid."
"Aw don't be so hard on yourself. I've got waffles~ so come down stairs I need to fix that mop on your head too." I chuckled.
He followed me to the kitchen.
"You don't mind if I just use my own comb right?"
"No I don't mind."
I stuffed a waffle in my mouth as I started combing Zane's hair.
"So fluffy....."
"Excuse me?"
He ate his waffle, I combed all of his hair out of both of his eyes but part of me just knew he would mess it up if I didn't cover his special eye. I covered it and laid the comb on the counter.
"I'm done."
"Well come on let's go I want to make sure you don't get lost."
"Oh.. ok."

We speed walked down the streets and too the alley way. I checked my phone, it was 9:25. We stood under the fire escape.
"Thanks for talking with me last night I think it was something I needed. Oh and I'll give this back to you tomorrow. I'll get it washed one way or another."
"Oh no problem, keep the sweater it looks good on you like really good."
"Oh thanks, are you sure."
"Positive. If you ever need anything maybe even just want to get away from being perfect or this living hell you know what window my room is," I smiled at him and gave him a hug. He awkwardly hugged back. He obviously wasnt very used to hugging.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah," I found myself backing slowly away from the hug.
"I got to get going now, see ya."
"See you..."
He climbed quickly up the fire escape and disappeared into the window.

Zane's pov

"WHERE WERE YOU!" Garroth yelled.
"I was out. I'm back and I'm ready."
"Good thing you are this thing starts at 10:00."
"We were pretty worried Zane it's not like you to disappear like that." Vylad added.
"Yeah you were out with your boyfriend~"
"He is not my boyfriend!"
"But you admit you were out with a guy!"
"So what I'm aloud to have friends!"
"Zane made a friend? The world is turning upside down..." Vylad joked.
"That's very offensive."
"Alright all of you get out to the living room and I want you looking like you just busted a nut laughing!"
"Ma'am I don't have those."
"Metaphors. Don't you go to school. Now just do it!"
We all sat on the couch Mrs. Ivy basically just told us things to do.
"Vyald braid aphmaus hair, Zane read a book and garroth look like you love these people more then your own existence."
"Way ahead on that one I hate myself."
"Good point."
"Ding dong"

She opened the door to great the smiling lady.
"Mrs. Ivy?"
"That would be me, you must be the social worker it's a pleasure to meet you."
"The feeling is mutual."
"These are my kids aren't they just adorable."
"Isn't​ that book upside down?"
I looked at the book I was 'reading' and sure enough it was, "oh would you look at that I just thought i was reading my language text book... Or garroths handwriting." I mumbled the last part but vyald nearly spit out his water because he heard me.
"What lovely kids."
"Oh DEFINITELY lovely now if you would follow me i'll show you around?"
Once they left we all sighed.
"Vylad do you even know how to braid hair?"
"Figures, and really Zane 'thought you were reading your language text book.' and aphmau what is that face?"
"It is the face of me."
"You aren't wrong."
"Well how long do you think this is going to last I'm tired..." Vyald whined.
"That's what you get for being out all night." Garroth replied.
"Hey you were out until almost 2:00 according to aphmau."
"I got distracted."
"Yeah with whoever you disappeared with."
"The real question here is why do you all look like you let the biggest weights off your shoulders?"
"Don't know."
"Don't Care."
"I'm tired."

After around ten minutes the inspector social worker thing came back out. Mrs.Ivy must have been told to wait in the other room.
"So do you all like it here. I know it's kind of cramped which is why Mrs.Ivy is being sweet enough to let one of you go. However sense there's nothing wrong with this place it's just a matter of choice. She was more specific about you aphmau considering you're the only girl."
Silence fell for a moment, "oh that is sweet but I wouldnt dream if leaving these guys. They're family."
"That's sweet I'll make sure to tell Mrs.Ivy you appreciated the offer. Have a nice day you guys."
"We will." I said.
"Oh and don't worry about feeling left out I was the only girl of the family and I still am considering I have only my son we're tough though sister."
Aphmau chuckled, "yep tougher then vyald at least."
"Don't get offended by the truth brother."
"I reserve the political right in the town of the city of the continent of Hawaii to be offended."
"Vyald. Hawaii is a state. We don't even live in hawaii. None of us have been to hawaii." I responded to my idiot of a brother.
"Speak for yourself Zane me and vyald went to hawaii."
"And you never told me​???"
"I was like 4. I have zero recollection of it."
"I was 2 but I do remember that you got lost. Well looks like we found you."
The social worker laughed, "enjoy your day you all."

Later on we all sat on our beds.

"So what was everyone up to last night?"
"I just stayed to help Dante clean up the mess and then we played video games and uh truth or dare." Vyald said.
"Oh me and my friend Laurence ditched the party and we stayed at his place and watched Netflix." Garroth answered.
"What about you Zane?"
"Oh uh this guy I met ended up getting our number from snitcherson here and I was forced out with him."
"Am I snitcherson?"
"Yes Vylad. Yes you are."
"I just went to the park and I saw some people and I found Kc which speaking of Kc," aphmau said opening the window and doing that tsk noise people do when they want their pet to come to them.
"Aww here's our little kitty."

We all gathered around and pet the fluffy little kitty. I didn't pet her much sense animals typically don't like me and I don't want to spoil their fun. I smiled a little bit at everyone before I disappeared back on to my couch to write in the notebook.

{Zane, May 20th
I think I just had the best 24 hours of my entire existence.... Because of a chicken suit. Fun.}

I ripped that little part out and then write and excuse that said I broke a pen all over that part. I said goodnight to my siblings and went to bed. At least I can sleep peacefully until vyald wakes up tomorrow and starts his birthday morning ritual. This will be fun.

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