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  Dantes pov

After Vylad helped me and Gene study I was talking to him in my room as he got his things.

"You're going to need to study a lot more if you dream on passing science Dante."
"How on Earth are you so smart?"
"No idea, but I don't know what I studied for because clearly I like em dumb."
"Are you mocking me?"
"I can lift you like feather."
"Oh you just wait."
"Yeah sure as hell you'll get on my level."
"Watch me."

I think he took that as a challenge before laughing a little.

I kissed my tiny boyfriends forehead as I handed him his bag.

"Are you going to be alright at your place?" I asked.
"I'll be fine. I'll come here if anything happens," He gave me a hug and a wave.
"See you Vylad."
"See you Dante."

  After he left I went down stairs. My parents were working late. Gene sat at the kitchen island.

"Hey Dante can you come here?" He sounded serious.
"Uh yeah whats up."
"Take a seat. I want to talk."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"You know what you're getting yourself into right?" He asked.
"With what?"
"With Vyald. You're young Dante and I would hate to see your heart broken again."
"Vyald different Gene. I can tell he'd fight for us to be together as much as I would."
"I know that, but he's a foster kid Dante. At any minute he could be sent half way across the city."
"How'd you know that?"
"I over heard you two talking about it."
"Oh well I don't care. If he has to move half way across the city I'd find a way to stay with him."
"But what if you couldn't."
"Then id wait."
"You really do care about him don't you?"
"Yes and the moment I'm old enough I'll make sure I can take him away from all the foster home crap."
"Why do you care so much about him?"
"Because I- because I love him Gene."
He smiled at me, "Then make sure you remember that."
"Wait was this entire thing just so you could get that out of me?"
"No that was so you'd remember this conversation if you ever fight so you'll remember that you care about him and would fight to stay together."
"You have odd ways gene."
"Yes I do."
"Now come on."
"Come on what?"
"We've got to watch weird movies and question our existence."
"Now I can show you that Mean girls is in the based off of books section."
"Sweetie tell me where I buy that."

Vyalds pov

"Ok but like, what do you think Laurnece and Garroth are doing right now?" I asked.
"I have no idea," Zane said.
"Do I really want to know?"
"I don't think so."
"Zane!" Mrs.Ivy called out.
"Oh what's every single bad thing I've done in that past month."
"Just go out there! I'll stand in the door way and listen in."

Zane went out. I peeked through the door. Zane was greeted by a tall man and a social worker. Oh me gawd he's being kidnapped.
Ok that's not what was happening I just had to listen in on the conversation.

"Zane I'd like you to meet someone."
"I assume the tall guy who I've never seen before in my life?"
"Well yes, Zane I'd like you to meet Garte Ro'meave."
"Ay we have the same last name," Zane said trying to act chill but was probably screeching like an eagle internally.
"Yes and there's a reason for that. Zane this is your father."
"No offense but my father was a dead beat, no way this well groomed proper mannered guy is him."
"Zane... It is me. I won't lie I was a dead beat. I got myself on my feet again though. I have a lovely wife now and we live in a nice neighbourhood. Ever since though I just could never stop thinking that I abandoned you my own son and now... You're here."
"You're messing with me."
"No. No I'm not."
"I shouldn't be getting emotional right now.... I never knew you..."
"Well I'm here now and I promise I won't ever abandon you again."
"Zane," The witch started, "Mr. Ro'meave is adopting you."

I felt my own jaw drop open. I saw aphmaus face look at me shocked.

We shut the door. We stayed silent until Zane came back in the room about 15 minutes later.

Zane's pov

My heart felt like it was racing after I learned the business looking man in front of me was my dad. I don't know him. I felt so emotional though- as if a part that I'd been so desperately searching to find was just placed in my hands.
My heart probably came out of my chest when the women said I was being adopted.
I broke down into tears at that moment. The people who stood in front of me assumed it was tears of happiness- I mean yes I was happy. But now I was leaving the others. They got me to calm down. The social worker and well my Dad then had to leave. I was leaving after exams.

When I walked through the door aphmau bursted into tears and ran into my arms.

"I don't want you to go!" She cried as ugly sobbed into Travis' sweater.
"I'm not leaving until after exams."
"That's too close! We had a plan, garroth was going to graduate and take us all away but now... You're ...... You're leaving."
"I don't want to leave either, but he's my father."
"Yeah and he left you," Vylad butted in.
"Well now he's back you guys have to at least be happy for me!"
"We are we are. We're just going to miss you," Vylad sighed looking up at me.
"How are we going to tell Garroth."
"Let's not tell him today. After all I don't want him to feel sad after a date with Laurence....."

So we waited. An hour passed and he came home. We all smiled. We went to sleep right after.

Give or take Garroth wasn't happy when he heard the news in the morning. Well he looked happy for me. But I could tell it hurt him. Probably because we have the same dad, but he only came for me. Granted I don't think he knew garroth ever existed. Or he did. I don't know.

"I'm so happy for you Zane, at least one of us is getting out of this hell hole," He smiled the light shining through the blinds on his face. That smile quickly turned to a frown though.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"I know I have no idea how I'm telling him but hopefully we're not moving far. I have the entire weekend to think about how to brake it to him."
"No, he's coming here today. That's why Laurnece took me on a date last night to one up him."
"Wait what!"
"So more like you have about two minutes and a date to figure it out."
"Holy moly."

I quickly stood up and got dressed. Vylad brushed my hair because he wanted to and then I waited for Travis to arrive.

I heard a knock on the window and opened it.

"Hey, I came to surprise you!"
"Aw thanks."
"Come on we're going out!"
"Yeah sure," I slid out the window. I acted chill. Calm. Relaxed. 100%

But my mind was just


"Hey is something on your mind Zane?"
"I don't think I want to be Zane anymore."

We were walking down the road, heading for the park.

"Let's make this easy and messy, I'm being adopted and I finally found my father. The end."
"That's wonderful Zane! I'm so happy for you! .... You don't look very happy though?"
"Because I'm not. I don't want to leave everyone. These people are my family."
"They still will be Zane. You'll see them during school and we can all hang out after too!"
"I'm just going to be replaced Travis. One goes out, another goes in. Can't wait to see the new member of the perfect four. Well I probably will be switching schools depending on where they live in the city."
"Hey don't talk like that, at the very least we have each other and I won't replace you just because it may be a little harder to talk with you."
"Now pipe up I took you out to make you happy not walk around with an angry teenager,."

The Foster Kid Notebook {A P.D.H AU)Where stories live. Discover now