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(I had no ideas for garroth and Laurence but had some for Zane and Travis so ye)

Zane's pov

It was after lunch. At last we reached the part of the cycle with my free period. I went to my locker got a book and headed up to the library to read. No one was in there. I went to the back headed for my usual spot when I spotted snow white himself.
He was mumbling quietly to himself as he read.
I went up behind him and put my hands over his eyes.

"Listen if you want my money I'm broke and too tired to deal with anything," He said.
"No stupid it's me."
He removed my hands from his eyes and quickly smiled as he recognized it was me.
I sat down next to him. I would consider Travis my closest and only friend that I don't live with. After all he knows that I'm a foster kid and stuff.
"You have this as a free period too."
"Yeah. I saw you asleep alone at lunch today."
"Oh yeah... My only other friends went to sit with you guys..."
"I would have invited you over but by the time I noticed you we had five minutes and you were out like a light."
"Yeah... The last good night of sleep I got was when you stayed over.... I get nightmares a lot that keep me up."
"Heh, sorry to hear that. So what are you reading?"
"Where the moon isn't."
"What's it about?"
"I'm only at the first chapter but I think you'd really like this book."
"Let's read it together then."
"I'm a fast reader."
"So am I."
I leaned my head over to the book. Travis leaned back in to and we started to read.
20 minutes passed until I brought our concentration out of the book.
"Man this is kind of sad."
"Yeah a little, I mean it literally starts out with the fact that his brothers dead which I don't think is all to fun."
"True but not everything is sadness covered in jokes."
"Sadness covered in jokes is me."
"Don't say that about yourself... Your jokes are horrible."
"Oh my... Bitch you didn't."
"Oh yes I did."
We laughed quietly.
"We should hang out after school. I was supposed to have Dante over but he had last minute tutoring arrangements."
"That'd be nice. You know this time your mom actually knowing my presence and not having to squish next to your chest in a bed.. wrapped up in sheets and- wooo I'm going to keep the rest of this in my head."
"Well at least I'm not the only one who thought that situation was a little interesting. Sorry about it though, my mom didn't even know I was gone to a party let alone bringing my sad friend into my house."
"Am I the sad friend."
"I mean you live with an alcoholic foster parent I'm pretty sure you were sad."
"Yeah I was."
"Don't be sad anymore because I'm here!"
"I don't think that's how sadness works?"
"Well sadness is an emotion not a rule book." He gave me a hug, "so chin up." He smiled as he looked at me, "you're so cold to everyone in school... You need to melt that away. I know you've been through a lot but moaping doesn't​ get you anywhere."
"That got deep pretty quickly."
"Do I have a tendency to do that?"
"Yes, also you smell really good. I should know that because your literally like a centimeter away from your face."
"I am? Oh and thank you. I use strawberry, watermelon, kiwi lotion."
"Fun fact I've never had a kiwi."
"Well that ends today you'll have one when you come to my place later."
"Yep. I hope my brother doesn't mind me being there sense it's his birthday. Actually I think he's tutoring someone today so it won't matter."
"Tell him I said happy birthday."
"I will," I smiled.
"Small warning my mom is super bubbly."
"Meh I don't mind. I live with aphmau."
The bell rang ending our conversation.
"Meet me at the fountain after school."
"I'll be there."

Travis's Pov

After school I sat on the fountain ledge waiting for Zane.
"Yeah guys I'll see you later!"
"See ya brother from another mother!" Aphmau yelled.

He ran up to me as I stood up.
"You ready?"
"Then we have to make like mario, letsa go!"

Zane strated telling me a pretty weird story on the way and he only finished up by the time we were stepping into my house, "So then we put Vylad on his bed, and to this day garroth has no idea what became of his shirt that night."
"What about your shoes?"
"I found my left one two days later in the alley way."
"Oh my lordy, I need to get you all a gps."
"That would be very helpful."
"Travis! Are you home?"
"Yeah mom it's me!"

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